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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Aug 1954, p. 7

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.41 Ath.rizetd ans econd Clauw Mail, Pont Office1 Poffler., R A Forrester moànt, Ottawa. Publiaher. R -C Forrester ORONO AND THE SEA-WAY The recent announcemient that the St. Lawvýrence Seaway and iHydroý Project will be undervay this yeair with ý,Possible com11pletion iu 1958 and 1960 bas a hearing on the fututre of the Lakeshoro Area, It îa Possible toi visualize a "Ruhr" 'inrdustrial area from Oshawa xest to Niagara. Large industrial conce-ns hv led sitod int the Vicin- ity betweeut Toronto and Hîamilton aIse fromn Cobourg .-te, Whitby 'wheree new mianufacturJng coinpanies are- everinrang Will this expansion., a resit of the Seaway and Hydro) Develý- pm taffect Orono? It i's iposileb magine that Oronowod not benefit. Possibly not through the location of any substantialinlu- dustry however feeder industriesý of a small naturemy fipid Orono a gýnitable site, The greatest effeet wll possibly be noted iu n inJhcreýse li residential dtwellings, This la being noted todayad has been ove,£ the past fe-w years. More anid more people are making Oronio thoir home to-wn and this has developed to a Point wvhere the buýiling of houses is incereasiiug eve-ry year. However the viîllage cau only expand toc, a certain point ýdue to thè, lack of building arebs whichi are today almost at a preiu.Iii-i f Orono le to grow with the surrouniding aroas t1er, a defin;ite pann aztcme must be inaugurated of rnaking mnore land available for the purpose af building homos. The fir-st step mnust cone fromi the village fathers iu openiug- 'losed roads such as Church Street North and the planning of newm crnes where it is possible The future- must ho planned if Orono is to go IT'S YOUR PAIR! Everyone should be proud of the- Durham Central Agic4ultuira.i Pauir held yearly at Oro-no for it rates high among t4. 1county Fairs ilu Onitarbo. This is certainly an. established fact -which eaui easlly be varï- fied by travelling to other fairs. The success of the fair at Orono lies with its directors a nd the exhibitors who spond manty hours in arriangemnent,,m-eeting5an the preparing andarngg of exibit-s. To be an exhibitor is a very simple matte.on ay have fancry -wing, home cooking, flowers, fruit or Li-ostQck iu which thiey take ýonîsiderable pride. Any article under those classes would constituteý an exhibit at the Orono Fair. Children casa fil idle summyer hours in pre- paring exhibits for, the va--rlous classes in the cide' section. Prize ists ar-e available from the secretary, Mr, J. C. -Gàmey, and au1yone is elegible to exhibit in any of the numierous lasses. For a better fair this year plan now on being an) exhibitor. l" Ce '"" 0PE F A 1 POOR T HOS iPE F)1 SfN B H A I Q Saturday Mlr. ar Leskard, ilu MVfl7 The oný CARD 0F T-HANKS lma r tinl the /1on- Avdrey h, 1954. Leta Cooper would lihe to thank1 Orono W.A., MW.C.TU., Wom-en' n11-1 stitute and Heatheri Rebekçah /odge for their nice cards, Iso Kenc, I W.A. and friends and nei hibours or their kindness during my il - ek Tha -you. CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to thaink1~heo ni ny friends, relatives and neghb,,Jýýs who s kindly remeere ujrntng My i ness. Their though ful- ss was great- ly apelt. /a-P 9 I~Frank Cooper. DIED CORYVELL, Wnr on R Pani l-At Bowv- manville Mer i i Hospital nîlMon- day, August 9, L 54, Warre: Randali Coylformerly f Tor-onVo, hushaud of Mareha (Ma tie) M l Father of Mrs;. Ford Fo er( riant); Mrïs. Menzie Gibson ( arth an-d Lieut. Commander Johni War en Coryéll,. R. C. N, now at Ott 'w Ontmro. PETERBOROUIGH TRAIJN- SETS RECORD TIME A Canadian