Sumnier Dresses The halance of our Summer Dres&es art beiug cleured at HALF PRICE. rand Mrs, A. L. Hlooey, Mqrs. ,amey and Mrs. 0. W. Rolph ed the Shakespearian Festiv ipus Rex" in Stratford this wei rand Mrs. 0. W, RoIpl, ept week-end ini Orillia, the guests and Mrs. Hugh Grant, rand Mrs- R. Watson, Brucefli t a few days with their brothi Cotton and4 crduroy Skorts, e.lorg 44 ebarcoslq wiàke, brown, bhxe, @and and gr.y. Priced. 14 A few Pair oft white Punpe and Sand&IF for $M AU Ouir Sumnmer Oxforù a&U Sandals ou sale as uisrked. Pedal Pusherg, size If and 18 for 92.SS and $3.50 louses iii Cotton and crepe, different sizes. Colore *f- white, Pnk, bie, yeillow and grey. For enly, $2.39 k"».ch. (Continued fo ae1 Print dresses, varitty of stylep &aud clorË. Regulat $5.50 for.............1 ARM SIRONG 'S Y F04 'urnusn S 0MAR 8aturday4 id Mrs. H. iey were 1ebster. Jar ýora Shi ub wQ last ycar. iful bncdti, i children ai st exrnreR'w ýonstructed are n beautification q i ivi 11 - rë NOTICE Siables A'd Mrs. I fter a orGnte. I r-- - - Mr. and loin Veal Cottage Young leef Llver Peameal lb. 33a IRCH, ReVe-end SUNDAY, AUGUST 8F, 1954 ORONO Service at il lio('cc Preacher: Rev. A. W. l'ouglheed B. KIRBY Suriday School ut 10'loc 01< heip you ' What do you want wost? A hmAhldy iReiremlent? Whiatever it may%,he, îislkoOk au h-el-9 you oblain it. Yoir mavir19s account,-Pas-bo-k ecüouragesll you- to put by your mo ý 'ey steadily.; i5ave for any purpose yoi. chose.1.. and so turix your dreaminî DtcjaCt. Open y -r savinge accouint today at ti~r nae anhteeare more thian 650 to serve ouý51. SCO-MING NEXT IMONDAY,TIEAY iIt's Ail for Fun. aind Fun for A'I! 'THE ROAD TOU BALI' I Bol) Hope Bng Crosby - Dorothy ie Ueoey, IW planings, k his stretch Highw.ýay oli waa bë /Auý,gus 7 1 î 'It