26.21 MEN'S SPORT S}1tRTS -Mens Sp<6rt $hirts n-rayon and geersucker in vanety 0f - paftms n t&1ied ut8., .... *2.s CHILDREN'S SUNSIJITS The, balurxce of Our Childnas Suntsuitm for ft LADIEWS SORT L 'dei'hdo, ee10to 20. Coors ofwhite- black, grfe br.wn, rose, Mlue. Reg. $3.75 for (44 LADIES'JERSEYS Ladies Jerseyt, 8tlipe grey and red, r.ey and baâue, grey andi browpi-Xrey and green. Regular priee $7.45 SELLXING FOR ..... .5 Store closed AUl Day Monday P .C. AUJ ~,mmmum 1 cio pork in some otheri- orm1 is a good1rvnefo buy. It is lier living and the living oif towne rih Rogquli.~ma übroe of the! her chfildren and husband anidlher goeedal pri niot ip~tnt actre n frm rîcs oney she le concerned about. gconsal pic for hg 'failIn the f irst six It coSts jmoney to pr'Oduce SUr-pjýluducts nmay xnonts of he yer ony 2C,2 perý centý fat on hog carcasses. The processing utwhh ,of the hoegs gaddin ndn wr A ofpok 1produelts in, a painig plant tconIsum-ptiorf or, toýp grade hgs; ý44.ý2 pcient were beginis with the trLimming off or r1e-1 fa, or BV1's -ndl8i7Spericenýt reC,s, re-- mo-val1 Of excees fat to a point wheie hIogin rllel, ported ,R. K. Bentt îhef of Liv, le th timmied eut is acceptable to the Sae mark, Stc Maktig.Dprtet fAg uer. Piracticaly ail of the fat tri111- extent on thi iycu1ture, Ottaw , tahe- recent me-med off is renidered int o lardi._At the ,ucts. Unlite ,nl fOta eAgiulua r- prices prevililg for- laid sincee theitreedj enaiestKmtiie first off the year, fat trimmed(jfiomn, ny ft -ogcacases in the cutt1iing rocut IIo crcase ar c ring )to11has een worth uapproximtely 7 to 9 xnuh at.Threis nrke tndncycetsper pound. Thl's is iin shiar con-m - Ti jea oni teptoftepbitoe lese tract to the pirice of G-ade-AL car-casses me en fat. Thehus tewlpy oe frFulrthermore the finlished prodch1tmacose vegtabe sorenigs ha fo lad rom f atcaca sesjeless desirable hle on or fr shrtenng bsicaly lrd. hanfrom Grade A as there ' a cer-hgbuie Whe sh gos it te mar-ket to tiiai aounit of sanm or initerior faýt jcraL s~ dober sopn the difficultîes in- ta cnt be remioved, especialîy Ilaih atcn volved ila provi*ding her wljth a eec the shoulder cuts and in the belly or j (Con me hc Eirie, MValolmi inued on pageë. >COOOeoeoOoooooe,400oe000oo00n. - 0000,0e00,0 A. BARGAI N8 Ba RGAI NS COTON SKIRTS Cottont Skirts ii different style and cor Hat LF P1RICE. COTTON DRESSES Ail our tott*n Dresses at RALF PRICR ~e.e. BLOUSES Blose i Coto ad repes -ýfor $2,3 CILDREN'S DRESSES Childres print Dresses, different style6 and colora. Priced at , ........ 95C. to 9.2e 'WHITE SROES AU tDur white Shoees on sale as marked en tablé PEDAL PUSIERS Pedal Pushers, size 16 and 1à, colora of Mrte, grey, charcoal, uavy, Prited at. ..... 2.85 ARMSTR ONG 'S Open Ail D&y Wednesday Ftiday & Saturday iShop and Save at FOODt OVIIOIIMARK ETI T Sare more Tender llone-Slaughtered M EtuATs and Flavourful FnANCY STEAKS wltrinf Wing, T-Bone, Porterhouse Peanieal Cottage Rolis, lean Ilb 52:c Loin Pork Chops ct her cendl 5 c GARDEN FRZESHI -fruits and Vegetables LargeC Snow white Cauiflower ea., 19C Silver Skins lb. Pickling Onionis 19C Large Greýen Heads Cabbage 2forl19c Peaches, Rea-konably Puiceýd are arriing, BLIE CHEER large pkg...... giant Pkigt..... 