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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Aug 1954, p. 1

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i And Hunt To Hold ïrSunday, August 22 innad J Mebersof the Oi-ono Fihh sud KEND'AL of- lat 1wil Do not ïýU miýULUaYeU1, aU Lle y ig uuting on n Ay iugust 22na. Tl iin~ the forn of a snmall plastic dise c-hjldrea1 an opportunity of going fish- tied te the 1eft cheek cone with i this yýear. hiow'evei' everyone either monfiam ftine. Each tag bearsý child or ýadult is invited to tuke part a number Nvhieh identifies the fisb a the cerynTe outing is to b li eld aud thus enables fishenies res at Rice Lake at Mn. Jim Sm-ith's cet- toe 1001k up its history. cage at Gore's Landing. Mr. Watson 3tate, tlhat good fishing is only a The 1Nogies 'Creek MaskinongeCQ few hundred yards fromn this site. hvtinProjeet is a joint efot ots wnl o1 e available as arranige.. carriedï on by the Toronto Anglers,'1 ments will be settled prioi to Sunday. und Hunier~s' Association and the De-IEeyei rqstdtbrn a ,eartmeutynfeLinds undsForestsbThere 15 3 draw for t of ashan pre pathe le(- picuie lunch. A contest con-mittee was ý5ýa daw or1 cshngie pante basset Up iVhich 15 to arrange COntest ',-iried agsfro luge nd assrules for the derby and also to Pro- and auglers are requested to forward I id pnuses for both children and tags and information on the capture adults. oýf the fish to P.O. Box 187, Bobcay- A booth at thie Orono Fal Fair was' geon, Ontario, or to the Departmieut discussed and the club iembi -ers were utP L..ands ,ar.d Forests at Liudsay. If a Il 1 aor fpootn hs scheiu n tagged, sublegal fish is cauglit, the t fias been decided that a eontl uuous should be clîpped off, the listi~ showing of films on wild life wIll, h mieasured (if possible),* aud then ca- screened. Also, if possible, uuy %vild lullyv returned to the witer. . lite ebtainable wil ha ou display, eithen alive or stuffed. Mr, Watson Tagged hinge are aise showin.g UP akdta faYiinbrhda ýîin Lake S&ugog. These the fisli that da ad hatifisny ne,ber hadhe a hJbe sillsrly tagged during the 4e ln hshe htteCu research,-work of Dr. R, C. Ritehie on 0Id aplaed if they would con- trý4skinonge in Lake Seugog sd ags ý,ouJdr. e p Tl me oaay 1mbr frei fiali in that area should ho re- ufrking on the project, tu~,ed e D. Rtche, -o autng u- t was reported thiat over a thou- ,.unt- teDr Richi, co antng n-sand young pheasauts were to be ne-i ~ttte, 100 College Street, Toronto. leased on Tuesday, August l0tjh. These youug birds bav e been raise,,d1 'SCndaQi he larV' fromyo1'uIg hickS bythe OronD Fish At l'e . ruv ed at the farmn of M'r, Donald limy ai [C ~The cost of naising the pheasunts - Will ho carried thnough the sale ut Township lice nses this year. Lutely "ýCaada on the Mrh -a OV0rYtle birds h~ave beau couaumt)ing ithe -ý,f tremnendous, expansion iiurivalled Cce<J daily along wiîth eight gallonls 0f -refleets ýtha Wri'siwo f l4 5n0W Cark-e Twsh w-11, tbis yplr, iit adja's growth during. the' Past decade- was learued, ho a RegulatcàTwsi a tribute to the peoplo acro eth h h e l oush cgfnrywho have made Canada what hutig'itin"h Twnhi ms jýt is today, the Caaradian National hv a Tow,ýnshiip liceuse. This affects -Exhi'bition î will mnake this the 1954 bt eietadioi-e;dithi ,EX, themre lu a salute t0 thle nersboTh esGidesdnnrsdn t goverus this move is mnade uip orf fve On eaeh of the ton days during' the. miernbers. Two fromn the Towniship August 27 to September 11. 