Armstrong S1 Heavy Hittl New Trend In Poulhry Hil id towards larger pens been given ion. Wider osting area t of floo-r birds. Ele.- oards vrake able to the the roosts ders. Some cd eggs anu ia', Indiar sinrnly tne impi of the INMilk produced by HfoIsteins was, bel Lunch of ice creamn, soft drink-- and waid, suited for human diet and thia 1cake was servedl. Orono Women'9s Institute Travels To Peterborough mneeting of Orono Woiein,ý, aýjs for ý,evefrai years taken f a picnc andmany beauty bee vsitd.On Friday, thýe Inistitut,ýe went by Gar- Peterborolugh. - Many beau11ty evisited and explained by M. Supper beide the river beautiful and the sunset h at beautiful spot will long bered. A trip. i.1Au-utl tisi in l ýygeolu. many of the members gathered oni WVedneOsday last at the home of thel prsdetlrs. F. Bow-en, and quiltedi two beautifull quilts for Mrs, hri ard pr onidhe with a Bible, suit-1 ably engrave&. She replied in xwelli chosen words of thanks and appre-1 jctOxl The beau-iItifuli supper was served by M. Sherin at her insistance andý was inidoed a tribute to her cýuinay The Inistitute joiw ers ini -wishiig bher anc Ihauniness and ucs lrono Tie The Orono-Newcastle semi-finals ina Girl's Softball WÎII be dJecided this Friday night in Newcastle when these two teama mneet to deeji-e the winner of this s;erieS. prior jo iast »i.ghts gaine Orono lead 2 to 1 and if thîiy had of taken) Newcastle last niglit would have been the series winner. gave Newcastle the gaine on a 10 to Hlowever, too maniy errors by Oroano 3 count. The winner on Friday -night wil ieet the Newtonvjfle girls for the ch4miýpioniship of the league. N~wonvllein their series wfth Co'ýurtice driop)pedl the first gaie but came back to take the next threeI. During the regular s'YieduI,ïe New- tonville ,von onl ne gaine but' are nIow shoýwing up in fine forir. On Moiday evening the Or6xno Giris Softball Team took th elead over Newcastle in the semii-finals b,, taking, the third gaine by àa wide in-ar- gni. The standing ln the series after Monda's eam fund O0ronon 1a1iimoe ing when Ne from Orono the series at three iinnings ters went to the fourth di( four runts. D. a homeri in th ton. In, the were scored1 and J. Ranst Twvo more co the seventh. nings in trie uns in1 'Mondlays gainý cals ride hom e ýv adstle's 3. Joan inoind throu-ghout, Oronlo ga vvin whI J.0 to 5. pulsh of three rur a triplea Keith W( 01r91o0wi Newcastl aid he y theIV Spreseil 1* of roc