SCRA 0F APEREANT THE AL0WSr lobisonwathedthe corista.ble >rpe is u"n -wÎ'iling ch arge 1rubthe entrance ofRohs .er Row police ato.Rbsn rVas an insolent bUs,,e -ag ent oc f waiingrfo r cl ints who ocw e emptied lis pockts o o heceap p ine d'e 'sk:four Éw ickýets , a unh f ys l7iv. pennies. Th-atwa il me-d the ent overdue , ai d a Teoff'ice could ake ar a Waer went out it the sunlit wtret. The year was 19217, John Robinson was fltmeely Loknand ii, aytata~ cpeled1teworen.I îwas dý-oinr-g hbershoq-pping, Robi- ios nmet a pretty, drpups ougworman. Hle ad charm," a certain grace, superfîcil, it is' rue, but of Ztb !cjhowy k wihwomen fai fr. Hie ,ma<cceit secirnpefc respectable foi this chance-met fteqaintnce aiak wth hm ndpresently, wen 'herinvïited( lier te n-speet biS pacDt bs Oess, she had ne feeling ofydan ger. ncwothn, taesaitàudeoM familar n, wbe res ne Som-etimes, in the paî, in iiarCircuLiSian ceS, a cle-utihad setledthematerfor, John fRe- % ison, But on tAis partieusar we7nt wron,-g. A violent lwoman,, withte Letreasons in the wo -'ofr seifdefnce leas aw'kwvard to eoewitb as afsflof neffles. Anangrywmawhtraen tscream the ibou,.se d nandj I tat ouse opposite a busy police station, become ie in- Knockig bis vocti dow,,n witbj' a bard punch, Riobinson(,, pinned ber- arms lith une strong kand whil.e be reached for birs carcuýshion-. Very soorn the voln move- nte ocs f the woan eakenepd: adpresently she waS stflL Jon obiinsow rem-oved th cusio fom býer face, HF had gon $ce far; been too thoraugb. ÏîHa got slowly to bis feet a'nd ~ etlike aFidrugged nman ita- 'Wards the windOw7. BelOw, a cdnjstable ,stoodat tepolice station edoorway. un lgbt floodod the street, Boys went lwbistling onthi way, Johnir Robinîson went ot ok ing the Office door bebind hlm, Nie had te tbink. fie had kilioda wamn nd be had left ber bodly locked in bi iteoffice, the win o f whc ooked ceu2t toard th Next day he weV(nt bçktoui oic.The long watchee 0f a ýeelose night 1bad poue plan oýf action,fi odge eut of this mess, ans de su quite Te -plan wasne.tihernenor, was ta iinme tebody, pack ii-,n a tuk n depoit the frunk in te eft Iuggaýge offie at ýVicto)riiaSta- Bofoe rtur i ta is offic"e bewent tQ Brixton,. bercbe may be lad found rh iMs v;c- t4im'a bandbag, Next, be bougbt ailageknf ai'jd!a&large quantity 0f btnn e>tme-TCown B oy-ATrnt driver who 1 'n;s ihuthn îrwso is C,.E tck Cr papororC complîshed, tobered o de trunk syred, oro iowntutnttesre. n ey, o!"he acosted0 a eody ý loking -ma, "wnttaeanf bob?" off-ieglacing romtnk1 Oposý ýito .scrbboAth tca Joh RoinsnReýseligrlee woaotreless, haled nto tinyrd.oiso dpy« "An tat' ta!" he no doubt naineoundbi ehcotutofthe ti-c2 anddo tBoka cucedth iutr i Tncago he lef t-luggagoEe o "O. e dîddid e, Yui.eir- îruemer 'iof efaBoomn 'eav trnka'eidw AsielaeadM0r thes poicecwre called in. The truk ha be great nptor of polie nvsti gatiron b pegncteunton Lunry ark lîvied tthe iett hsof he. Sie. Sho wn-as ý a mar- waanledig hehaf -old Wehen Rbinson bad pe Zackd tFPenhatcn e o2bad abse-ied lleft itb 01eremains, isvc tim edcMothe Tat leth bor th naie fea hel - tuýB E sbote ndbot e M's f e w n ploe, asadsfecond Wc hha sie-leftlggg ?ffc11 tn man, wbo a leftisthe trnd 50o di ais > w l ut dffcu.o ! siLC c Sa Jhn Rohinsen as rough murer f ssie ana b smotbeing b-e wr.ig