1954 Exi Counjcil,to fromr the 0rono Fieli with the exception of Opening Dayl and Hunt club sud ore fnomn the Ne\'w-t -Warriors' Daýy, Labor Day and Child-i caýst'le lub. Monies from -,this sehemne xen'sDay, he Ex ibiio -ill psy wîl housed to better gsmne lu the tnribute to oue, of the ten poics Township and will also help toý col- The Graphie Arts Building-, uext tc trol li'uutiug. The Township licouse the Administration Building iiu the wIl ýjjha lu effect this tall. Licenlses- heurt 'of the Exhibition Park, Williwiliî honousale ut s nuriùber et ou ch1ange its face eaeh day to psy tii-J veulent places. t was a"Lso onsdered1 bu-te to another province. t h sl fGun i censes sund Joininig the rnks of famous -pete ish)iug Liceuses shoilld beavlbl who have participated in the Ex Open-ý in Orono, and it is possible that un in-g Day ceremnonies will be Lier Royal aPPlicatioù Will ho filed tec have uc ilighne ss the Duchess of -Kent offici- a sale lýcally. ally opeuing- the 1954 C'ýNE Fridiay, , Lunch was served ut the conclu- August 27. The opening will be the 1Sion of tlie neeting.ï liighlight ot the tou r of Eastern Can -________________ dawith lier 17-yeur, old diaùghter, i Pnincess Alexandra. The Ducheis vwll 1. also take the salute ut the Warriors' TJay Parade, Satunday, August 28. The King of the Cowboys, Rýoy Rogers will hogus star ut the 'afteruoon sud eveiug Grandstandi shows. With Dale Evausï, Quees ot the West. the radio-television miovie cow- boy star and bis famous horse Triggen ,will top a varliety sl-ýwbill wbich E- 'hibition otykials feel will ho uni- -uatched sinco- the fabulous days ut The Wold's lougest Marathon swim --atcrOss L'ake Ontario -- wýill high- light the~ 1954 ONE sports prograin. Plans are bing eoninpleteýd tna n ternational teani relay race for .$20,000pize meuey, trom Fort N. ag-ara iu New York State, te the CNE tiuishiug barge off Exhibition Park. At the samne time, world-famrotis wýýomauq Marathouer Florence Chad- wick will attempt to swim the sanie ,32 miles for $000 If she mpakes it ajie collects;, if she fails she gets nq>ot h ïIIg, (coutilmied on page 5> OronoT air Provides Special Feature For Apple GrowersI The Oronio Girls took au eanly lesdi lan the fnlchamnpioinship play-down-s fo)r the Clai-ke-Dsrington bgu o Muniday nuight whon tLhey vwhîppedl N'lewtouivllle 8 te 2 lu the o)pener u Orenu. 1The second game wss played last nýight ilu Newmtonvilleý: with the oloiggame lu. Orono "this iMo- Thfe local girls insured their wMIn lu the fourth lnulng wmhen tihayscored -eveu ru-as. Further assuiran)ceam from joan Ransherry who kp ahead of tha e -Ntonvilie battons wt -ine atnike »uts- The finst score of the gamne t to Onono lu the second whenl Thelma Forrester scon)ed bingv batted iiu by .Joarn Rausberry, 'Gai sud Julle Coo-. per. Lunhothird' Newtonville tied the score when lStacey reached horme. In the big inuings Jfor Orono TD. Forrester, M. Gootdk-, $. Allen, T. Forrester. J. R'ansbarry, G. Cooper. aud J. Cooper ai] scored te net seven, Iu the first of the-seveiitl New-l touville sent Bartan home sud lefti three' urtbasei. Durlng the gm Newtovilie lert ut totalI of nîne 11oit bases wliile Oroo ad au equal Freddio Auderson his cousin Dounie Ro Johnnly Gniffin of () day with his great g L. Thoruie sud gn Alva Swarbriek. Mr. aud Mrs. Reynolds motored to Burford on Sunday last to spend the day wvith Dr. sud NMrs. Wallace aii4 left Peter thene for a visiît. Mr. sud M*s. Faîkuer and M1r. Whitehead