REEKL Y tathorized as Second Cia.. Mail, Pogt Office Department, Ottawa. Fe...Jer. R A Forrester 'Publisher. R'C Forrester SVALUE OF ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION Pwuring the summiier mnonths, scarceiy a day ppsses without a potof persons being drowïled. In many cases, lves could hava ,,een saved, had there been some person at hand with a knowledgc oýf how to appiy artificiai respiration. According to the St. John Amibulance Association, enough cin Ibe iearned about artificial respiration, in a imatter of two hours to ,-nake al the difference between life nd denth. Memibers of this or- ganlization are reaciy at ail timies to undertake instruction of groups au Wndivduals anxious to acquire Utisvaluable knowledge. It is amnazing how miany people are comipletely ignorant of ,even. the fundamientais of first ad, Many, for insta-nce, will take )1o thought of the fundamientai need of keeping injured peopie or iear limowning victims, warm as possibe. The cold sand of a bweh is o the proper place on whichi to la near-drowning ¶-itim while he is being worked on, unless it is impossible to do otherwise. A person badiy hurt, his systemi severely shocked, is in nieed of warmith. At the samne time, that wyarmth is not to be created by a crowd of people gathering around cdosely and cutting off the suppiy of fresh air. A littie knoiedge and a few comminonsense precautions cal, do a. gr'eat del to save lives. Certainly in this provTince, where water plays sueh an important part in ioidays, wvith our many beaches, Lakes, rivers and streamns, the more people who know how to apply au'rtificïal respiriation the fewer people are lhable to ]ose thieir lives. IIELPING HANDICAPPED CITIZENS TO HIELP THEM1SELVES The vwa<r " tl-cor- iiution which i ' , i'appd rnn ad woincan miake to Canada's economic w'elfare is today being emi- j--îhasized in a numiber of ways. A national commnittee on whki federai udprovincial goveraments, employer and emiployees and social wvel- lare organizations have representation, is stressing the importance etf helpinig the handicapped to help themiselves. Most provinces nlow have signed agreemnents to coopearteWAthte ferl government K irehabilitation efforts. Much of the w\ork of helping the hiandieapped' to help them- selves is done through the speiai placem-ents division of the National Emiploymneït Service. It is concerned primarly with asslisig personls suffering from hanndicaps of varying ncature to find work will he suitabie for them. More and more it is becom-ing apparent that the hanicappedl individual stands a better chance of living a rea-sonabzly happy ,nd suecessful liie is epioyedwhe he or she can do useful work than otherwie. Mome and more it lhas aduo becme apparent tMat liandicapped persons, when gîven the right ,work1, cain make a great ýontribution to th-,e econom)iiie life of the country. It lias been fouind tha aradicapped person properly placedl sometimes does wrkl supcior to the i-called 1ormal idvda. .The fiimtance- of finding tL're righit workj for eachl handi- 2appedl indiidualimmediately becomes appjarent. It is som etimes, ,lfIcUlt task< butÉ remiaviýable success luas beenI achieved 'by the aýpecial piiieme(nt officers. Employers ar1e now becomning ~aware of Gle vauine andicaped woikes. In man),cepsthey arec-pra- ing whOie-hearedly. knowing that bA so doing they heip both the hn-dic-apped individuiai and thmselves. CCnte ConiI Aécbtititiles Legisiative and By%-Lýaws Werecommiiend thaýt the Countyv authorities investigate the -omiplaint re 'Wakely's Auto Wrecking Yard. W'e reeommend that the resolutin £pmthe County of Wentworth re! p.