OjRON O WEE Authorized as Second Class Mail, -7 ~r~r. R A Fo9rr e s ter 12>000 REPR2.-SENTING 90 L'ODGESI IN PARADE AT OSHAWA A wýiid ekiri of lighland pipes hiera1ded the arrivai at Alexandr-a Park, Oshawa, on Saturday afternoani, itf the three-mile long parade of 12,000 O range-men in the colorful me- gali*a af their order. It was the climax c>f a day of gaeity, clor and page- ani)try that has not beeni seen in Osýh- awa ia mare thani a decade. The par- ade, The iargest ever hiid by the or- ganizatian n l sawa, toak, 55 minutes tapas through the business sectioni. Thouiisanids of visitors poured littu the City 'ta witness the littering spjectacle of the Orange day celebra- tions, held ta commemaorate 'i.1% vic- tory of Kintg William the Thîrd'sI fýorc-es overý the Stuarts at the Boyne,ý Ma Ireiand in 1690. Anid noa mare stir- ring., perhaps, was the battie array cýf the mcen of Williami of Orange, whsesand aît Derry, Eni«skilin,l RKendal Field Day wiflIbe eld__ *KL Y TIMES'___4 Wednesday, Juiy 28th, coin zlnhg ____ ip.. Basebali qmte, RacePrZe Post Office Department, Ottawa. and Fish P'on .Ad IlsnSO Children Lunder A Fr(e C idr-en un1- Publisher. R C Forrester der 16, 25c. Barl Danicet 8:30 p.m.ý at Foster's TobiccoBa. Ruth Wi- Cookstove san's Orchestr-a. Adm ion ta dance furnliture. P] Aughrim nd Boyne secured for their 150 ents. b-ci forebears the righit to) practice the c il VE T Protestant faith, now being celebrated1 Next Sumn y, '111Y th, in the nlearly three centuries later. eening at 1:30 o'dlo . n OPEN AIR service ifiOrono ark. Theo rano Contrasting pleasaiV,ýly with the Bndwi el atte ne tai redr ýweather cof 1949 when the parade w-as special muie iand 1I d in the singing. New and ii last held la Osharwa, lit was a day of! 8-P and R1ydrai bright sunshine after a morning of Co G VENT tractor plow loudy grey skies. Over 400 peaple, Farmers We6 re Durba ,Coulityfirhel attended the miemarial service hald F.ederation of griculture ivine Ser- Carl Todd> vice*( will beh id at the Federaton at t'he Garden afUnogtn in Oshi-!Campate, Sunda Juiy 1 at 3 prn. _____ *aw's Memrial Park, ln the morn V.ing. R 'lA.E.La ke, Sp ingvilie, -il] officiate. M AÏbrol la(d will 1plY. As the time for the parade ap-f Directions: Ta e ited Cutes CEA proached, the city beame a rmot of Road due east fro rby or due west [colr. ý-eyWhre culdbe eenthefrorn llzabethvill nd follow sig-ns. colo. Eerywerecoul beseentheBoth stu orng c -lrsad sashes of tb ode. hoose frol People ini blue and white, 11ed 1and Mrs. Lue la Bostockw es te - an- d e aal v;hite, orange and blue thýroniged the noneteeggmetfhr1ds Leroy Hai, mnain streets mixing wvith thie muiti-f daughter, kosemary uella ta Mr,______ hu-ed uýniformrs of the ban)deme, andi Alfred Per Cochra . of Ste. Croix, the tartans of the pipe bands. Os h Nova Scoti -The- arriage ta take AR aw-,a's restaurants dld a raoàrin tradel lc t2:' N-ewcatleU ntedAu place1 o_ . NwcastleurdayAu and maýny were packed ta capacity. Church.ac A re Company h salesinen,b s traininig an Appi y e, ai1sa a !ew pieces/ f FOR SAfý .ised e uipmnent- Stadard mc Ileissel trail /dises, ;s, fie4 ibie ha-rrow ,1 scuf - barjro lI, wagons J>Pho e ak -20. d-26-p RPOLESF0R SALE i dy and i rter weights ta uýgood Iengths, severai lble, 2 each. Alta Phone Orono 1-ir-16 'Caniadia.n lf nu c D penings for Pa time pith townviard r i 'e assistance.J ' raI con- ox 3OI, rana )Weekly 9peni Thuriay TJ ne b24t t7:00 pn Sae abe heide er rsday even- Johnmson, Auctia 'Stew ' '"les Y ou Bucks On Car And Trucks I wilI ma4h or beat any deal Yo are xfferë on a new car or tru - allywhere BE ORE YOU BaÙY-, r We wvill be plea or crippied farmý disposai. Telep'hone 'Colleet - k up dead1 sanîtary Cobourgi 1266 or Toronto Emn. q-3636. If yau \sh yorDAD AM STOCK reffoved the faýste way, then c'Il fs colleet owmanville 267;9, We hiso buy WIV ORfSES. MARWIL URFAriM Professional Dire PHfysiciAýN and SU'r< 2,00, te 4.00 Ip." Sundaym and appoint] PHIONE 47r1 E. C. SYER.im. PHYSICIAN and SURGEONI Mlaint Street Southa Ofitce Hours: 2.00 to 4.00 P.M.» q8O t. 8.00 :pF4 guandas and Holidapâ bpr Appointmfflt PHONE 74 r 19 OP*Of DR. R. J. TAGGART Park Street OPPOSITE SAIGRINK PHONE 94 r- 16 010 Lawrenice C. Masa, B.A.- Barris,-te.r and Solicitor KOWJANVbLRONT. office 683 Home 558 JACK REID Orono's Licensed Insurance Service- Every celass of Insur- ance 1, represented in Auctioneer ami uonsnn mei anid dî Phone 5 - rl1 Maul f -- -- -- - Firestone Tires - Johnsoni Motqrs I NEWCASTLE - PHONE 38P. Open 24 hours a day CHICORY, T'hose bright hil youmayseeaiong 1 or in meadows aboli are probably Chicor are about theý size piece,atchdcloa w1se bare branch af leaves are a eu ground, the shape c) M. 1 ORONO, Ont. The RUTTE. ZINC .allteed ring 5 WA"oTSON'S GARAGEg 9 Gasolise, Oîls and Repairs hone 42rz11 Orono, Ontario wtn aa d-ei)p, been somietinr n~xdwithlc aiways atis An pvrhdi tures, andc aneofro tali,brn Chicary ila not often troublesom,,e la the regular crop rotation. If.ca'Del eimntdfrom mlong term paD.stures1 and)meadows b y plowý,vi-n g andrpp - ing for a yaror twa. aInwrbi f ields, or rasds it can be cçon- rate cf a P3 16ounes of 2--» acdd pv ei rp , n e. iïyhg ivps hest results1 ior¶nec le 84r ----------