CreamHFair Tonie Polsh emover etc.,etcI JR CITOICE ........... d Wave Set, green bû*îte«......... 25c. Bottle, SPECIAL, 2 Voir ........... 3k. ushion s frilled Edgés, assorted colQrs 89c. rushIess Shaving /Jreamn,..... tube 4Uc. ...2 for 69c. cecry F jeeatures ,fPure Lad, ........pound 21c. ('heese...........b 55c. th' Oag, 12 oz. bottie 21c. paghe *ti it tomato sauce and 15 ounce +ît ... 2 for 25c. ýhili Con Carne., M ild, .- 15 oz. tins 19c. tGrapefruit Juice, 20) oz. tins . 2 for 23c. ýream Corn, 20 oz. tins .... -. 2 for 25c. 5c. ) $1.00 STORE SHOPPING CENTRE oif atthtro )U1d prompt you to eall upon Ime of sorrow. We stress beaifu1 services that consoling to, the bereaved. He BARILOW Phione 18r2 Catherine and Neil Stewart.I Mr. and Mrs. John Sarchuk aii."j faniily spent the weekeno u Hoy farniies. Mr. and Miýfs. B Stainton and children also spent f'ewý days here.I Mrs. Ray Brown has returned *ê st. CaLtharines after 'visitfig -ber mothec ani father, Mr. aInd Mrs. Wm. Ourw congratulations go to M1r. and 'Mrs. Andrew McGil (Adele Morton>) on the birthW of a daughter in M4emo,- ial Hospital, Bowmanmville. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Walker and fmiyof Trenton vi-sited with Mix j and Mrs. Jach- Stapleton. KIRRY We are glad to report Mrjïs, Graham I is iinproving favourab1y. Mis. Hinto and son Bob' visited las-t week with Mr. and Ms e in derson and faiiy. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cochrane andl ine Eela faininy spent the noliday b( week-end at the'ir cottage. 1 M- and Mrs. Russell Virtue and j-,, Mr. L- Farye spextt Friday evening 'TI with Mrs. Thompson. to 'Mrs. Thomnpson b as gone fo-r a Il j it ih lier grandaughter in, BOW- a mnanvile. - A Miss Donna Souch spent a few dtays tv last -week with ber gadmterIrs, be Jas. Wannan. ia KENDAL $075 3. Fr-osty Fr 1-Garden, KTWO 4,k. TÜBES 89C.,.Value, 'Spécial for 59c. Early Scheel ugSpecial LEATHER ZiERED BINDERS FEAflJRING - Large ,IVer-size L.L. Rinigs. Finqq' quality solid leather. Bqit-mi zippered leathe-r pendl case." lneabl..oloedindexes, REGUJLAR $7,00 Jackr Stre -TIIRD 0F FISHERMEN .U*E1 CLASSEI> AS INOVICEI (C4.nitinued froni page 1) rock and weed on the bottom - don't worry too inuch about it. ['bey may not catch any fisb but VALUE Si.', Orono, Ont. Phone 68 They arc, having a good-time ~aivi el- jOyingý nature at its best. Tbamkg b. that this third category represent4 more than two)-thtids of the lzaak Waltonis!" NICHOSON" 6"0" NIC~OLSN'~ONT. ,nl S1 Mr Th ..met in the Sunday Shool poteM V00r11.0o1 ThursdaY hast. The devotional "rts.s te exercises were taken hy the president, AklawSte Mrs.Catcar, wo ten urned the rtr meeting over to Oatherine Stewartlrtrnh who ha ýýharshowedu wh adcage Of the prograi.We nis were fs aconedby piano solos" by beautifuI PhyIs ackon nd Mary Honey of w&rk, pw Milliken. The speaker, Mis. Stevens, etc. Wei was then introduced by Mýiss St-he Steve art. Mrs. Steven.s is a residlent of Our conmunity for the suim.mer, hIer hus-A. ABibi, band, who is * tq.acher at East York- Miss Ste Collegiaite in Toronto, having bought lunch wa the fans belanging te thbe Tebble and Mrs. Bros. on the eighth unie. Our two1 She gave us a Most interesting Mrs. ýKeni Evearyday Lo yi" Prices leford's W[ax Paper, lop94t. rolis )e, 30 bags C. 16 oz. Jlar. 30c * 57e. 39e, * 65e. Rubber Rings, pkg fÔr...............09ge. Sealawax, i lb. pkg....,.......* 16C. Peek Fien Digestive Biscuits, 8 oz. p kg...... 4c. I>eék Frien Assre Creams, 8 oz. pkg. ,...,... 27c. -1ýallard's Dog Food, 2ftins for NO.fl IN A SERIES Y. OUR HYDRO of Nature Countries t, ace was born soewbe4* ne it iâ about to becomo ant power development Df poss... progre's nomnic development and wgt a suuuuqsiul conclusion yeiar-s of Le result is proof once agpin of tLhe ýration between Province and Dominlion ýnts of Canlada anid the United ,States.ý ydro ran-d the New York State Poweý,r iu rat22000hosowrproject On adsl of power inl 4 years-. ttdconstruiction crews will be visibe-d ,a m-mîumýý and si 25C sto ; re