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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Jul 1954, p. 6

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Tl, ï. wC; 1-P guara- nds "bczg CAKE ke flour ýg püwder. Add sugar fluffy. owder sand edienits f3 creain- ait ernateiy wifh rntil smofth affer vifes untilsff i peaksý, Fold into u-to 2 well-greased pians. Eake lu ') oven about 2' (dry lu- ~Acttô FoId infavins SMft furand sait toeet a leasf 3 fimes. Carefully fold into egg yI Beaf egg wiesuf lfamy. Add cream (f arr.Bat ni sffeujough f0 ormpeaks, Foid ~pw"infoungreased a ic ahgal food pan, Bakea lu moderate (350') vn about 1 hour. Inverf sudlet col lu tii ýhepan about i hour. Frost Wih Seven-Minuf eIclng CHOCOLATE AýNGEL FOOD CAKE luc. ssïted cake gour /4c.eocoa 1'4 , gg hts(1 01 of farfar sugar fogether ,4 AIdd cre-am of tar- il s'fff e2loti5h tc ýugar into wifes, 'A* cup YI. Acld vanîilla. our mi xture inflowhe, poons at ta fime. baffer info tungreased 10- gel food Pan. Bake' in (375') ove:ýn i hour. gar pi. grafad orange rind, cream cheese and oag th sga gradually, ange riud; blend agaiin. -ie-Djog TownIS sudr i iapair one coy.. , As i ifile nearl The THE hotel and the it erect. The areo, office and apartr nd hwmon musýcle went ito acionri ee efly to deacr t4he way for the construction Ilwaiys new 20-stîorey hote in MontreaL The busy scenie above, Ieft, showt ,y roffir bridge atithe -Central Station 1site. At rIght is aLisketch cf what the. ýn 1,000 gueit rooms, \wil lo~k Lile when it îh compleed i 1957, Between t fii hratoïQ Building is a 28-storey officebidigwhlch the railway poposest. tedevelop throujgh private capital into a gnlficettshopping-,, theatre, iorger thon NwYork's Rockefeler Coer, jEver Smoke Moths Or Drink Beet1es? What lias three pairs 0f legs, does: liffle wakn;weaýrs a fur c-oaf, thoug i ifis'f wîiufer; has fwelveey, but cakn'f see f arth- er !han ifsnse lis fhe cabbage growý,er's rea- solor gloom -- the caferpillar. Daspife ifs beiug endowad wif h six infricaf e eyes aeither side of ifs head, the iusect can sce noô moere filan thaf, part of the cab- bage ]eaf if is chew-inig, nor fartil- erý than the fwig upon which if mnay be crawling; Ail Ms appears a blurrd andMisy background, Nouless asfoundug is Hemdis- coverv that. tMrain inseof car, 'Waddle W. Do Today?" -- Paced by her in se M et, 'Lili!beth" stops troffic on hér dc doesn't walit to couse Ony "qucck-up,' "Sc, tress carefy1lIy, and avolds fowI pÏay under . PLAIN HORSE The proposai cf fthe P-resideat 0ýf the Manitoba Farmers' Union, J. Schilz, "thaf the iM. ,F, U.sund file , Maniftoba Feder-af ion cof Agriculture and CooIafo nf Agriculture anil Cooperation shhamalgamate aind become Ole rganizatioti, giviis 'Up their praseuf name, eharacter or sÀct of încorporaf ion o)r aTIy other pres--ent idenitity and r'e- organIze under fheile na mie 'Unitedi Farinera cf iMaif oba,' miay well- open onle cf ile moOf im--portant - iapfers in ffil bis- ory c anada's farm moe ment. RlghtAprai lu, his lajetter of Jue 10th, 19.54, f0 Mm. ýJ, D. WeifO-n, Presi- de nr ,tt cf M .F .A C , M r,. S huiz s ay3 f te.r years zag,fil imaiority 4fýÏ farmers did nef kno ~1afWe- had a farm or- gai~inand dicirntf came. Tbi aoethleïriircurisify Lsud wake tenup a n.ew voua had to be sfnarfed. N1ýOw that tf. 1ePeconomic piujch is ýgetfing fighter sud fbey aeed help, they are beinning foý look arouid ksud fhey flnd fwp oficiggrouinýisfeadcif on'e sfrog morgaaHon fMai could really do somefhing or them." Mr, scilulzOffers amalgama- flou a ýs his "own personal ideýa" nefý comrinig officially fromr the MUC,Fand suays thaf the rigilt aýppro)ach ,would ba to submif if f0o the u-nembersip of both or- ganiàzafions cor decsion. The conditions and prînciples, as oýufllued by theMF..Pei dent provide for affiliation of théf naew organizafion wifh ,bofil, CaainFedterafion of Agricýul- Unrion Cucl To ýkeep fthe eig f the or- ganizafioýn af the gasof lansd give therauk ,ýýnd file 0f nthe mý1 embers the opporfunity f0 fake part lunfthe makiug cf policies. Mis Schulz upholds the unin ricilethaf fieor- -led to alutalu eat