ý'eendirng the Homes for the Aged Act be endorsed. WeV reeommend that the resolution fromi- the County of Oxford re inýspec-ý tion of school buses and drivers be oadorsed. "We recommiend that no action 'ho taken oni- the re'so\htion from the County of Perth re Municipal Draini- age Aet. We reeommiiiend that the resolu- Mion re Educationi Grants decrease due to, Couaty re-assessmnent be eni- d ors ed. Werecommend that resolution from- the County of Brant re redluced speed 1ilnit and stopping for Schooi buses bo.eliadorsed. ~We recommend that no action bc taken on, the resolution fromi the County of Peterborough re aninexa-1 tion power of the Municipal Board. Equalization of Asses_-m1eut Werecommi-end that the 1954 As- ioeSsmrEat for County Purposes be thel oquahized assessment as used lai 1953. We recommeiyind that the County: -Assessor be given temporiry officel ass;ista.nce for compiiing astd filing roils as presenited by the m"inor munii- cipalities. A"gricul1ture Comimittee 'We recomminend that no action be takeni regardiag the resolution fromri thle Counity of Grey for the settinig1 up of a beef producers associationl.1 We recommnend that the Cierk, ap- ply to ýthne Departmient ýor subsidy on the ýcost of eradieating Bar-bany and Buckthorni. If thi-s la obtatined the Covunty pays 25%, of the total cost of this wo rk la the County. Finance Committee WE recommendtlChat the notices from thne Catholie Chiiidren-is Aid So- e.'iety and the Yr County Society re inreaýse in, per diem rates bc rýceived. and the Clerk prepare a resoluitioni for (istriýbution to thie other, Counity Councils- and Ontario Legislature and Muicpl Association askinig that> the A3ct bc amiendeld to ailow Counities to brng cildren taken into cu-stodIy in outside areas back to ftheir ownvt ocety- to be cared for. We ecmmndthat thie Clerk andi tïie Assessor be sent to the short course on Munlici hieid on September W'e recoffimendt the Community Pl of Canada'-be rec We recomnxend taken regardidg Civil Service Asý rle Pay Roll Dedu< Affairs to be ý-16thi. COMING EVENT The Oshawa andl District Gladiolus Association wili hold their Annual Gljadiolus Show on Saturday, August 14, at 3 p.m. in Legion THall, Bowman- ville. Bloomis. t be auetioned at 9:00O p.m. Amsso 25e, CAJRD 0F THANKS I wish to thank ail those who s0 generously sent rie their prayers and good ýwishes, cards, flowers, gifts and also those who donated blood for iny [tra.nsfusion-s while 1 was -in~ hospital. Such thoug,,htfutlnless and kindnies helped grjeatly in my recovery. $incere1y, Barbara Mc(ýee, ELLIOTT-In ljoy-ing memýory of -ouri dear ehild, Annette Louise Eliott,ý m-110 passed away August , 19417. Deep in our hear-ts her mïemory is kept 0f on)e xve ioved amd cnneyer forget,ý And though the years may be many oir few We xiii always, be thii)k;ing dear chhld of you. Lovinigiy rememhered by iMotber, Dad anid Famýily. - open 'Ti Sales t( 26.2 1P.C. 0F HOGS (Coaitinued from page 5) is hanging on the rail. It la up to the J' producer to nmake the rqie m PlovLeents. The forecasts of increasedl mairket- ings of hogs la Canlada for the iast quarter of this ye-a, ran1ge from 2,5 per ent to 40 pr cent. For, the s thriee months of 1953, weekly gradings.I of hiogs wr 93,880 la October,,, 100,-JI 892 in November and 981 n l Dec- emiber. 1 ý.j1 If ther'e is a 30> per coent increase 1 's fal it will mena an average of about 130,000 hogs a week to ho g Idn.l the first five moatha. of - this year -estimated avervage- domestie con'sumpt1ion, of hogs out of giudiags, was 82,3-00 a week7 1V seema r- »easo11- J able to expee)Lt that domestic consum p- -o . tioni for the last qua rter Of the yearL, even) if prices are iowver, xiii be somne- tingi, less thanl 100,tLOb hogs per wee1k. Thius m1ay ieali a considerable Surplus ' of pork h dcsfo xot The trade in thie United1 States are Chicago prices Of from 19l,)to :20 cenjts f livýe weight. The euvaetdressed price, using 75 per cent yiel(j as th i( ý conerionfator, wýould be from -l ý $2.5to $26.651 per hundredweight. iJ) Owing to the higher cut-ou1t, thatis,ý i the higher per-celitna!ge Of tbx 1~ c Lts 0,- tain1able from Can.adian hoas thflat no action be 1 close to the LJnited, request fromý the Tis is based on the sociation of Ontario the exr u.ota etions. of Canadiani hogs ýý t he duty and any a We recommiiead that the Clerk and the Wardea or his appointee be sentl to the Convention of the Municipal Associat*in as delegates. We recommnend thiat Mr. 