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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Aug 1954, p. 6

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uuireguxatioxs wu are con- ýàt-nd luï.abook et ive-, 900 paea. .He u wst kinow 1hOw te d~tect obac n ail,dung ~itcsand aIl ether prohibited Idndsofet mailiïlg matdter and be j ',pjj.ed at all tîmes te ase 0iuie eset'the public. iTh leter crir .,m~ meunefor deU\very, bho muat îeri te acheme e dsrifto frhis rcute, which cOrsists in memeniziupward ef several ,huadnamles et patrons oet tho pstalser-vice suld associat- rn hose namnes with the labelecd pigeo-hohsiluthe pest offijce distibuingcase. Th carrier miust keep a leg joe i which are recorded thbe emvladdroesses et tormer Pa- tron ethisroue .The log bek contain undeda et namoes and thle letÜtrca(rrier lsreun ed îte memerize the torwardting, dressse that he cariwrite onte evelope wiý7thout recourse te the-ý log book, the new Paddr-e ss. 'Ci-e letter carrier is ailso a or9f a Secret. Service man, He la ±~quotlycaleýd upon te ob- tniniforma)tion cet aatrictly eepnflitentiaIl nature, elicited by t.he aeVeraJ secret depant- ImerIts ot the gvrnetbeth ijiu iandwithot the lpostal lervice: lHe is called upen te ,ive cues te the wheneabeuts of aleged crnipinals, et seditieus offo ~ptshLiugers, bothleg- ecq s; post office robbers, ot truuetschemers * lkfi se et th e -mail senvice, of desertera ffuxite Armny and Navy, et couteroitrsillicit distilleries and ther revenue cdodgers. The Iletter carrier must be aý mejcchanië and chauffeur, as al qJcleý,set- mail are colleced by «Motery vehlicles and large parce! p est pa ekka g es and registerécd, p)aicels are delivercd by mciforo v Hile.leis Used as a'llec- ien aý,-ýgency la delivering COD aresand unpaid mai, ad la x'oposiiefer il ]meneys on- tsla CamravQc e rs -Vh rue, hs grswere tryinc, opez, Nomi Leen, Zennie L truisted te h-is custody as wellj' as for the mnail aud packages. Ie muvst bc- a -sphinx in resp)ect te kuowledge acurdby hlm in thseperformance et lis duties imprtogtene ene tund(er penal- ty for violation, thereof, conlfi- dence received by himi- in his em pioymeut. lI utbe a traied dpoa in handling ail classes et peeopl, the irate, the qarlsmthe cemplaininig alid tis-e nces. Hle is thse buffer between the, patron whese gie-vance- is net redressable an-d the departuxnent, c-harged with responsibility ton, rectifying the complalunt et the aggrieved. Hie m-ust -be henest, loyal, îpdusfrious and sober at ahi times, as whas naisud ci(,rumpect Î)i his iattire. Iu summ-ation, a le-tter carrier serves iri a edicated position/, H is job is 'rue ef great iimkpor,.tance te ail itizens oft our côÙtry. Prom the Poistal Record er om one basic p;ïstry recipe- Spriniklewaer eU abesco 41d ow' delightf-U - this a1 Monjrid - at, a timj-e, evermitue tossiing zmkeay mnumber et different form a abaIl, (Useonly eeg eset.If yoi happen ,te be one wtrte make leur p~tc of the lucky people with- goose- dn together-ithey sheuWd net teyrîoiu la your garden-goose- be wet or slippery,) bensare cemiïng bac.k inte Form pamstry 'intosmethba-il 9ehoby the ;Aay-i especîally bnetween floured h fands. recmmndth-e pie maFde with Wrap and chmfla1/2heur or that greatly underpIrizd fruit, longer, Meore rolhng. Chilling Orshul that be "currant"? nike thisý tender pastry eaDsier The dictîonary is tee farn away tehande. This recipeymakes tA go and iook it up, se here eouhpastny fer any oe cofth(' goea! * * *three dessertsthat folw: ALMND - B FLAVORED * . c bileed Pur MakIeAmnFavrdaty t %girChIi.RoýIl eut degh k ich 46 U uttr hick, I ted ami»d extract Ct6 circles, 6 inche-s in da- IMblP, wte seter (a ,sanucer inakeS ïa ,.oed tfi ler; measutre, ud) SIIfOrand suýgar fto 'gether. Fitcrlsee netdes Cu t bttrInto fleur wth tard caps. Prick witha f1% Watybender, eor twe knives, dipped l lerinnhconr SRPrLCMc lmndetrctevr rund edge. "sxtureBake la hot(45)on12t hen the cameramren of the Philippine Isinds met te telect a be-auty c, Io win the "Miss Pres