al! finies lca oganized gr7oups filmougil wh, phprodcers Ymay joïn file orgnizflos, hicdi shaU meet ~perodlc iu àe iscuOýsa geeral agrii.iiuralprobemo or ile î) VON flLIA i pionsic a" ed ïn con HOW marny mùths or di mYany of us the insecfs frieuds or f Ba'stinr, xve.a cihants and finding if hi pillar cYf the, frein cigars larly, the inml ýien i s to sud when1- sef apree inees, ever bas been ffte frry 14L will b myers f0 wý the Canadian Federafion cfA- riculture thaf 4"deegates etfe f0 vote ïat ithe annual meeting areý the mebers ,if the Board of Dirctos," houldi be dlone aw7ayý Mosfencuralugis the pro- posed name of "United Farniers of antaYTranslafed f01n- tario if i-_ght imean thereia 0f the o1Ô fighing pirlt of U_'FO. Tis coumuwelcomes cii cism, .consructive or dsrcie anid sgesi ns wseOr oher-. wiïse. IfTillendeavou-r f0 an- swer il qu-estionis. Addres mnafil fo Bo3(b VonPs, Whithy,, Ont. OPTIISTAND PESSIMIST AhgupGermflan goveimmsenf- officiai wae sked the other day f0 explain týhe differenjce betwveen, an cpi iand &a pessimisf in bis "Th opimif,"said tlie Ger- man,' The pessimisfis ý lering Russian. I' aýs simple as ta Which emindaus ceftbtfleai Redskn wh was asked for hiis comments onthe ýýpreseni t sta filewor~d.They ra: Bg trobl i, al atons amcke peae ppe ut oboy nae" ,v tobacco mer- ufacturens ae keep file ester- ~c-motliwa ciler-oots. îi o f coffee ber- edby a coîn- *presence doas aW'ltv or arome.1 me"wites theauo, buyiug old cOffee eue la Io purcilase alsO -a quauflfty h ftheeleveii-Yç,SX t aefctiviy, lu ad- aily variation tilat e Somnefhiug f0 de asnd s tg Pe Ifwàss ffar the race aud file owuner -was giviug file jockey a% "A fiue jockey you are," A said.1 tufôd you distiucfly fo cone w,)ý\ay wifil a rush at file tom. Wiy didn' you Wel"retorfed the ridler rue- ful, i idn't seexu quita sport- iug fa leave fthe horse beilind. of grouud-u.p beetles lnto fthe bargain An r xi emel eutert aliug Handa, -Honda, Hands - They're only ceramic, bot fthey focrmaa ciutching frame aibout the portrait of Mrs, Fred Richcrdson", Maý,king detailed repliccis of her friends' orid relativ es' bondJs i cnly orna phase cf her cercic hobby, The hadure fiesh-tione-d cind per-fe-- c tahe tiniest ca Shepherd Boy Gave Magnet ts KNae Greeoeday a shlepherd boCy îof Crete, tnighis flock- rlu he hills, oudhimseif held toth morje than the usuai ore f grvt.Fie discovered Ithat the iro nals u Is shes and the irn tip of bis sh-ephurçFsstf jereben attracted by a pecuil- la mssl the ýground. To hlm the mas ooked lik-e rock. The_ la',aaîe wasMans and so iflyc creaotby association with th-is stoIry that the kind of '"r-ck" he nioficed was gLivei a f orm 0f bis narwe, mgettanýd any salpiece of it w11as called a mangnlet Mgnscould flot know, as weý-, do, tOday3 thatth rck he had chanced upon wvaS really a, spec;il in1d 0f, iron ore, whichi haite property of attracfing other ironj. to if -- the profperty Mosfofas a- ar ailiar -with t1le litlorseshoe-shaped mag- nefs thaf wvil pic up 'Iron fiings Or niails, Even as f ar back as the s;ixt cenitury B.C., Thales, the Green philosopher, kliew that maneieclled a 1lodestlon-e in aniet imswould attracýt pieces of iron. Probably the rmost imporfanf and one 0f thefrs practica!i uses of magnetie trou wvas the compass needie. The, Chinese are said to have dIiscov- e-red if aýs long Ago aýS twently.-five ceufturies. Anyhovv, if is certain thaï, the compass nieedie was ,nrnin very earJytme n in w-idely separafed countirles. Early makers oif compIassesý rýeaiized nof only that the needle points f0 the norfh (11) the Nrh ern Hmshr)buit that it dip,% and thle dip increases as o)ne goeeý farther north. Williamn Gilbert (15401603, n Eglish physiciali, suggested a reasonî for this be- havior, that the whloie earth lar jtefa magnet, This fheorýy, hoeer ad to bc: discarded ;NS f00 impl.t ddnot, for on* fhinig, a ccOurit Vfor cetIîilght variations ln flrectit)fl f0 whichl 0,hc ompaý.ssneedie points. Thbe real answer fW the nmysterloue keh.-avior, of the mnagnetic needfie tees f lie in! the fact that fth* neeca-atIe seem w

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