Thew, for a nantdismembori atsc dea omano',t-e ne en berus atin milthvf- h woas temarSing macci Thatcsi, ojput eyrifyws Robîson' efence. have hdiniedte oan1 is onofie.the bad adt, ak bad srestirdtbm. Shonedtbe flewat ilm, adinei-dfec h haestrekber, Sxpeba mg c andgetyupeb a blef h ofc adhd e Rses r ed-Qee lzaehSamrýples the frgqrnce of a caratonaithe RajyaiArîuua Society flowevý-r so i F c rGre at Paîr k, Fune; frgChu c n ustî The bosuSho faLndha tingfi ijnvesiypeaserat Sidcup, andsun-wï Ment, ishopiîîg for a se1u1-nrn'y dayrnow pi bav ,, he mare Dr. 'H- H- - ger iaý. wod iUejoy tree bot baths Maeybe yu ai- easy washing 'Up xit Cot i sunehine in( but water. The Ma-ssaý Atthn sde of is bouse a Tecbnotogy solr ater býeater tr-ap tvefibflaýtpl wamhof thesu in a mesb ci ciùded in glas tues an ebots f2 îfteen Paseed intý gallns ofater ta 160 degrees is thon dis, Fahrenheit-- or 71 degrees Cen- tors that h Qtigrade1 in an obs Saine e tghbours thi iust on the out an amusing novelty. B u t he rays af the t'rth s that Dr,. Heywo d's mlirror5 t0a, sunny home help points taeai concentr, newv era i the ueod use anty motalj of salar enrgy.' thori mn Notl ong ago a Uited Staes tais knaw.i sciontist stopped eutside biis docir biîgh as 9,00 Mndperformred a-nc of tho rouitine h ave bDeen hot-weather tricks af Pk'w Yark A~ Spanisl by frying an egg on the pave- Moloo, we montIde cxpiained ta stu;dents of a new -à that. ifh pavement ha.d beîn ïin Soviet RB insuaed on the undebsde te rer installat prevent Escape ef beat into tho He drearn gont1-1e egge - would bave alar energy Ukde4a mntetofaster. Wi twe gians ofS gla s ltes and a film of wator.partiMuPry fti-lap the- sun'7s hem., insteaýd 0-f tiut'al area a Pavng Seb e teogg1s coul-d tram SovurCý have been boïiled. Todayth, At Moint ilson Observatoryiiong-disCai aifritheasrn er have, te Tasbkent -1 solar cealsoPr. Mirrors of spe.- ry, Sunlpc c!ial cul nddeSign caencentrate al the hea th'esn' raye on beating e - sary at thb monts in a ýway that Ltho ment (canne, eclentists can, bako bo o cook plante-. Anc thinelesa chicken dinner. A iený is in t.î malbattery keeps 1the trap- ing worksa m-oscenstanti l oeusod o (n t-aho usedi the sun -lijco a burning glass. and leathex Clo--udeseolinos cboff the suippl1y like tho click of a ,switjch.j Butfthe coakng goos on, For il bas eanime eenheatied tby hesunr andi stoed irn an in- ulated tArk, giving enaugh beatf in india reconty, a salar cou.-p orwsdenmonîstrated ut the home of Prio inîster Nebr-(u, &and cbeap wmass-produced modes are proise wihina few iote Eprsof the 1inian Physice- Labertory ave even Lused Sun- cýhi-ne te runro f igera tors in ale blck ofr' t a o ob Trp ing te sunlight 'o-n f rofpahquid l bues whc runs the 'frig, A mubsolar eorypours a ontoeartb, in an bu as 1he finit and- olput af 21,000 million tans of cWal ens een coudyBrtn cncuton anaeae1,500 cetryBC. erectod b uge mr res t Sraýcuse te set aFoig ng Roman navy aflamnet ie The diWhcutis af trapn without grat capltal exponse, th ieficenyofistnmi-- rrre (2 ndmode 0f stora-ge we alwas prplxt prbleme. Yet today sunehbio is coaling a cinE- mra in Tangier, supplying water1 IT MAY BE YOIUR LIVER 'I Us à p' fot wUlmth laiving ý-î b & ý a thmyy b . y o urPl , ' P Èca bu~~ 5tk pt w mltn t e ',z&oket1wi.iefetl o fîowin freel -- - -- - -