The0 F:iday their re, The ' Fin ali Softbalteami over Neceastie ast te win the thisiTghor wals the best orior, te rd' I two wins te dUnr rame ivas often retired irm Tc Pl le Board oi zaya the IThe ri Townshij 1Aurnst Reeve A. ved froni 'nl n- an thue 1 Ipri lr [of Juî j The mas eing tided hy1 few Coatbnm for- called the is due te Sconsisting Ia-Keith Woo4 te Mr. ani enle ,are returni t1~Deer Alber wwilriviua 0 cleair the ruer andi ITWuUsda McKay IL Davoj ivii i ." i "pe s e u .Y e r C a p ita G r a n ts McIýKay rend a letter re- Other Grants Mr. A. A. Rus,ýsel con-ý Unpe cf vision ,on cornler lTotal Prov7incal Asai ýslon by the Co-op miiij. Education Levy Mr- IRussell discussed ,MNunicipal Levy corner and it wsthere- 1 A etrecvdf y Jas. T. Bron,secndd etcf Mucipal f lkyto contact the (o-OP as cheque in the sm0 and request permrission te covýer the uncondil U nil e eof v ision o n t hi a l his M u i a report te nex t meeting. bet hsMncpï discussed withi Mr. Rus- A regoîntien waa p On fromi twelve r4îidenit tise for tenders* fort estin.g the, Townshi p to oianesa d I' :reement with the police Rn vuh rono for ire protection> vucerwveiý ticular residents. It was amobit of $4362.00 E. Walkey, seconded by account vouchers lu n that the lerk reply te 83.0 and suggest that these Tht next regular ine ;hng for Lire Protection Tewvnship Counil -,vil et the Trustees cf thejthr'tha 0an roue either iîndividuallyhi Chamber. r a n d e n te r i n tCBo n e j' - o instriicted the Clerk to take 7action te settie the ble legality of a bill iin the gf $939.66 received from the National Railway for weork iew crêsing on th,- Lake- id Diversioni. If this account %-e te be raid thený the ClerIk ized to) add this sum ilte the nder! Oue-Tlird QI i One.-thirdt of Or ar-e novices -who e have a lot cf fun, field, Ontaie Depî and Forests biolIo mlove4 by Jas.'1 by J. H. Davey recueSteil ta <rLi t meeflng. ;Lvr w autho: Meesent XX tir a double two cingles di were credited I Williams. P. honours for glus. reee 1 ive ; iu The youn-g tree or s1hrub te o b1 nioved away on D. WestL's planted icreflly nurtute& in the veek. Newcs"I s 't- arly stages Yof 11fr, iSmd -Mr.n Ms s: r unî te wather conditins as edose las possible Lryand rin to tat ntedidfor, its prmn nmd Mite. Arthurl ccc'cŽOroo' ocae..Power cdriven uurlr usedBomnvle e rer~ ~ ~ W huCo br oesfrnm 18 luches te two Tn ni ui feet in diarOcterTheevie filledwth M.M t ride s d 1 a«lgIcbyi-uch and soi! andthe yung treesor MCoboun~e vis iilat i carfuJy tcdcduntil root nephew, jMrs, Gi ne ta.cerre-M1cp flc sesae euishedand ern- Arthu. pu cs i ~ ~ ý t-vat i to t oan thd wat r inn cing untilstirPgpber mothe ;w ul n vonë.Th! ncentrs s asCd, Est-Laogdan Dr M Knit teck the-etrydby vandalismpit'faorJtter Newcastle with IMetcist.s using the Taonto bypeas am WaM-oîcreni I (oninedon page 5) optl lowma sos. Tue ron Ei trocs oreer. flic y' a; e rs land e Girants