41 PST lj Ise yeùungi wih was Èc deýates ýver ginlg In nye id meli herc? Ila re net te cdv - se fa fIus dis- fie',vo!r-J i s h. tehl Af, ij otaL fia,,tye he't le ete Weme. Wtn, mile auietl ni e-t tltn- *s fastes tels frot yote xout sheti! e rl- lie stilI clile ye seled e ourse thatay br-ing hiteý sec, anc da&, that you arecthe * moat desirable girl of il gaged te a raund bey,, and ho wants us ýta miarry nrigl aay I'vo known hlm fer throo, years; we lave echclialler deepl, and fui, But- "I've had ework for mipliv- g for ycars acM when at home I was neyer tauglit aQy- thig aouthousekeepirxg I ccnlf even Ceak! "I wvart te be the perfect if whepI deget nmarrjed, e' you hiliit weuld teie r 'î5vta wait' six moa-this, at least, s Pl'lhaeftccne 'ta lea ru and practic? WONDERING' -,, I or yurplan an *a fine boy in lovue can see ne in faluhis flancee, ndrush-es *her iutemiarriage bef are shb *is reaidy --- taking it fer grant- ed stie w:ll be a perýfect ome Smaiker iii evcry detail. * Mcan are erder-l'y f elk They, *like tteirnmeals on time( (alsd *satistýyin,delicieus mecals at thaf) and they want th1-eirý *home te te an eorderlyanre * laxng place. They seem t e thinlç a i fuahappens by semew * maic. eu ati Ikuowbet- Take these mentha and use *ttem wel¶.Make a game etf it *and let the yeung nmc watch * yu progre"'sa. f ouii e"un *if te. would learu aleng vvit are inhi-abitetiàý by an ingrrown *ulcer betoDre Ilth flst vear l 0< eut Yours 'wýill etbe Love is a gamre ofiheada as woll as hoarfS. Thegirl'ho 1uses bler ntiece2ami wtt stands a good wimf.4s. le time we onfutsion, asýk Annse Hrs sopinion. 'Atressa ber at Bx 1,123 igbt ehSenis0 antci for. em-ie e th ey have been raJitherfecf u wif these extra juches Nature has given tem-. Tteyae tire ief t aviugte sOlp wist therSfee ov,,ei the end oýf thcedu, et' bm itheir hea i udeer-1 was ntbeing able te get cehste fit tenigene- ally liig loked upen asifreA. Se ttey have realizet that in -iedr ebe ll ie t ical ivesteymut organise themi selves, Ttc e suPi s MUnich's Clubef iaus whct iredy is ot 20. Anyene eau juin, previdet te standis atleast six fect seven chima f fie laub tps u tic flilleat membrI i atuthe Thîs cîty ati-certam i bes ifs share et Lau peeple, butthe ýbin fIvwerd e vo r tai cou i lic BegianCe0g11 te2,th averg hîgfeth pepet andfl But Whct About Thi fisb fry staged by t i hyoui- veer fse cU sýe muet liclti ay l stt ntiidaastere c la tua yeâr? It juaf aensatrial, in paasiag treugi thec euntry whrvryeu leek0 1 tihýeeare ftiWs anti tiltiaotfhalti by But cpparenfiy tiere ta a ,reason for if. Aecertiiug ý)teu e farmr specialiat tay sheulti le balcd a lit fie ou-lithe ug icaie aniflic baies le4tteut lu ttc fielt fer a day or fwe for the hcy te cure- whîch ta juat tteoposýite frens 1wiet f armerawerctieng unien baling tir st liceame ppir Tien if was liuaicti as dr-y as po-), sýiblecutindturriet i infe flic barn liefore ift ati e chanice te g2i weCf If. tte hay gef weil cui adif unas mi.ore by accident thin gooti managemient -guriy-lrul jackt et elp 1te gef if in.eLsities thef un-lessa aiemer ht-di:-s ewc taler te 1tati te get hils hay onc whcncver tte tler coula ceme, This yeardi la ehit ediffrent There are se meuy fcliows dloing cunsteus iei-fiug fcyare ou fie run te gef toeccifarmer alcati He-ry lais finem îu ir ta ~ ~ ~ ~ s aui dtnie rfgee N4837 12:D bolere onor offacc odiguoseur i c whîrn! i Dres aseasor se wý, immg pince(sta ns Patter t isses' B, is 12 pieto e, laeted for fit Ha copeeIUstrate instrction :I'ph Workersar dworfed by this buige, frying popa od taorr for l'eo in CamoglAi, toly. The pani is 13 feet iln diameter ond bas a ,D 19- Foot bondie. About tbroe ton ocf fisb con hoe coakedi in the pn tarrn help but iitceaacrm there shoulti le su-ci a waste et geedi wire anti twi.neefrwrs Arer liïfrat year or twe termers ceulti Save the wîre anti sdi fer a cent a poucti.Nwyu can't eengîve ftaway Baffle et if can ble useti for fixiug feuces anti seaon but tha.sest la just a waste preduct mat uebed wants. twinle, alni tat ta almoaf stas grea&t a preblens .as flihwie.