of Torionto, Mary Reid and Keith Swarbrick are visiting with 'Mrs, T. Garbutt. Mn. and Mrs. Stan Falls, Deiig1a Larny sud Lorraine of Toronto, -r Arthur Fulls, Marlene and Jerry of Bownianville, Mrs. Freda Keith and fiend visited on Suaday with Mrs. Thos. Fulls. Mijss Marilyn Falls la visiting for a few days. We are repeatodly warned agaeInsti throwing sway a burn'iug cigarettel sud someone caused quite a blase in Llhe tinder dry field opposite the Ken- dal sehool the othen day by nMt heed-1 ing this warnig. Fontauutely, the fine was extiuguished before, uiuch damage was ca'used. Next week, harvesting of tobaeco wiÎll commene iu this district. The dry ,Fourth Orono-b Protested, Rej 1 Fali Fair Dates For 1954 The Ontario Department of Agri- culture, Agricultural Societies Bruneh lias released dates of Fall Fairs and Exhibitions for this year and below is printed a Iist of intereat to) local AUUmi, Brings Tîme For Gadienîng Seeds With the approach ot Aut umn, han- vestîng is once again lu fulsig Farmers ane harvosting their ca'ops, gathernug seed for next year's plant- ing. The Department of Laundasud For-. ests must gather seed îrom our for- est trees te produce Nursery stock for distribution to the inauy applicants wlio wish. toesetablishi plantations. Trees, unlike field cepa,, produce a- bundant seeds only every feur te seven yeara. t becornes uocessary ta build up in advance a supply of seed whieli la kept lu cold storage until required for planting. The seeds et the coniferous tree, w,,hich are used raostly ia Reforest- ation, are produced lu a cone. Two Seeds are tormied under each saule- li'ke portion ut the cone, auId * seed has s wing attached, te it for dis- persal ijy the wind. The cones ripen lu the Jute faîl, the scales deflect froni the body of the cone, sud the seeds wind. F trict residents:, August 5-7 ý------ ..... ,Sutton August 11-14.....Peterboroughi c, August 16-19.-...........Belleville in, August 19-21 Oshawa e August 27-Sept Il Twoote auc Augut -28........... Goodenham rT September 3-4......Kiumnouti September 3-4 .......... ...Port Hlope September 4-1;-6, ,..--...Port Ferry Septemben 9-11........... Orillia ini Septemnber 10-11.......Oro-no ho Septemiber 14-15 .........Apaley in, Septemben 14 -156ý..........Suanderland tel Septeniber 16-18.. ....... Beuverton Rt Soptember 17-18.......... Lakefield n., Septeniber 18 ............. ...Minden KE, Septeinher 20-21.. ....... Oakwood til' Septaxuber 21-25......Lindsay hit Septemnber 28-29 ....... Caxuphellford 1 Septexuber 28-2,?. ... ..... . Uxbidge sai October 1-2......... -------- obcaygeon ton Octohar 8-9 . .Blaekstock tUn October 8, 9 and il.......Nrwood the CONd Sterage Plant Operation IkscrBe y Howard Cibsoin Some ot the aspects of the eold s'orage industry were 2xplaiued to- the Bowianville L ions reeontly hy Lion Hioward Gibson, Who is cont- nected wýith the Durhamu Growers' Co-openstive Storage lu NowcastIo. "Cold stonage uofrui-it alrd voge-1 W t he ;s while ni the t'.Iv n, Ig a triple score( err or hy $h'etler. this recerived ouly \'valka. Ou a nu-mi wheu Newcastle had they were caught b the Orono boys. Orono oýn theit their fîive runs lin and fifth luninga. 