thàutieýs a'1't1se hest man i A, He looks Matter tie jig groom-i, generally driving hlm t the firc. e takes care eDt h ring, givinig it ta the biere aft the cproper imomuent iin teï Ce hie lep, and takes care oi any lips icientl ai ehe geing away. being af couri.seremued y the rideroomat a cnein time Ql. 1£Ià aul rîght ta hip tis water or waitess by the week, instead o r""aIcvry mea,vwhen on1s sain 't iotel for s' e eral weeks? A. Yes; thes is ote onw c, and Q.Hwshould ashregas A.Th bse e te0ow shudbe rheld wvith Lthe tne and net with te whole hand' Q. Is it good to(e'nsïi tip on& Coffee lraIwith the spoon i ar dqer ta ftsistmeau? A, Yes; this, is far better hanD burning the mnouth. or perhapia sputteng eut dhe Iiqud But Wa left ite the sau1_ce'r andthere- mainder cfthecofe!-ipeïhe the cup. Q.s Is l rprtaoseal 1er ithoneword, sncb h , "S4>ï ýeËely," "Cordk-ially," "epct Q. lU 1h esdereâ guood mi ïor a famil-Y to insert "please omi flowvers' lu a amuelerai otce A.Certaînrly, if tht is th f amily'sdes. TAe reg u es t shudbe rspcîdan Uc i tive net questioned. Q. S'hould a 'Young prsnoï- fer a Ihand whlen beiug introducedÏ t» an elderiy womiant? A. Onily if thCe elderly ema offers her hiand tiraI. Q. la h correct la have onûe'a tcelpisote nanber ipnve o A.No; the telIephone --,numbýteer shul iever appear;ý on one's pr sSialsatoey f'),IUf ee laoffered a eý igareUef% aeq prefers ta -moke aise'! ýeWS brand, lais t rude ta rfuse lb. ;h«ý prof erred cgrte Cut to Fit! ' 4523 4'1 Î, 4 J4*