,Scri bblers, 'e . ,4 Exercise Books........ .25c. size Zippered B3inders........ $3-98 ,tback finish, stream-line style . $1.19 ,Meta'., Children's, assorted colors 49c. 4etaI, contains genuine 7 oz. Thermos nplete for..........$3.59 les,pint size, pla'stic cup........ 98c. ties, 7 oz.. sizve, aluminum ecup ... $1.85 15 ounce size ........... $1.89 printed cottoïi flannel, sizes 8 to 1,4 li piiced abt .......... . Rivet 1Denimn, 71/4oz.sanforized, double Kniee, Isizes 6 to 16 yrs. Pair $2,69 GIaa 1Fl1our . 1.M.. b al(25e.. itnel Toilet Tissue, 2 rals 21r, 15 o ,tce tins .......2e. Pie CereCulverhoyse 3 5ýcý 15 OuIýCe tiÉns......25e, ooms 4-trig, $PEC~L..........79c. flutc Rice, 51/2 ounce pk...........15rci csto's Frýesh Oatmneal GoI-esý, 1, lb....29e.ý fy nstant Cooaefort akin COIdChoolt rnilk o r hot coa. Free 1ý2 b. p. with piurchasie of 1 lb. paekage, Both for .........59cI. 21r. and( Mrs. -Milton Robinson iien-i jeda visit ;n Toronto the othe day amid called on IMisse-Mary eenMs Wiliby and Mvrs. JessieTrnrý me MiV-sslIrene I hrail into Rev. ifi Mr.S. J. Pike on thi,e Wst ot -j ail 0en 1onho1i&aiYj Quite urpa a fo o' thena. M.-. and Mr.Harold Littie anrd De» t nis of Ifealey- Fa-ils ,ece Àsiýsron Sun day, thie two latter staymlg foi, k£ couple 0of dayýS, Mr. anldMrs.Lie Mi1lwll ss Clleein FaIls and -Mr, tod rs. iîhMisTh Fa e-ils" ii fosnd t M rs Orme Fail s.r lo ii KIUWY Threa1mi».îa the order of the daqy Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 'WaMler and family, Thornhili are holid aying withi M.and Mrs. Ken. Bail Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wilsotinfndfanvi ily and -Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris and famnily enjoyed a -picnic on Suni- Mrs. Annie Pheips, Detroit spent 1st week with ber cousinsý, Mrs Jas Wannand Miss JeanWaan Mfr. and Mrs. Fred Grahiai-an [Mril isîted Saturday evnig ith. lYIr-. i -dMrs. GeorgeGavieNw cascie.I 'Mc. and Mrs. Reid alld famîi'y set Sunday a"t thecir cottage. . Reid", and fam-ily stayed for a holiday. j Mr. and Mrs. Kn.Hendes arci. famlly and Mr. an-d Mrs. i Wannanj ý and fami]y enjoyed a tnrp all pàienie o1 Smiday. Mis-, Valena Coppinig is hm after!$ takfng a aumercourse la London, Allan and Ross Bigelorw ïhave been visj iing with ter rthe her Mrs. A. JT. Bglw Mi1ss Shirley Quantriiiasfnse ber 'prý-teachers 'course at TOronjtO. Large iloistein Sale sal1 SaleS lin aad!o(sm!tm iaLte A]der-lea hiec f Inn ftebs Hîti ipr Alesoiamilton. brin'g $2,2 for anl aVerage of $32.0 0 on 6*3 head, Early ScIiooI Opening Special Leather Zippered Binders FEATURINC Large over-size L.L, Rings, Fiaest quality solId leather. Buiît-in' zippered leather pencilcaeTiealcloe iiidexes, snd f li size v:filL. RECULAR $7.00O VAUE special ',otplete Other 3Ïring Binder at $2.89 to $6. P~E SPECI 0-l' Eclipse lPen suýd F, gllarapited with amazing, jet point SPECIA,%L PRICE........ INorthrite BailPontPens, blu, el Ted ink. Fach ---- --- SETS cop'lee k Can big m< $5,39 25 each Waternajn' i.qdas Most modlem iider $5.00! Rugged_ ink supply. Extr a-fine, fine or dium rib. Pencil $2,00. -Set $6.95, ri - be a B3.S.C.!(ac-oShI by entering Watermnar's... $1,95 Wjn for with ev, Product ,our schooÏl Entry farm or any Watermoni's -in i.! Corne in toyI Store Orono, Ont. 1U5 1ore Phonle 68 - - --- - - -- - - Sne, v- iit, 24 mince jar......... 29c. Apple Sauce., 15 oz., 2 for 35c, ........................................................lb. pkg. 39e. ............................................ ................ lb. pkg 28c. Juice.....48 oz, tin,25e ........................................................12 ojz. tin 33c ......................................................large pkg 41c ý 36c. 425.00, 15 bred open yearlinga, ielfer calves $143, .ous movie G AND OLD - 'EN THE MOIS -THE WHOLE Fý SOPHISTICATE ocking a crahbut 2s ,ous f ish mana-ge- n2, toofiiIs o the Departrnenit of Lands anid Forests, "'Foir - warin waters we miust rely on p1anting smiall fiali. Rais,,ing gaine tefood capacity to aiccomnodate ,-sucli a frune," tlie pointed out. Reaning a bass to' 12 inches ,would cost an e- timaMted $2,00ý to $1.00. Not oDver - hall4 the planmted fish can be expecýted to b caug-ht. This ss the av-erage price ofeach bas ree-led to $.I0to($8. In recent years, Ontarbo bas bceePa slucýcessful in trii,- anlntiaig f ishi such athe bars fromi lakes mwhich wtere ovýer-su_-ppied and -which did niot have th odcapaciti t'o accomod0éate sucli large nubers. The experts Eý,xplaial tha t in somie cases sotsere - ported "the lakÇe is fuÀi of fîsh, "but they are alil too sinali. Why flot put, 8oelarge ornes in ît." But that st the soution, stranýgelyenuh Thé, problum ls solved by neting any OZ the emalfler flish aird transfering te to lessa heavi ly-sa pp lied lakes - tu giving the remiaininig f ish a chance to gro)w. s ANADA WHITELEY r"~ ~ f erent, £0stly