1m his bit bail wus eon this first. This beir of this innug forc led 4 +to-1, Lu the second K. tobacco, but it seems in fairJ i Z e avsig fcnsmuth eriyya. he said. "Fruit m'arket- Jwt ige shape. Mr. Bill Mercer hias ha4 0.15done, in a relatively short peiJo jedaferiennber lst iust ams Mra w irrigation sýystetn in use thrlmgh h the fali, after the colles have reached essryhaeba in cold soae"Thr-ee wee efr diry weather. m-aturity a3nd before the seeds are re- air isntl nhscasiiainwt .Ws Mrs. lzeg. Elliott and son Ross hv esd ako o eetrdtebsns, Pirt h Coiie collection will sonbe ude-'idh ecie h kn 1e returned from a holiday in the Uniitcdan he esredhepntlNe-n.Ho ve States and report a wvonderful houi-. way in the Lindsay District. ny iecastie. si'1gled d ,1K. d ayv interested in coliecting shlould coný1tat I. 01 an er.ror by the Departmnent of Landsadrts Lu the building, apples aTud o hr er and WVees3t U t Lindsay, your nearest 1angr s , frit are the ma-ini items stored, but ýsecoýnd and Wil miss -Betty How of Oshawa Spenýt Ition or Forest Caretaker "for details they haive everything from g-ladi-olitoascice the 'weekend with Mis1s C. W. Stewart. Ias to time a-id prices paid per hushel. eairthwormis lufor storage. GIadioli ___________________________________________________ bloomns cauibe he1ý back from bloom- Newea("sLe p!i gu ~ î * jing too fast,. and last week, lie said, a instance in I~ vfr~ ~)'* A - I they he.d 28,000 blo m t e edfor Newîcatle wa li t week-end sale. On onie occasion when f'ir*st tw,ýo battel w-et weather made earthworms avail- first. The thîr1'1 C111~i4~ ~ ale or the gutheriug, a breeder had ]ly et go of ý 50,000 in the plant waitiug drier in gs. Ou lin( AtCo ntesCuflia weathr. ie wV al _____ -- i etrdecj the sid Turnjjigbacl< two sund a quarter miles of couinty toad to Clarke Town- ship sud taking in onfly a, hait mile as ïL eounty road, as reconmended hy the Road Commission et the United Coun- ties, arousgod thec ire of Reeve A., Me- Kay ut Clarke Township sud Deputy- Reeve J. T. Browu uti that towusb,3ip at the July session et Counaties Coun- ell held ut Cobo)urg. year. Hou'.Mn that road troi No. 35 as a1 an appropria spent oin it lu "annied by day 'vision of our( "We necox lowance hetwe The Road Commission recemuiended the T1 that the rosd allowauce hetweeu con.~ to its cessions, 5 sud 6 lu Cl1arke Townshipp 35 lie froin Lot .29 to the intersection with Furtli provincial Highway No, 35, ho takei 1 frffl ovor as a euuty road, whieh is about siden a haIt mile. The Road Commission aIso Coru reconumdhded that the presenyt couuty way. road No. 1, froxu th e intersection ut Town the south aide ut Lot 29, Concession 6, lu Clarke Towýýnship to the ýounty '4 road's intersection witlih .ighway No. the ft 35, ho turaed back to Clarke Tepwu- u, ship. beair~ Asi a result ut' the protei Clarke memibers Lin coun. the roa-d sud bridge con commeuded that the par being turned back to thet minrtained .as s couuty rn development road wvas con lono ri the2 Following was the complote rcot of the Road Comsi":iThe followir Brnidge Comm it i"We have inspýcteddaIl COiunaty1 'ercnie, Roads sud fouund theni in excellaýntl eeom conditioni. Thorewa very little trust mirissioli's repurt action this spring"'. cdta h Rond No. 1 frr i"We received approval from thw the south side Departmient of Highways for a Rosd 6. Clarke Town, Expenditure of $370,N00. Tliis figure road iutonsocthO ropreseuts a reduction ut $16,000 of 35 that la being Dur reqluested apprupriation. There- Township ho nia fou-o it was necossary to curtail certain Road until the conistruaction we had planured for thïs conlipleted.', Girls Win First( In Single Inning ýeeni incorpi increaýse in b, sud te a ng forth Coni- I FishiE nev

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