À certain ament et it can be rmatie use et buIt thepoprio i ery ana accibaleucenfa"ins 12 f 16 feet 0et fwine. IMulîtiply lIaij l a theutis lsand zIs Yeu hIave a lot ef twine. On muy ferma iurigtUn sprtnlg the twine is jusf gathcred uip antiP burut. And yct, tiuiag ttc tic u-sed te rake' threugý. heti straw te salvage binder twtnle for tyýiiag up his graintarterin eu new tine tcriamabail, Surýe- ly wine eastceult ho e.ue lu Somne way, perteps lu thc manuactueletrepe. Whicb ce- mintisnme ... Pertuerweti a halýteIrorpe fer a catflic ott er day Isteati ef tuying 01ee h get sevee egtha etf balcr fwiue and ôrîcd l'hem te- geter. It matie anu cxqelcnt li)ei te m , Ia keP a treideti mat Anoher watc ýpoclut. i ttic fine srnjtht a Suseti by flic varius toed-mixing lants for tatcig ie top et jute bg.Partuer alway-Jýs saves fl.Iic stLring until li is a far-sizcdi bal 1u4Isv wstIget wt 1ttc grecoerstI ticefendsatisl a flaf kuot ani use cstriifuife mnakiug crochetetidiséeloths, donc Uau Open mccI pattra -tar -chati, eetee.Tc eT hav evr buglth et nly that, ye elyhave emcthiug stoi te werk wifte eratien lias ifs protîcu th wastc produits.'ten tecrlyý,Ia se7terscearidttcrlauci thcey buue f in tree te ef rti. e tiens!Thiuk e ttcluraerar could etrs y fief tmber new! Ineietntrethe wrsySbout , une have fin 6Usglssbeti te de nifi.Aniet nifli aet-i.li li cnatht Aremçtoetiay yout eauhatiy fnt oe fatlis spais ruste ietes' -, t atng a drin eu te tc ic, or fo r i ehlru piOkig terre g ertofucvaluesC arnotîer en-e eatood coeu. or nsae there la Ctieory!lAt eu lie if waa regardei as, a tgly n uti tiv-et cil fer - ic- anthr-i n spray arc u ppotski] t1lPyare answansdaimes angi tee tcreat ctic r seaýIl ncrese tt btfat rcnte nt etytthe mt quý iker t Iri nyfhiug. Çew[a wiii eenilke aegotialtalfe foril iter fuliyTee orcinthati, tt dayrweuld erne ntesd t ieoryT "3-D" Roses Doilies do" lites! The aesla raisetiabaveflic apenl-wshlce- fer. Crochef roses la reti; ccam grc;couler, wif e r geon Crochet Pattera751: DiectIons fer, large t dily, 19lchs ail, SentiTETdPV ET iucis(nma antb e 123 iglileenfli Sft, Net Tarentoý ~NUMBE%, your NAME anti AD- braitiery, croclot,cerfrnfr antid nrleypatrst et prinîi t book. Seni 2'5 cents for your oepy totiay! Ideas for I-IS SSE fieý Tises Squivare roc eWho tic waiter-prscaftiflchcîck, aJv e dollîar 11 atitlt tnst kcc tc hange. 1Tc pug te wvaicr e bleck oye. On the aiewalk, flC figtte-- "A fluevRuetr itgy"t pug xplciacnt lelcjtg. 1 expeot te dine floe sagain - fief guy fer R aweer» h2iecx- plainid , "AntiunenIgo backï Ile tmerw i hven frouble ikc tn u- eau teuseti feraufiang for lite jackeý t cticusies. 11asi-, 1n,cr ei luseet, cen ic etat i rons fie seeda, aise wax, Wicf romains c e lcYseInforscAf f1 occknciAnti tien't tiîuk if ias'fbecdoue. ifua siens, Frnci Panti onsîeulan il Sit seme etus Lfoý ot acttatiý tarffi'snig. If igteven lie a itile poseent day farmtng. F R 1 J' ' CRUSADE Prom- secret baý,sson the cnl riont, te Crusade for Freedoj, i c au nchiýin g bocansi wbic sbower m'illions cf tiny pses som-e of wkibicb are sbown blw imb Czechoslovakio. Tbey ilts- soat the 10 demands being mode by captive pGeople uponl theý Co:mmlunist regJime. The post- - ers hae0 gunmmed baicking ond coni be pcsýted quiclyond unbsruivly in pr Pomineni plces. ef by the pezople. Security Police, Think of ycur ftrlProtect the,- Peo-ple tram ibe Regcime aýnd not teRgm frem bcteepe E-veryon-e votes (for the opposi- tion) in bbc wy h nosbet Mon at desk - 10 Demanda, in seheel soose a ns a Il ICyl unere lieîug tolti about ttc fer- rifle apeeti tif whî~h lighi Ira. yeN "Juat tiuîik et ligUt comuîg te us irons île sun et ail theat fieusanda et oxties a second !' cuttuseti ttc t 'ai h"r "1-'u't It w.-onduvf cli" "Nef vwy," pîpcd ou eue ssii voie.-' r.uom lb" lacIs et tht cNt "il'; d,;.v~1i lîl ail lite way, t- N