'Youinan be reimibursed for' the lanmoe purchased to cut the grass at the Dur- ham Forestry. 'We recomimend that no action bel taken on the pension for I. Phalea atý thes present tîme,. We recommnend that the r-efores-ý tation commrittee be iaistructed to tryv and g-et another 20-year arein with the Departmeat sfimilar to the one that bas been la effec\t for, the past 30 years for the mianageaint of the Counýty Forest., We reeomimend that the Couaceil bel paid for, the da-ys they sit aad mile-j age for this session. We have examined the foilowîngg aceounts paid since last esssion total- iag $191, 396.31 and hereby coalfirnii piym-ent of-sam-e. Reforestation Commiittee On Tuesday, June 2nd, your Com- miteinspected the Dlurham 1refore- stat,,in. Mr. Youingmian, the forester, conducted us oný a tour of buildings, eqjuipmient anid forest. Fencing xvas in progress at thie timie. One buadred cords of red pinie pulpxvood bas been shipped from thle $1-9-00 per cord F.O.IB., Pontypoo.. The total1 acreage of 1,375 acres lbas been planted anid somle 8500 r'efis xere Put in t 'his year. Further en-ý iarging of this forest does not seemn possibie, at preseat due tO the ex- panision of the Ganaraska Forest and purchases of lanid by prospective Christmnas tree growers. Mvr. Younlg- man exten)ded a cordial inivitationj to ail Counties Council members to visiýt the forest at any time. Oni Junýe 8 xve inspected the Northi- umiberýland Foreat and xveîe shovn! over- the buLlilings, equipmienit and forest b)y âMr.Les Campfbell, the fo-- ester for thie Northumi-berIanod Forest' and xvhere trees xere planited th.isI yeùar and 75,000 re is xerepaed 1Al the available land la the foreati area la now, planted. The area of thje forest is approximiately 340 cres. A sËmalsaw iii bas becen iece )enses due to the tran'spoi of seiling. andl is aoxv in operation. The thina- iags are noxv being saxved into x4 lumber, chiefly from red, Scotch and jackpine. We found the foreat to be- in excellent condition., We also inspected arid took ant op-i tion on 100 acres of land belonging te Mr. Gordon Broomifield at a price of $13.50 per acre. This land adjoins the present forest and xve recoý-mendc the exercising of this optîon. Coitnty Property On1 reviewing the Grand Jury Re- port, xve recommrfended that the Spec- il County Property Commnittee in- the goal and report back to the neat session and that the Clerk send a eopy of the )mprovemnents recoin,, mlendedl at the Hillcrest Lodge to the Children's Aid Society Board. We recommiend that no action be taken on the propositions suhm)lyitted re building L)ccomrodaition, for CoUnýty Purposes by the T'oxvn of Cobourg as xve feel they are not adequate for, future requiremeats. W'e recomm"end thiat the oý ption, taken on Ha-tfield Hall !for $500b exercsd. We recommend that no-,, a-ctioýn ho takien onm the letter from tDr. Wilkiins re Registry office bili, We recýommend thaýt the matý,,ter of a roomi for, the Hstrca ociety be ieft, until the next session to be d!e- cided. TrtpIe b'irths la big gm are not! too Common but txvu sncb reports have beeni filed ini this dsritby f- ficers of the OnltarloDeatnto Lands and Forests. Across fromî the CifRan.ger's haqatr ee coxv mloose xvas seen wIfth tre calv-es. ÀA mother bear with three Young xývasý seen aioxrg a Itumber :comIY- pany rondt, Sü, a-p nS re- y even- . Reg, COMING EVENTS, A Publie Meeting of the. Durham Coulity Film Gounicil will be heid inI the Orange Hall at Orono on) Wednes- day eveniag, August the ISthi at 8:151 P.m1. Films %viii be shown by Mr. Rton Ward N.F.B., Peterborough. Sciiool Boarcis and Teacbbrs cordiaily la- vited. J. Walker, Sec, iRN TINSHOP I l Ir__*& wI i NUW ethe timne to Iiscuss your HEATING 'ROBLEMS. E.