fQLI have iwn me , poiitttrig ouf eom for the windows, a and sterage "d fhoughf o! nse!"c Dn îonths we hied i-rinig thekd avethm1 -ook Dc tairà wrong reems ruiug ul legs? -A se theycacnbuhaesickluthe bos- pifi Se fiye leys, fay s np hlmbon. ed teconvlasc lu thur on bed- endwe Ava thrèa dthootuea closf !r~sikroie acesroies-cýn bepnhaing,11pad, boht wate bad linon.ase also plenedM 1spcil meîcînecabint-ib tecklu te btî hunwa mit n abulnce et awhPln chair And 'grricfethe tale phe e, haudye tior nhd ou'laslong ord, e Dn coulr del businesPwbLe cobut alesingi I elvd f or e big, brig cei- in lgh..WhnThe g archieetad- murrad, I asked hlm: "How c an te mx raoasaisawifh b uts do"n t 4r' b4' c rojýi i,-,seu a brodloemc'a y doublebed ut win thîe iii roo, e arud an welir as ples- Twu ar roie orptin au iid d mter.Tere nesg s. haru wîwshbeeen.d Marîh putup grdmpacdre of tain, as ýichaertum.Qas chiùn-.za roem bas alraady dene ic du îrîting on !lu inme sel,anth Whef'smoreDan's mthar sbac, ha stok, aid temas berchy om!rthiyluendou day. Upsfeir , A'dbvebU cm of am V udt et pDon--n Mrhawudhv ha mmcrre pmaltas Evan i thearchiact.oiW agreesthat n tng (e5,3pf may ,es~. ruea~ur~ nal satlo~ Nothng rng Wiýith The "Ch!Assis" -Spa aut moe!,of oure.Joyce Gamrotl , 17 ath-ing te improve the picture-aer,atomý car, cir-cc 1906, cArd iýs in perfect runninig for d-isplay purtposes in the ea-rly dýai ef the latie Rarisome E. Oldý te succaýss ik oh DRCk j f alleridan c iicdispepsî,. living in daa diydiet of b,,reýd aud milkfî ~tats iliosthe-0siço give me dimes. But the picurewes a;lie Even agad d iety-eght ha -mhad remarkable physika! vigour and dineud ouf Or n auyfhiug lbultbr and milk! As e nc rachdte aBil clas (il is l! harem-raîned a devouf Baptistil:"I 1 live f i a religieus dufy tu gef ail the ony y0ouceni, taiely iaudho esland tegiVe ea i o eur wau, WoListh pors nu îthe wold IwPIl taîl yen The poorest man i kuôW ts h Truete is creed, bha gave wa a îler'150 mjlosbaoe h dd n1937.lHa was e man, lfun- rThuentallv. effet BilleGraem. in bty 3 REACHTHE TO-15P A urc n th1pjw ca2an nhld whaih recentlygave toc curtins for a boxer. But.1hen MbeerrW hhbi ngawaited1 it cornes Wo the question o!fight- chance ta revolutionize Wranée's ing lif's batties a reailynard ps-wrrehbousing prga je blowe car. be thie tonic tha sets For months, thés hearded, tofling a mnax on the road to succebs_. cMuMder had mampsgnec n V.ar) Toonuch is heard tdyof1 agaïntst hideous sIýn-«coditionsI rodimin by clb.A vastL which were causinJg loss0of Ife, amnounit o! inspired youth work disease and untold suiffering is, thus, by-pàssed. Dr. Clfodsuccessive governmeflts sym!3l-a- MarÈiiý Bishop of Liverpool, was - thize-d> but d-î4,_rotbing,. still inu the CallOw yoith phase TheI ababy LïiEd of exp1,O'suré n imr7selýf When he fouudced a bJoys' in a disused 'bus 'ho& of the clu,,b i Hngton Greeni, London. parants. Tha Abbe, hl-qiri tuigna- t- They hegan by treating hlm tion fulyControiled, ,Vrote now r ough - Buying a bicycle on ta ithe Minite of Reconstrujc- the instalmient plan, he lat if one tion and irivited hl to thne fun- evening on the stairay outside aral. The tbaister,. cana, was the alb omns. Somne boundter tuce by the pies scenes he C6ol it.Yet - but for the wuesad ad so -set ini Motionj club )anud the eso it taught the r-muchI-neded sprîngs of gov- me," ha saitU'Iould probabl'y errumant a c t i o) n toa'rehouse nieyerý have bceardand";ac' neady families. Uumiou.r tept shinýing throug h Expe, cr ianc e eaphasi2zes that hisorel Once,, as he helped te there is 1o0soo diSaCerove carry a tosoe ariof gin% whMIhthe 'uman Ispitit nn gar beer up the stirs foriaiclub pravaýil. T.ho-sa, indeedl, who pass spiae, it burst. The fut.ure bishop throu.gh tefiroare oftenrd- though eugulfed àn lauglitarwas 1 ened by it, te theit' owa and thaý dripping cwî pop juica! worNd' advantage. Yesexeplesarenumêou~ Stili shaort ofixt Mrý. stan.- and àupii.fting qof mishaps ou tla ey Swanh, mnaaglng di«reorf stai rwvayýs of,-lrs t - Clas s î,are1rS %TWool\Vcorths Ltd,1r1,s-as-oe Ho cwadigthey proved. 