il otOffie-e Department, ta. publilher. R C Forrester With the anneunicemient two wveeks ago that the Midland Reg'- >ment ýwas te amalgazuate with the Ontario Regiment ny pes- have become acquainted wt a history of the Midlands that dates back prior to 1812. With the amalgamation Durhiam County flot only los,,es its sole defence unit but ilso a unit which bas taken part in the military field of Canada throughout the ages. The Mlidiands wereý Aparft of the Couinty and a chapter in its history. No doubit the reason for aiialga inig the two units is a Souind in s chang-es are often nieces.aary during the 1dvancerment of time. The country, it is understood, is todav lacking 'in new recruits in the amiry iand such amalgamiation will no doubt tend to eut downi on the mnmber of trai'ned mien connected with any Unit. In the local case few members of the Midlands, it is believed, Nvill connect themnselves with the Ontario Reg-iment and amalgamation of the two Units is liot lieyto strengthen the enrolment of theOnaos The Midland Reg-im-ent acted in the last war as a recruiting ýentre for this_ area, through whv1ich over six thousand mnen entered. A local regiment builds Up a miore kindred spirit with a greater lo- a1ty and meaning for every iman who may pass throuigh its ranks. In the outbreak, of war the Midlands, with close to one hundred Pnd fifty trained men would formi the nucleous for a unit wVhîch. ecud be put inito shape with little notice. This would also be true of£ the Ontario Regiinent but witb amalgamiation this vast area bas only onre nucleous inistead of twe. It wovu'ld appear that the greater u- ber of units would give a greater and more effective striking power ;n the case of an- emergen1cyý The efftect of this mv may not be felt onfly locally but could affect to somje extent the national militýary power of Canada. Locally it -Is the loss of a gloriaus and historie unit which is part of the CutyNationally it could mni-<,i the loss oïf a striking force -in thie tiinie cf noed. IJNEMPLOYMENT ý- THE REASON'WHY Speaking1 straig-ht frnrn the shoulder ini a i'ecent editorial. tChe Moýntreal Gazette amphasized that unempicyment bas cone about because the workers of other countries are doing the work that Can- adiýans have beep doing, or might be doing, And they have taken over because they are able to produce at a more competitive rate adprice. The Gazette editorial said that no cure cou-ld be affected by having Canada's workers "go slow" ini order to "spre<ad the Mork thn.Any tendency in this direction can lead to further unemploy- nment, as the cost of production would go stili higher, and further ad,(va-ntages wiould be given te Canada's coinpetitors. The nieed la for goods with more attractive price tags. This mneans more goods pro- dluced at less expense. The relief of unemp-l)oymienit and prevention of its growvth 15 net ranagemnent's responsibility alone, states The Gazette; JItl labor's responsibility toc. Se long as wage andother demiands are inisisted upon, without regard to the economnic consequences, more Wor7kers are bouand to find thenselves without Jobs, For it can only mie2inthat more gooda and services will cesse to ceoiupete and4mn unsold. The difficult times thiat mnay be ahead are timies for, a new sense of co-opçration betwveen management ard labor. Both are Con- cerned with the problem of selling. Goods or services that cannot zbe sld will not pay anybody's wages or any-dys ivdeds ~' Manageuent and la-bor are not concerrted only with each other >. zl Bo niust be concernedj, ost of ail, with the buyer. The buyer is the rUeal employer. And nobody cýan compel the buyer te pay a higher pr-ice for goods or services than he is willing or able to pay. NEW MAF 0,ne noverkns when oee wi1l want ic- make a rnap, eiher tbreughi necesSityr or simply, an impelling de-ý ,sire te create. How frequentlyar these words heard, "Seme weekend, som o yenmust drive eut te see Our niew place, Delly Acres. Yen tumn east frein the highwvy a mile nortb of atpwand - bore, P'E draw you a rougb sketch." Now, it must be ad- mtý,d thai ibis rough sketch would be entirely useless te an artillerynan,. With this tbought in rximd, and