ýPhotcgrapher" title. Lefi te right: Mirinam Lopez, Isabel SrnOfeia Boutista and Enmmne $prioneo 14j , coera siarch ~ Cek i lipwater su'rd'thle sugan for a t-xw minutels ( eor 10w- "~1~~ "~'~' "w~%""' uf of stm id blpOssenx tîp ~~ ~~~ frem rtis.Add te yo p 1~ ~ Simmr getfy bb'u' 5minutes or unitil cooked biit stihi wheole. ~'Usingi a siotted apon,' rzeniove benes remsyrup. Plcelapie t Dissolve ceorn sarilu remain- Siig 113cup wator. Stir ife syruýp. Cook, syrtpup 'il elic nd enabout 3 minutes, stiring Coel itelukewaý2rm. Peur oyver> piecsi brciy," coo stne ledàgebe- ne C h oundation ait Rc»ne's 15 minutes COOL. Bluteberry Filling l pK-g. anlpudding C, e. beavy l itsp. vanilla itblsp suari 3 .blueblerries Prepre pddig acordigLt directions on package, Cool. Stîr puddling unti)l smooth. Whp rem.Add ýivanilha and Fold reamintopuddin.g. FM ipbalstr hells wh pudding ansd bernes. Makes 6 tarts. GOOSEBERUV PIE, Mak e Almond -Flavmre Divide dough in halï, andStre one hal in refigeiaitor, Roli other hall ecut very thin te mae ya 12-închcircle. Plceleseyin 1-nhpie plate; pat eut anyarà bubMes. AýAedsrecigthe pastry. or it m Yay shink durîng baking, Pckwith fork dipped in epi plte te prevent sides trom elidng down wvhie baking. Relieut etherhait et pastry. Cut prt etit into '9stp, j nch ide '(cand 12inches 1long. Mae hrebrýaîia ef three strips eachand pece tgeth rmake Brus ni wit waer;press onbraid ut 6daon-h pepi'ees Out etremanigpastry. (if yeu i ih, top centre et eaeh diamnd wth hît apecan oi %walnut., oven aout 1-15 mnute's, and demnds aut theusme tempera- 'Yê or bot10 mnte.Cool, san prepnîrE fthis s;h0l a 4a~ aheof triai area: 0 etise evidence of merelless use suýd kbetrayal of peoýple wbio labor for tiseir Iivellhood and wvere llmembnýes f unions supposed te b. rýepycsented by t'hes' doeeii- Net qly were theseImon tndguilty et "holding u p" on tatn.The wrkmjen ln the unios tey cont,0lled as ofcr wer asodeprived eofwagePS wehen c ialled eut on strikes mwhich invfl-veçi tew ;actual givne aad resulted in lttle Iïf any lmi- provêment lna wages or working One e ft those cevited, it wa shwn ad used up some-ithing $vr 100,000 freux the union îrssr ïn defeuding bivuiseýlf an-d ete ffcials againat the racket- ýEoning lndictments, ardthe soe-ms ne way et the union ne- cevering it. Th'-e St. Louis indulistial ares irécent years has bpel en epec- lîly pla gued with labo r iacket- eering lu cer-ta.inet.,'the building trGdes. This ha-id ties with tlhe gagwonid and wV'itb.poliics neot an infrequent allîince-an wasiard te dislodge. ,Thje Post-Dispatch, in eue e its typical crusades, expqosed the tats pbli c opiniion dmne actiJon, Pand fdnlpresecuters, grand junies., and couirts did the Other areaýs nehdltis ps-tcla7yvcieu)js kJla d t hbeant, But they shiooii ase take heéd fthat it ma.y taike îjl thnýe -ferlea eposnepublic -- -OigDaien3, and 1onscenf:1S ag- ent etjuStice - te" do thejo. The Chis tian SineMonitor, PLAIN KO.RSE,,SENSE..I O By F. (ýBJBý VON PLUS There are te ti'ueýwv~ ould gu represent extre postions re- h'uman nig âpecting our emoe and Éodeai thse store-1 erder. Theeue attde ls 4 'indtvldtxali jpoused by tfrise wbo rejeet any Lu faet, sudf every klnd ot ecouerilc planý- ltisiwhtene ning mo rganization. tnied humrfi They consfitute the gnovp Mt izd lu a r extremne idvdusaon the so- tout evený cald achel ofe cnomic liberal- se'Cuýtio'n is isux. They wat(ne interference able resu]l whatsoeven wif h the indfividual dcaosi eliher :from -the. governnint r TChe Altern freux the 'social Pressure (if groeup Between on'gani2afion3s. thre in a They- -xvill telerate ne restnic- Consistent tienis upon individual initiative rtioaýhitY or peronl nter.pnîjse. They are economnie p liberal only te the exteut that festly ïr-rpc they wish te be libeýrated freuxecoî;i al social responibitiy. ekigco They câîl itftree enferprlýse buit lic gOod thje freedoux la for those wlho te tise issp dom-inatiug strength nathen than 'for tise weak or týhese wvho de- pend simrply en tisein own labDour for thein eibig Tisey