jet Goes Fi ONGS iNew Records - Men To New Posts mm MOM dom jamm INFUI IGH 1 51IL tsquarters a nd y Col. Ly iricay R. HE . Wt7ddifield:, wh.,' the regimient for ithe l aStý asbeen appointed geniera-- grade one, of the 'newiy- Mil'itia Group Hlead-- hiih will be cmad Il N. Carr of Port Hope. i lb. Chocolatte 43c 20 ozý 2â for 33e 2for 27c 2 oz,, 75c a Prrem l2 oz 39c Les 12 oz 25c Features GrWape Juece. ....... Walds 1Boneless z Chicken........39c Tissue....... for 25C 20 oz. rnveryday' Liquid la Bottieq Juanket, ail Flaveurs Powders ........ 2 for Good Luck Regular Margarine .......... Solo Margarine..... French's Prepared Mustard ..... .. Hawes Paste Wax.......... Lifebuoy, Reglar Soap..........2 for Lifehluoy, Bathi size Soap -. . 2 for ta tours spon.- Major Herbert Long_, Port Hope, Do- adet League of 'the Midland Regimnent, has been ap- tourig groUpa painted secondý-in-commaiiind of th.ý m' Great Brîitain Hatings Laad Prince Edwardî Regi- part, had njeyer menè-'t under Maj. Fairmjan. he grnerof and the Wtme Park. A seocnd New Car Plates For 55 United States. Lake Erie,îbasi Amricanc--À, tour-1 Licence plates for 11955 hav7e take2ý cenit state's of1 on a new, look. fHowever, thiough ar- 1Ohio. 'The Patýrk rîng in cer-tain centres,mtrit forestedi area la w ýo't be able to g-et themi untid af teL t of the s7pecieS thfe New Year, tive to the Lake N .s Wahmut, tullp, ext year motorist, will find ry, ycafioe aIý nsidrabe cang inthe lieeý y, syamor andplates. The 19ô54 color scheine will bc reversed to provide a bluçe bcgon rnaturalist of the, with white letters. aire ar 'lie measurement of the new plates, U be six by twelve inches. This la ,-haIf inch narrower and one-quar- inch shorter than the presenf" tes. rhe fîrst 999,999 plates issued wià ar no letýer and then starting withy E1,(100,0Oth plate, one letter wilý added with each 100,000 plates. mn previeus ptAS. qt8. Seeodess lb 39e lb 49c Sl fe 2 16. utr? cil qtýro Sunkist Ori 22o doz. 5509 2 prompt yoyu to cali upon of sorrow. We stre-ss eautiful services tLhat )Ve- cons( to the bereaýved. ?AL ROI(ME ea. Store Hours C.ed ail day Monday, Open al da WednesýdaY Friday and Saturday S.:30 a.m. ta 9:00 p.m« Tuesday, Wednezday Thursday 8:30 a.m. toà,5:30 r 1?~7 )r<~no C f110 Vl> Warm Air and Ilot Water HEATING EAVESTROUGHING ESTIMATES WITIIOU T OBLIGATIONS GORDON COTTER Phone 64 r 7 Oreono, Ont. Juice Coffee Lettuce 2for Cabbae