Pacifie railway diesel, "Datylirier" ran from Toronto toý runt. It covored the 77 miles in Si minutes, knocking 45 minutes of the Peterborough Wednesday oni, a trial previouis fastest timi-e. And1( it dlid not hit la.s tW.e speed f 85 mîles per hour, but rmantained a seay cruisinig pace of C)5. The latest Day-liner will form an_ addition to the Deýtroit,-Toronto Day- liner lnenabïing asngrst trvlfront the 1US, city Ptr boroughi in less than six hours n ning tiewhoni the service is iraug- u-ctd Septemtber 26. tirons, ~ch' ren, a-p Phono ~1-r-8 C FOR -SAMU Large Steamner. runkin.gç od con-1 di tion, CC heap, Apply E. A. L men, B,,. . tation High-way No, 3,5. c FOR Riot Water Hle tors, piping and f: Tenders will ho ujndersigned -up to for the inimedial above mentioned, spseted at the Or;' Hi. E. Milio, Ont, SALE ing systein, ra a<- ging s. reeived by the Auiguet 28th 1951 e 1 dipoa f tho which caW ho in- no School crtOrono, Secr-t FOR SALE C- roomned Fra4 House, 3 bedro Ps, ail with closets. Furnaçce, bat om, hard and hoft fater. Nea<r tores, sehool aàtd Chur lies. Aipp1y Box 30ý Oronio Ti s Office. IlT-1 ý- ORONO1-iNSHlOP NOW is the tirne to discuss your HEATING PROB3LEMS IR E. LO0GAN I R egtred C mel a Certified Goineso-e. Please place ers by Au- guat 25th, so sýe A can e cleaned and troated. $2.00(alr-bu -.I C ha (Gb1enoty, Phojno, 86-r-18, Rabbits, NevZeala djwhite hred Apply E. A. eam R, RR.2, Oron, Your BA De oer.a-p O,(R SALE A Baa 5#)t30 feot, Ste1jRoof, aiso a Buggy an Cauer. ý Appy Wbb Brothero, 185 Kin)g Street, Pote broug Ont,. - WANTED rieor six1 acres of pas ro field iu the vicinitI of Orono elcutting sod. Twitch gass prefer 'd. Remov- hng of SAd wIlJnot ha mhe field. Contat F~ Sau eNwton- We will ho pleased to pick uP dodi Ilamiltous losurance Service Every iclass of Ins-ur- anue is represented in our office, Theflo- ing are ,some of thle main,,Coverages we can Offer: A'utomobile, LfAcdn n Sie-knossPMateGlsLalty Fire, Btrgiary, Hsiaialn Livetocc, Bile, Wijnd, Polio, Hail ieùyBndec IRST MORTGAIGE LOANS A. F. MCeE PHYBICL4N 2.00 t, 4.0ý Sunday PHONE4 E. C, SYEI PHYSICIAN and MNaitn street Office Hou 2.0ta 4.00 p.'.: &.3 Suadayn and fliE Âppointmt PHONE 74 r 19 DR. R. J. TÂGGART VUTERINART SX1GBGN ,Iarik Sr OPPOISITE SAIGRN PHONE 94 r - le Lawrence C. Mason, K Barrister anid Solicito BO.WMv'ANVIILLE, ONT, Offie 5,34 Hom* M5 JACK REID Or3n'o's Lcn. Auctioneer amil Valuat Speecialize in Farm anq Furnitugre Sales Consult mne fcr teriu and da't'e Ph-ne 5rl18 - 0e TED JACI and at mr.soriabl ,With PLIFE INSt ni onPas d nM t t t. o' ~ ~- ,~-o ~ I & '11 lu' , E 4 i I~.n I I Guardians of 'Your Powir Systern O)nta-rie Hydro gene-ating and transformer stations are mnanned by sk Ge perators, who supervise and o)pcçrate the equipmïent that generaees and sends eýletricity en its way to, you. Day and nfight they keep ai constant check ontChe? demnand for power and the amount ava, e.bleelping to guide and c,-o-rdinate thecniun flow of energy to ail partsý of OntanlD o to help niaîntain !ber growth and prospeïiy ... low.. cost dJependabie Power that MeaiS ea brighter future for us ail.' ___________________________________________________ That the cmie power re- i "I l'I 1' ' I I IquiTementls of0notarioHyr~ customers b.ave 'doub!ed in cth Sast 10 yers... cras4 rm InfrmtIn onerlngOnaro ydo e .obasnye wrw£ q togur hydm iC4aIrmarý348500HP aj943 t atta E20 unvmUly Avenue, Trî44. c ,65 H0 P 93 Buail Another 11 Wit Instiranc ga ins suh azar s, ,bt ,a yoU ngard gc stcoplt ALUMINIJuM -AND ZINý;Cl -BASE METAL AIWork Guareanteýed Pho non 1 rinýg - Plumblaag ANOý STAFFORD Phono 318 Dnu4as NO - ONT. ( ESTATE FOR jALE Proqmpt aUo ai ake 1;uch 1 ý, 1

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