oppose ail efforts te est ablis cletv brann by organiized labeur sud theyne sent fIxe action et goverami-ent ;u enactng lws which nmakeSumch Collective bar-gainiing ebligatory - If thene la te be any fsoci pannthey will do it theuxi- selves wîthotthsecolbrtn et labeu.r, censumecrs or i the gevrerment. They v-suthfIe goermet estricted te the n.,co pr lutcin, pnivatecon- tra-ýcts blut net tebeont'stp withisCe nsofsbliy tpro- eting jusice and theome Te thrExtre 1The second group re'ect toal- lyý tisis attitude efthtie indi*vidual- ists sý,nd ru-sh te the ethe-,dr O- tremie. Tisese lte eiete lîh tate colecivity. Eider ahI poper , as u pu Comuuim, n arlest IlPro- 1ductiveprpty as in pure S.cJahimsux heuid be own-nl tiseîi hee.r" Y by he cmxu on by fIeSe. 'Tile State oMis te conimun f thneucrn wll .n mefhod May be, istu ni euo ate viinfor te nedae i itza irue 50tat theï n ý.tll e ne suplus ten, do sud (-e"df coe Y. , Tissytex Puis-ian lnature and ýghts no, flageRaly aios expeione Idicatlea ethis systeux has been ia beiugs are vîctimý anuersd te au x-i mor2e disastreuis, Per- tise logical aind inevit- lt 0fe circooi native lthese twe xree "vsa nmdawmîtl with Ch ri stija r aud laith Sound irincplea. Iflasmani- lssible to expert good onder if wsges, pnices, diions, aud tise pub- &re. leftte chace o Dhazard nmethods etse,- competîtion , cAnnoit beth r Plin p ofcpl e he econ.omI)I wol."Eon-om)(e supremacey can' etiýLl emaasum tisfuie- tien ef a true ýcand efcieguîd- iu~ pincile,'for tIhis is a -St rong ndveheet1 -poweýr, hl fhit s te prove beneficialý te manln4r, needs tc be rurbed stronjgly pjalnd rled vwith prud- ence'" The e remedy will be gý'unde luacýomplishiing two reformafi in our ocia ordr, I thefirat place the_7re must hbe ne-etab- lished ome teni et fvocationai gruawhich wfii ,bind men te- tirrespective occu-pations, tLhua thremutbe are oet mrl and -a prefound renewal of thm Chitaaspirit w"hich imust pre- code the Social reconstruction, The social organism hi as been disembredanidbro.ken op li)- te ramens ach seeking lits ewn aefs nterest instead c42 the ceminon goôdet fal), Unfrtil the organic rnature et sýociety l. again recegnized and re- establi shed 1through voca-1 tienal eitbien one et tlwC things imust happen.. The State nmuat assume ah respon,,ibility, thlat, la, beceme, an absolute ecnmi ictatenship or el!se teindividlual remaninis 'helpiess, defeselss, andcempl!etely ovor- powti-er by thoe awho oneý_y -cwnomicsurmay Thtis columun welcomes cniti- daïm, ecinstructive or destructivc, Zsapd suggestýî03nS, vwise or othexr wjise,1.àAdress all mail te Bot, Boxnglaone oet the nmost pop- ullan sports Jlu1Siam te(day.Mth es, r- hld eveï7y Thursday sud Sunday .afteiiions la a, n openi Colosseiùmyj-like stadium on -Raja- daleirn Avenue in Bangkok, Tebouts 1at.l;ciy five rounds., But they'are otten bhloody affaiJra ýwith eone, sometim.yes both, et he box~ers being csrnîed eut o The boxers wear ovntoa gloves, but everything .gees lv, the fight - kuees, f cet, elbows, has-exerything except hold- lu.A progratirme lists some ot theseca means et!. maiuiing for whîh~'achboxer is famoLcus, 'be boxers mà,-y get utbu from)3- approximately $10 te $50 per -ac.Rouigh as if may be, they njevertheless box for the sport, rather than the(- money teý ba made. Each stops briefly at the on- trance te the ring te kneel la ai mù;inont's prayer teo the God etf Sport. An orchestra, composed et natvetites, cymbals, trumpi-j eits and drums, piays an ancien.t wvaiing chant during Che match. It servesý as a strauge backgrounid muasic te the wuild cheeninig and Cern by the fans who wili stick te their seats even wýheu a sud- den, tropical dwpordelugea, the stadim. U ýpsidce-Down'- Technicians May MAurray, sionding, and ,vrne, demnonstrate a ne-w X-i-ay unt itatWse Memorial ileavy straps isuethe security end comfort of the as te aparaus s munte wlhinan eight-foot-wide rok yrcovolving the patie, n n nupsidEý-down os- ,,vtch thepgesa cf no, paque dye -sOmne-

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