with note pad and pioncii plus an owi1ishý look of inteligence wbich completely cocele cm detiity, we descendedl uipon- the Surveys Branch te find oýut1 hew the Officiai Road Map is coin- piled, We arrived opportuneyNei yecar the Road Map is geing te-e if feront, 0f course al the old charac-1 tors will be ia it, Ottaw%.a, Lake On- tarie thie Magýnetawan> River and soe1 forth, ail these old, fainiliar naines wve have cerne te knôw and love se well- through many editions, will be pro- sont. Even that peennial vii ,Un- dem Censtruction, wil make«bi nst prnce ft, prevzntng, eas usu,-, course cf irue love betweep Parry *Sound and Sudbury frein runining sinootbly. But the background againsi 1wbich fhese persons m-ove will, be changed.; the formai, new. The Map -for 1955 will be easier to read, more convenienite ohandi'e. The average mnoterist, we imagine, finds the prosent rnap more thani adoquate. To the personnel cf tbe On- tarie Deparnitert of Higbways, how- evor, theroe au be but,- one goal--per- fection. Ever truc te their motte "Meior, melior, meliopr, eptlimus" these c.ivil aneborites are self lessly dedicato-d te the service cf hinianity and Ontario's drivers. Wih :nec theught cf rewxamd or ecgnltÏ-in whbatevor save only iheir monthiy pay choques, theso ceusecratod seuls pur- suLe their, indifferent te sunmmor's bIast or wintor's chili; throngh fire and famnine, main, sleet or raiging blizzard, conehighwater or -- Oh, ~you take itfrein ubore. Sucb fulsome praisecf our Departinent bas us me- duced te blushýiiing cnfnsion, ht is Se; uuexpecied. MUost people tbink cf us, if tbey ceusider us ai ail, in titoms c)f "Dem -buins!" forgetting we're 500 Clarke Ghurc 1W.A. Anniver aryi Service will be eld on Suinda-, Jtily' 215th ait 7:;X) pji. Rev. M. F'labeir wilI be the pr4acher. SI) ýmusie. Bazaar oand ocm ,îwill e- held at Clarke Chureb Wednes y lleveningr, Juy28th a't :00 ponred b Élhe W.A. Go 1progr m a 'nd ltluc.i Admision 25 nias a 15 centsauc CAIID 0F TIIANKS 1 wish to take ibis opportunity to thank mny friends and iieighbours and Orono 1.O.O.F. Lodg-e No.,1436 for acts cf kiîidness dur-ing miy iecent stay in the Bowmanvîile ITospitaï. a-p IJack Bairstow, j DIED IPENWAT ENý-At the/ late rosi- dec.O neion Mon yJuylv th?, 1954, isIsle eJane enýwarden, be- Ioved 1 e cf the ï(te Charies Pen- I 89 ar' lS. Reste( at ti H. Barlow Funeral JHomne, Oro , Ont., for service Wed- J nesday, juiy 21st at 2:30 1n Inter- jment orono Cemietery. miles frein Brooklyn. fThe first step i ki, ga apis to take à Survey. Yout do this by sqiAuintmngthrougb a telescope meon- ted horizontýalljy on a tripod and -wsv- ing yeur arms violinîiy at a chap wljo Ws holdiyig perlpendicuhar1y a stick. IHaving finally got the latter inan phiotogenic Position you r-ealize you have found out semoething, so yeou enter noted in a bock. These obs'er-. vations tog-ethor with an understand- ing of longitude and latitude enable you te meproduce, on papor a facsimiie ani-l g-îven abit cf terrain te scale.1 For istance, Teyrto lies approxi-, mately on the foriy-third parallel. At thîs., point on the ear-th'a, surface the (distance between one parallel and the nextL is 48,995 miles. At leasi, that figure is sufficiently accumate for our Present discussion. Reduce it pro- poýrtionatefy te one mnile ai-d you -have the scale as ýit aýppears on the Officiail Road Map h s as simple as that. Yet people gel. foru4oin~g ith. 4 ',_ Onceý an original survey is doine, it's done. Yeu can correct frei aeriâl surey , tyou 4don't have te gol ncrking about thrýugh âwais aily- ),)e.ii on the Departmient's base nmap permartnt features sncb as rivers,. lakes aid shore inoi are por- mnanentiy draýwnr. Ail other details wýhich are shown are attached te the base map with "stick on". This is a sert Lc01scotch! tape with the variouïs designs which appear on ih*é map printed on one surface. The sticky part is protected by a cevering. ýA. Section Lcf printed niatter is cut eut, the proiectiing covering stripped away and the section, perbaps minute, past- ed' te the base mnap. This is tedio)us work for the resuit miust be accurate; but ultiniately ià is worth the effort, When stnck. on