- LO0G-'A N U oi' gainst such hazards. . ., but loss çwInsuar gisUcmtt Ius best u.rance is always your CALL NL FPORTER Oronn EJectrie Phone 9M r 1 CONTRACTORS FOR FARIM and ITOUSE WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SAILES Prompt and Guaranteed Repaira cail makes of Electrical Equipmeli and A'ppliices -uch as, Mtors, Water Hestr.t Râqd't Steve&. Troua, Ft4 FOR SALE A Barni Mf>xa30 feet. Steel Roof, -alse a Buggy and Cutter. Appiy Webb Brother>s, 185 King Street. Peterborough), Ont. b-oc Plive or six acres of pastuire fiehc la the viîcinity of Oronio for cuttiig sod. Twitch g9raspreferred. Rem-ov- ing of sod xiii not harm the field. Contact Fred Sauniders, Newtoa- ,ville. P FOR SALE Redl Raspberry Shoots - Cuthbert variety. Order now for fali seting. Phone 1-- rnb -p NOTICE The office 0£ Mr, R. R. Waddell Q.C. in Orono will be closed from August 2nd te> August 16, 1954 for holidays, We wvill be pleased to pick up dead or crippledfarmi animais for sanitarv, disposai. Telepho-ne Coilect Cobourg '26 or Tor on-to Em . 8-9368. GORDON YOUNG LIITED if you wish yori-DEAD FAR-M STOCK removed the fastest way, thenea us colIlect ý-Bwmanvillel 2679. We aiso buy LIVE IIORSES. MARGWILL FUR FARM TYRONE, ONT. Hailtons Insurance Service Every class of Insur- ance îe represenited in Our office. The follow- ing are some of the main coverages we ca-ii offer. Automobile, Life, Acci'denit and Sîrkness, Plate Glass, Liab1ity, Fire, Burglary, Hospi-talizationi, IAvestock, Roiler, Wind, Polio, Hail, Fideity Bonds, etc. ORONO PHONE IilO FIRST JMORTGAGE LOANS Leroy Hamilton li REAI. ESTATE BROKER 1ýES KAÀR 1, 0ONT. Electrie and Acetylene Welding Cylinkder Blocks and Heads 'Welded specializing ini ALUMINUM AND ZlINC 1 BASE METAL Ail Work Guaranteed Phonle Orono 1 ring 3 AND ~HotWatterfl 1Heatlng0 fiCALI, Uq FOR ESTEMATE: HARRY E. LYCETT Phone 84 r 12 ORONOONT.,fu REAL ESTATE FORt SALE PrprisSid, Rented Managed aud Appraised tM. ALLISON R'eal Estate Broker phone 26 - Newcastle' Ont. bioekz rnorth of traffie signai, Newcaýstle,- A. F. MeKPENZîI FWYSICIÂN anid SU Mie Rour 3A ,4.00 aMXL .» É4 Sundaya and W.dmom appointiment o.k PHONE 47r1 - E. C. SYER, M, PHYSICIAN and SUR4 Main Street South Office Bours: 2.00 t'o 4.00 p.m.. 6.30 to1 Sundays and Holidaym Appointment PHONE '44 r 19 DR. R. J. TÂGGJ VFÎ'TERINARY SURGI OPPOSITE SKATING1 PHONE 94 r 16 LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, Barrfister and Soli BOWMANVILLR, ON Phonu:. Office 688 Hoe,. JAC'K REI] Or7ono's Auctioneer andt Val Specialize ini IFarm Fui niture Sales Consuit nie for tel and dates phone 5 r 18 TEl) JACKS( Auctioneer and Val Coniducltq utp si.o and at reasouabIe raic comm unicate with him 1 perry, Ontario, or seo his E. Morton, at Orono, for dat LIFE INSURAI Pension Plans; Educational Protection and Savings Pl Chlldren and Aduitm; Mortg surance Plans. F. E. LYCET¶ ORONO, Ont. Phont The RUTTER C'RAI AlMPMlT Dial 3216 -P.Ojý oj i Port Hope, Ontario ,Vionuments, Gravema Ene'ravin2'. Goldeas Monumeiital W0 Phione WVhllby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whit FIN-'E quALI MONUMENTS Let us ereet a bandsome, rtifled -monument over the iag place of$yourIxf ved It's iaot expeasive. And z this last tribute wili gi. you wiescormforj% ,TV AND? I - 8:J.NORTON~ Builder <& Decora Cnit~ us on Jail thing- pttainiingcc, the beautifi< if yojur homne. Paperhaniging and !ni iDecoration a. speeilty. .e l BR( STAFFORD] ART RINN NT. ONN ,Ler.A. tor N NN NITE àss cato