SALES ýeed Repaira ýcalEqimn e" ater Heaterm. ýoa te Build Anotijer With Insurance 70?1ean't protect youraelf a- , gainst such bazarda . . . but y01 can guard agailut cmlt lea.Isurance is always your ou hest - bt. CALL SN.F. PORTE R aire r.ptngnar Cclnserval4on 0f- ficelr7s lh'ýQsjiquterS at Missanabie and th'is is the farthest nrt tii, specie,ý h as been fund to date, MMi- wi)SOn Says. *EFFICIENT FULL PRESSUI ..Chevrolet engines "~Niagara Falts" of oil, ing engine life. e ROI IE Lura-2CATi0N operate in a greatly ilicreas- (W, DO ueWMANIVILLE ý---0me u f0 e e[evew ±nuJh-Lrs-aay e- a-p ing during 'the mliper monthse. g. Johnson, Auctiditer. e engaiement Leskard Community pienie '111 L e rKathleen to held on Saturdaya nr Auguset on ef l-Mr. ai-d 7th at the OronPa j A nvita tion ýlewtonYlIle. is extendJed to ail fric ds id and new. akýe 0l1eonCon an)d have a go te Oand biing hf. 1954 at 3 unha- inte4 Church._________ _____ CARD 0F THANIKS Mr adM rs.Howatrd Qoathami Jqidy Ami and Tomm111y wis1h to ex- press their apprqciation to their inany frienldsa am rela'tives for g-ifts re ceived at the fareweil party onI Sat- urday evnnR -p CARD 0F T HANKS~ The farnilly of, the late MrS O. Sandercoc~k wish to ex-press te their xaany~ friends and neilghbours their profound appreciation, of their symi- pathy whielt has proven so cot-mfort- ing ia their ecenit berea-vement. a-p CARD 0F THANKS Many thanks to ail those friends wIho contrib-ated in any way to niake my stay in, the hospital a pleasanti one, to the lady -who g ave me the violet, to Rev. Kitchen, to ail those who sent gtwelcards,. inciludinig t'he Heather Lodge. Last but not least to those who were se, kind to mîe whien 1 arrived home, a-p Mvrs. Fred Graham.l ORONO TINSHOP NOW is the time- to discuss your Hf'EATJNCG Poe18-r-i1i j e,, * WIDI CII4ICE 0F AMIES .>.Engneered for the road and the ioad, Chevrolet axles feçture amazing durability and strength.' e NEW, GREATER CARRY]IMO CAPACITIES ...More carrying strength' meagns bigger payIoaclu thain ever w-ith Chev- rolet. A Generol Mo#ors Value NICHOLS ONTARIO set of dishies (11, Apply 0. M. oýf the United iew. 32 piece it blue). ýrry - 2 doors urch, Phone FOR SALE Red Raspberry Shoots - Cuthbert variety. Order nom- for faul seting. Phalne 1--1 rono. b-p Buff co1loured mle ;Collie. The owner or anyone wishing to give lmi a goqd hbome1, please contact Carl W. Biilings, Main Street, Orono. NOTICE The office of MA RR. addQ 11n Oroflo wlbe losed rmAgs 2n lo AIsýt fa'1 5 o dy We illbepleased tà pick up dead or crippled farmr anîrmals for 8afitary disposal. Telephone Colleeii' Cbourgi 126 6j or T ron o E mn. -368. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED If ýrou wish your DEAD FARMi STOCJK renioved thie' faste'st wiay, thenl eal us coilect - Bowmankville 2679. We also buy LIVE HORSES. MIARGýWILL FUR FARM TYRONE, ONT. ilamillons InIsurance ,Service i verv class of Irisur- 1ance is" repjresented in Our office, Th71e foIlow- jin4' are sonie of the mln lcoverages we can offer: Alitonaobjle, ife, Accideýn and SilnsPlate Glass, Liahiity, rire,BrgayHopalati Livçstock, Boier aid, Pl',io, L~iFideliity Boalds, ete. ORONO PHON~ 1R16 FIRST MORTIGAGE LOANS teruy Mamuilton R~EAL -ESTATE BROKER IlmCAMERON LESJUIM, ONT. 11 Electric and AcetyIene Weldiag Cyl-indepr Bloeks and Heaid welded Specializing ilu i ALUMENUM1 AND ZINC BASE METAL Ail Weýrl<Guaranteed Phene Orono 1 ring 5 Plusmblng, AND -Hot WaterU CGAL-L U;; FOR ESTIMÂTES 11HARRY E. LYCETT 0RONÔ - ONT. REAL ESTATE FOIR SALE Maageîad Appraised L. M. ALLISON Phono 2569 -Newcastle, ont. Twfo blocks r.crth of traffic sigal~, Newcastle, -zoo Appoint PHONE 74 r 19 DR. R. J. TAGGCI VETERINARY SUSRGI Park Street OPPOSITE SKATING R PHONE 94 r 16 LEGAL Lawrence C. blason, Barris-ter and Solic BOWIMAN VILLE, OIN "office 683 Home, JACK Oronos1 Auctioneer and Valuatmr. Specialize lun Warm and Fur-niture Sales Consit me fojr terme and da;ýtes Phon)ie,5 r 1ý - 0#n TED JACKSON Auactioneer and VaIduatu' CUcta eisAucf icn salea faUm ad ai re-asenable rt Comiuniatewith bùoa4 P Pery, ntaiaor O h itsCerý , E. Mrto, a Ornofo'r date. LIFUiINSURA' PensionPans;Euato Protection ani Saviniga Childrecn andAdisMot SUrance Pllans. F. E. LYCETT ORONO, Ont. Phone ihe RUTTER CIRAN] COMPANY" Dia! 3216 -- KP..-4),- b22 Port Hop, Onfarip Monuments, Gravemarl JSTAFFORD BROS 318 Duni j. S:J.NM Main Str( APPLI, p~rompt and es ai make * INBEATABLE VALVE-IN4IIEAD ECONOMVY ..valve-in-hecud opeiration combined with high compression ratios gives more power per galion,