stick on becomnes ob- solete it, can be iemoved and corrected with more stick on stuck on, JEight styles aýe prin-ted On the stick oni, different styles being used te distinguisb different features,. Niue sizes cf type are employed, six being usod to distinguish municipalfiies ac- cording te uheir populations. At o)ne timne it was sSugg-eSted thai Groater Toronto wîth uis million plus popu-ý lation be distinguished by the largosi tuis proposai was that it woudaos type cf al. The argument againsti dhe jeaieusy cf othor claies and inducel thoin te porcine innuendees. In e-1 buttai it was averred that wiih Tror- ente in hutgo type people would knewl wbai pari cf the Province te atvoid Uuflimaieiy the proposition was vet)ed and Toro,,nto cnt dewn te size. Wben the base map is compled fi is phiotegraphed. The repreductions are cut intQ eighteen sections and the appropriate section sent toeiech Divi- sion Engineer te be cbecke, Tusi donie, the mrap is ready forprs.A the map appears in four coural but a singie celeur are "epaqniedi et" in each cf four instances. Thus four separate operations are requirod te produce the finished mnap Thisý process is called "eitrte"and cals for great precisien aF each co'- o)ur must fali ex-actly into its ap- pointed place. We lhave alil seen a characier in a coleured comic hs comlexonis spread over landscape insteâd cf ber face. That was the re-1 suit cf sleppy registratien. . When the map la cempletod thîere1 romains oni1Y te send yen a copy, Ini tin0eocf need yeu wiil reach ie youmi giove cempartiment feýr fi. Thon e-1 member ihat you left it on the buffet.; The Officiai Ontario RoadMa'an the Officiai Roadside Park Bulle-tiný cf Oniarie, <nls or French); both! for 1954, miay be had withont charge ',,y wriiing te the Public RelIations Branch, Departinent cf Iligbway8,1 Parliamient Buý-ildings, Toronto, Ont, Durhani Coif ipen) Thursday,ý Sales te be held ing during th~ Johnson, Auclj STI L MISSING Onie Brown cat tili m information would be '.6 Oronoe. Peward on retn. STRAY-ED On to Lot 22, Con). 6. Clarke Tfownl- 8hiP, one Steer. Ownier may by proving property and paying ex-ý penses. Phone58r3 Orono. a-c Aniy kind od. work by ong boy 18 y e ar s.of age. Ph onýie4-1, Orono. AUCTION SALE Auction sa2«fZ orses, shorthoru, jatt1e, baby ef, Case tractor, fr Impleints, ýlgrain and hou >éold fuarnýtur«4tiieproperty ofswd Wragg, 21/2iies north of/Newton- yille- and 3l,'4ile east A Crooked! Creek on T uirsday, Ju 29th. at 1 p.m-. No r2ser-e as faYn is sold. TermS cash. Murra C. î'oble, Auctioneer. ORON< j AIR Co PL ýSt FI jR.E. Pho ) TINSIIOF ET METAL WORK Aithrind af3 Second Clans Po.omkr. IR AForrester IOrsno YeJy Tinmes PHONE !9r1 ORON 1i'l liamiltons IRsurance Service Ev7,ery ClaSS Of Insur- ance iË, represented in our office. The llw ing are some of the main 1coverages 'we cati offer: it Automobile-, Life, Accident and Sickness, plate Glass, Liability, Fîre, Burglary, Hospftalization, Livestock-, Boilier, Wind, Polio, H lait, Fîdelity Bonds, etc ORONO or erippled zarm animiais for sanitit dîsposai. Telephiane Collect Ceboti 1266 or ToroDto Emi. 846M6. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED If yen W,Àish your DEAD FAR] STOCK removed the fastest wai thien eaul us calleet -- Bo'wmanivil 2679. We aise buy LIVE HORSE, MIARGWILL FUR FARM TYR&NE, ONT. ORONO DR. R. J. TAGGAkT VRTERINARY SU'RGEON Park Street OPPOSITE SÇATING RINK PHONE 94 r, 14 LEGAL Lawrence C. Mas Barrister and Se Remo SU JACK REID Oréiio's Licensed Auctioneer and Vmiuate Specialize ln Warm and Furniture SaLes Consult me for tenus and dates Phone 5 r 18 - 0,o- Auctioneer CondUcta AucUenf and at roua( with or se., roue, fe EIR16 )ANS REAL F. E.LYCETT ORONO, Ont. . Phone m3rw14 The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Diai 3216 *- p ' )' 58l 2 Port Hoe,. Onta EnLyravinez G STAFFORD You 41 VIU," Free fo cb E. C. SI PHYiSICIAN Main St Office 2.00 te 4.00 p.m. Sundays anq Appa PHONE 74 r 1 A LET's KETEM IDLANDS Notice ToCltlydro Uies Power Ifter ptlon Thiere will be Power eutof f f rom 5:-00 a.m. uantil 6:00 an. Sund 'y mornip g Ju,y 25th. This affects b th Oro eo and Rural Consumers ROOHYDRO E. Dent, Manager