1of riei' mosfhîghly paid en- How freaooflaptrepthey crade acufîves, Thirty years back he mon, lu 1891 Gog îgar- started wokedluthe SIrnVs x-I rived in Lonpdon , om theU.S.A. ý fordiStreet stre.Ad metaeri Han wantad to hop aogto that a s bicimb proved, frm esi gol'den laund o! promi-,se dw atto mngefrom area sFu- undr. Astela.To furtbar ts piStnat tedirector, fthe ncemshabribed a dack rhaurd drtýîng force behl-ind if dte-w to towhlmewe onan usteha power i- If an earier ordeul Thmsh esdiscovaered and Whnile ghntjin in Frnedurtrg1 dumipad ashore ai Tilbuyth1948 arhwswond "50 Htafs AMusria, that wa," ed biude Z Ev e in sageons ha ruminaadc.Nov. peuiles, thughI t iimprobablýe thef ha jobes ad omlesha tried to would ever rea u bsesihfBut get %work a adokhad u te adidl dockoesbhrd hiet thenby uemi- i Tbrough sheer l-pwehai 1pmut.protastad mWat ino C fought Ihis wybaýI C(,teClear .vi;- blomin upters ae!"was thair ion. cry Soon ha was in thaethck of Tha bustrg o! a blood esa a pagh. Rôstile baist myed round lu iouae of bis lungs proved the bi Var i ouaehsyP too acap rouite for il rugln The ouraeietyoug Kng drpr's appranfice. if ialunch.ed impessd awathin gegar"Hi hl ouna lfflueof titantic lit.. youu c asqtd Iea erary Laou, whichhniine job for ;eu, if you went if"0-o bisama ounthe words mà, knukld dwute iswsdI ýýFo, as H G. Wonl connfu~id wellandfinaly eunhad us Ishd an axceptionaly ftard owu firm. Today thet firms really tm ! fw aitus tryig te foundd thoughthe ocksda gin afooting l jin nlsm fight. counts ,000empoa s fs cold cgat vary ftle printed covae mnuatuaA d ta wsy i g ,on -a beck if wa proudasi Wem b u edrc1meatv-ha1 hul rt tors boad rom ~s th hoo arices au4 Îsal iehem or go te usadbey inKiuga oa p ans com- ilhaeparish infimrys iug dors lbourrRd .G.W IIslved lu rîa ovr holu ai ndabtad todayete havebeau so oaded a Canàdien mot-ý!h's tagc aJAn ccdeta sabak ured rnoamnu may seem ange 100.ý , a ýn athlaticyoun.g chap into astittammut wmon is co- ord14-nIouscrons! lasso~' Hmilto, Ontrie.'ý-liee ifor Not"seie, et Shelos ba cîhtan out-el Ëfr ailth InýîcredIible f ecis hedug son an th~ouh hr giefcon euteudcýýtofuad, bis greafasfI caived the iueaof self a cm for "Balieve IU or Nf"sL(ely wa hl- had diad beceuse ha drenkuCi- A scratch golfar firt-clss ta purne mIkPHuwul fothave nis player and usaful boxer, ha dîed, hiTmoaher ecUgnîze. had waiaise a riat babei sheCbeau oreo- egeba ptce.But oeaday ha over- Rîer lcureet ebnrary 1, ifhe nd tbroke h Jiýý arm bythue 1897 deiv~rd e Squre' Hal, trowThe acident sent bimi back SIonay Craek. merked the bith te h raigborascirool- of tha fir WmanIn %ttua op hobby o!fhbu Dow"y, ho be- Rler entreaies turned ithe 101 Urgan eprospar, then through 8, wome au ou brae mn wuo hppytboghtha dacided tu me- Iistenad te her mbcrsaLreuleasrcso oodia If w e hatagîc death o ut J id C'u te the bof- te im0fn l At if was o! thýe By Rer. Wanau, BA. 6.» sumume ~gTho iBasf more and inore %0 kno.wledg(u, and Mx ail Jugment;flMtye may approve thngs luai arecxel Éet- hliCp p Iî -Isfl : - Canadiens haveastnrdo living second oniy te eOut aih heurs luinUS.A. Our hms autom obile, cloth es, TV sets and innumnerable ltuxurias classfyu as a prosperous peoplaTis as ine absorbed lui he eftig 3 things their liebecoma off balance ndfhey ae hap Jesus setid, "Sneek ye f'irsi the klingdom o!cl Godc, and Ris rg eues;and ail these things shah headed dunto you. Tlue thuu e fear îte !ood, drink and clhef ig;ce thbcgswhich our nead Rare is a gracieus and take tis -way ther0n our \w7 rro for lie pralent and futue ar- e)ver.i, t îg a si;rpl( er cipa , Put Geàd fîrst ln your il!e. Lat Rus mykuow Hm e.Lite i take on ifs propar perspective Pal prays tefontlea se abouud l koeda u thiugs that ara exaent Thare are ManY good plursuein uof1," There araemny eo0 hokste read. Let us choose thaebasf0lWe th,-,good zgive wyte h hs e!: beaifu îouht. ar w hude-ntertain olyth4 tua the fbonesf, th', just, the pur and tca iovay. Than eut seec 'Nhon me yiedeut iteGd Jesus Cuiscon!, ess orin jnd balieve lu Hlmn as our Leu a nd Saviour, we have chesen th basf.Then if is naturel nd eay tIe hse toetia hc Upsidaed own -,te rvn Petn MOW OOS~ 14o ,o ~i >3 Y J $.~20 - Davuci Spinnay hos a buircar cern crop i an tha saeds lest Hoilewe'en, b..ivid plented h with ibis seven-faot-hicih rea' ~l. De. pile the e.yaar.old Dove wou!d rel'uer [a o pilot thon a fcirmer~ 8 ' M