30c. 59C. F1iOZE'N PEAS S-now Crop ...... pkg. 25c, T0OMATO CAThUP' Hlome Brand ., bottel 17c. SPECIAL fi. BABY FODI I 5,0z. tusI 3fo 25 - r- ~ ~, ~ Mr. anld -Mr. CrlBS.neMSs Audrey BTilnge 4jýrd Mr ynBail- ey spet lta fewvdys th : r nd- Mr-s. Chales Hlogg, and famlly at their cottaige 0on Base iLake. tiMr. and Mrs. Ken Hîerýon and faily of Agincourt visited with Mr. and Mr-S. AnoWallace. flobby Lynch of Woodbridge le spending hiolidays wtv ,th bis grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. R'e Mrs. Don McGee returned homt from i e Western Hospital on Auguet 4th after a sojourn of thirteen weeks. Mise Marlene Grahani je holidaying this Nveek wjth Miss Joy Cooper, Oshawa. Mr. J. W. Rickatby, Torontognd Mr-. R. P. Rickaby, Bowmanvillie, visted with M~r. and Mrs. Hbr 5lê ouch on Swxday, Mr. gand Mrs. M.. LStaple, Air. anid Mrs. Donald Staples and Mr. Glen Tan-ilyl attended the funeraof the late Dr. Walter T. Brown Ph. DW, L.L.D., at Emmianuel College, Queens Park Cres. on Saturda~y iornixig, August 7th. Mr. and lirs. Cinyton Reid, and two daui~ghters~, Alexandra and Jane of Ott4awa are holidayig' wit'h the lat- ter's sisters, Mrs. Amny Rogerson end Major and MrË. W. L Canipbell of Montreal, with Leshe and Boblte, are visiting Mrs. Campbel'.- parents, M. and Mrs. Hector Bowen. adMs Siinday visitors at Mr. n lr. Milt Robinson's were Mrs. A.. Selkirk, M.BIH Chrstie and Mlr. and Mrs. Fred Gardhouse of Tornto. Mr.- and Mrs.~ W. C-Crossley speîn Sunday with -Mr. and Mrs M. C. Hall and Mrs. F. Ardron and Allant at View Lake Cottage. Jýiiss Marionr MeKeiley,- Toronto, spent the week-end -wl-th MIvrs. Fred Br imacoinbe. lr. Fred Thoratpoen of Vancouv~,er, M )rs. G. Thomps-ii of Xial~, Mir. -and M~rs. Alfred Elliott andso Douglas of Toronto were reentvsi tor, with their aunilt, Mrs. Fred Brin - acomibe. Mr. .,Irott alidifail&iI of Regina are vstn ihbrmte r.A. Roy, eI- M.W.J. TLyctt -returned home Wedniesday of ths eeký from Peter- boroHsnitl ere she ad1- de-l gonie anoertn - M. oward McGill oi-Iil.iardto, NothraOtarlio lias rýte;i nredhlomne, arter vieit;ng witi-,mrs. Vera Carie- ton and Mrs.ý C. L. Myles a d Jfrienýds. While hiere Ile, attended thie funeral of Mirs. Jim Caleton,Ne Too, formerly Florence Gordon, (daughlter of the late Mr-. and Mre. Robt. Grdn I Mise Phyllis Carleton lias rtre Ihome to Toronto after spel"dIingtwýo Ê weeks vacation with hier mother andic Ross Carleton. "CANADIA ON THE MARCH' (Continuied from page 1) Another -sports highilight, the Cari- ada0tilÏieTniaining Plan, will e finfulsig gi this yarTracýk and field athietes, from atcr-os thej Doinfionll Ibe 1brough"t to the E lx-f hibition for seilzdtann ne somle of the coltry's best cahs IAt the !oncluisioni of> the onie we trainIing pr)iodther iJI libe two For, themuiloostee i e I te opuarcompetitios in voal and j CN Muic epa-tmnt.Alid in 4the BanId SheIIl the fmd adof the f - in ýithie Clsu exibi)tos willseemanynewfealtui re~in the Agricutltural so sdti e Lx1pays ftributie to the Cand amr e j tis yare agi-icul inr I lsssith thousanlde or etrie optn o fnwhgh total of piemay vULNITED Cý1,WRcM Orono pastoral[ Re-vere nd Johin KIt.h ce This Thurs. and Fni. AIl-Techaicolor Shtow-- "T»IE FÂRMIER TAKES )A WJFE" With Bletty Grale àand D)aýule Robetslo "PRINCE OF PIRATES" WiVth John rek and Barbaia Rus This Saturday Only AI-Technicolor Show adRhowlda Fleming D'TE CHARGE 0F TIUE LANCES" COMINGNEX LA' Even Funnier Thau "The PaY BOB JANE HOPE R U SSELL1 In .a Bi-gTehio Cmeywt "THE--ON-0F-PAL- SUNDAY, Preacher: Rev.Il C USTO MAT UC AStore, wI4e Clearing, of Suummer Wear in New Giaftt Ffeexer Chest with up t'O pourids of frozen leods, New flouOuï GolI-Anodized Atuminum Shetves, Handi4aîch, Butter Bank, Egg Nest, Meat -Save,, Bote Basket, Twin Porcetain Vegetable Bins and1 many more features. Lt us show euthe nCw Norge Custemtic Weay 1 SALE PRICE Reg. $499-95 p§49 ROLPH HARDWARE Phone 43r1, Oirono