rono Pasàtoral Charge Reverenýd John Kitehlenl milister SUNDAY, AUGUST 1, 1454 ORONO S Service at 11l 'clock P.r*îcb(r: 1ev. ~A. W. Lov4lheed B KIRBY Sunday School at 10 oj'clockel No Service team of bind go]i two of the thireý Batting Average to July 22, inclusive ai. the first Intel Clam) pionlships ih D. West. ................... ........ 5491 and one of, theil Raye West .......--.........437 galley-,by aliio% Armnstriwng................ 4231 one, Mercer .......... 4201 It was Joe L; K. West.................. 311 Mass., whe oj Mc!Kay ------................85eiiliatic of thq vidual Bind Golf Ron West..........---..... .....28-51insodo uan Shetir..................268 ngithe 21.5-; MUabee ...-..--.--------------- Cornish ........................... W lhiamis - ------- - Lunn - ----- Lycett.......------................. Pr"'LUMIBINO Warm Air and Mot Water HIE ATING EAVESTROUGHING ESTIMATES WITHOIJT OBLIGATIONS GORDON COTTER Phone 64 r 7 Oronol, ont. r (Continued fromn page rings contaîning fat and fi frosting fr-eeze particularl Baked cakes should be thaweà orviiu wappirigs te piev formýation of inoisture on tlli numuner eg scoring a )ioniship, FI an ace Shole in o d spectat, the putt for a brdrue on the duuucult par thr-eeboîte. Lazaro's score of 220 for 36 holes was the best' carded nin ,two days of spirited competition betwen evn mani teamns representing Canadt and the Uniteýd States. Thie U.S. team' score of -1427 wa,,,s 62 strokes low-er than that of the Canadians. 1Nick Genovese, blind singer aInd g-olfer of Dipdas, Ont, who. shot the 36 holes lu 227, won the Seagram- CanadianIi ndividual Blind Golf Trophy, a handsonie -bronze figure of a golferexcud by the Toronto sýcfiptress Jacobine Jouies, R,C.A., ,S.A. Thle Ifterni-at;inai teamrophiy wâls rsetdto U.S. captain Clint Russel, of Duluith, Minu., by Col. E. A- Baker, V.C, maging d eirector of the C'aradian National Instilute foir the Blind. This marlbie tîophy waàs ci and exýecute-d by Mark Shoesmuith, blind Lsclptai of Aao gordo, New l4exico event the j space can oxten be u e top of c iently for Other seas 3pOIts DayIq N EWvCASTLE BALL PARK nd Mrs. andHMr. M . 'axd rE new hoe o __________________ mivi r. and M.n j is at her home T errfflc àMId-Suan ner Sale Mr. aMonlay, August 2Wf RoucIk, lroquois Games start at 1.00 P.m. with teams competing fr t Newcastle, NewtonvilleOnoadeda urnis and! fam- OooadKn lmmn. zn wt andMfr. Dotl, - M onSter C*airniva 7:30'D p.m. COMMUNIT-Y IIALL GROUJNDS V'. f 1 Games of Chance Bowrmanville Bingo Ilraw Boy's Training Sehool Band pooeeooe - 00 - ! j Chas. Hur 'ps and Sandals, regular $6.50, NOW ONLY $1.50 regular $3.95~ to .~$3.50 Women's Peclal Pushers, reg. $3.95 for $2.85. Reg $4.75 for anly $3.50* The bala*nce of our Summier Rats way below haif price. Any hat $2.95 This Thurs. and Fri. d Sandals, reg, $5.45 .~$4.25 itel Reg. 7.50 for $3.50 Clearing our -Chli regular $1.95 NOW Open Ml Day Wednesdav Friday & saturday Eveninigs ,0000p0000.oeoe.00000e.,.oe.0. Shop and Save at 'Cornsh'sFOODj Carnation MliIIç 2 tati tins 25c, iftýi that 5gooýjd to the last drop flavour Reguar Grind MawllfoueCoffee Ib. pkg $.29i Gold -Medal In attractive hour 3 stumbler Pure Peanut Butter 14 oz. 494)i Garden Fresh FRUITS AND VEGETAB3LES Califo»"rnia No. 45's Cantelopnes 2 for 25e e crisp heads Choice Meats or Wîing Steakr or Roast Steak Special lb 59c for13c Maple Leaf Sliced for13c Cooked Ham lb. $1.19 Green Topped 49c~ Mirs. J. E. Richards was in Toronto on ' uesday te' attend a luneheoa« at! the oa York Hlotel adthie Spencer Anniversary Dinnier Partyv in the eveing at Kilcooley Gardens. Mr.RichIar-ds long association wvithi Spencer Supports, was second only ini the entire Ontarwio group MaLnagement, of CaainCompaany, SAVE THE F01ýî4ESTS BY PREVENTTNG FIRES The CaaiN orkher's pa1y-cheque' ks thie [firstuvaue to dsape heu an forest is set afLaime by public iock-1 leýssnesS, J. 1L."Van Camnp, Generall Manatger of tlie Cainadian Forestryý Assciaio, sidtoday. "1A ton ofl nîewsprint papj-er made byi a Caa iiii rjequires aouta cr of upwo and brings a price ofý $126; jiadd ut New York"Mr. Van ab"out ot1 ohr eveet ageýS paid to Cinia wIlrslte pulp,ý ndpaper ml. fthe ?reiaiing amonta vryhigh percenta-g'e laý turad oer to ithe Canadian wage. ea:, fo i-he anui transportation biii o" the paper iadstrnrus toe20 milion, itha uel'bill of 47 millio.ns;, chemcalandother sup1jplies -of ,97 illiions, an1d -,he major potin f th-ese items eads p ( in pay-eneops -Che annual plague of forest fire, almot wblly the or-k of umanl carlesnesconinesto eu-L-t deepi into the Sourýes lof employmleit and the prgess Or.flith1nafonmis businless. W'hea the rwmat'erial growîng i of papeiril wages for eav:bc ord of -wood exIaldlte cimiiaality of[ foes bîmg stoo tragic for public Iathorlity -to tojUlete1aY loger, 11, S pncer I APrinicess on a Spree PTc clrShom ROMANHOLIDAY "SILVER CITI With Gregory Peck ib thEdmiond 0'Briei and Audrey Hepburn IYen DeCar], ' CONQUJEST 0F COCHISE' "HURZRICA,ýNE SMUITI Wth John Hodiak With John Ireland àii( Joy Page .oane DeCarl< i AfterSrundiay Nidnite Sb t Two Spooky Horror Pictures 1COMING NEXT MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDi Another of Ilhe Popular "Kýettie-" Comledies Ma ,ëanid Pa Kedttle ouân Vacati With Marjorie Mlain and1 Perey Kilb-ride - ictuaH. ' ehon Mont Lis. vt file cun C -n-, , ul1fi5 ccbi, no(-rdi1 price Mei $4.95 Wom $ 1.45 uniiks, regular woi Store Closed AU Day Monday This Saturday OnIy Garden'Boy, larg( a --Jm6ý -