I ------------------~ If's Playtex For Babies TUES. - WED. - SEPT desigiu'd to as tiss;ue yet d ize without ri diable withl soi cleal catch Ba-byOt1 tions toffer Store Closed Ail Day -Monday x gover all ibis. rasieul hcks on ulght, sor a /nrisp, ginigham look yet is smooth and sfft. .f. waterproof Bib shsled water, milk and food. shed edges are reinforced wth Nylon. kLasily wipe off and pat dry. Special crwnb iand liquid. sBaby neat at feeding time. Colors Pink, bluie. Baby Oil, Powder anld Creami. Only i-laytex [r rnoney baeck! Becauise onfly inytex prepara- h safely destroys diaper rash bacteria without Ci1I. T R'OG ' Open AIl Day Fiday & Saturday Evenings -. ,..OOfO ,.ttSO.O.o.fOGfOoOo~snfOeOOoOe.oe Gran ni1ng FOOD RodA Thuirs., Fr1., Sat., Sep,*. q, :e, Th-day wve have adopted the rjuvenated' Red and W-hite Plan. Inco- junction with foüurteen leading st0o s iii the 'Oshawa distric*-t, we promise to brig t yo to qulit mechadisat cipetitive Chain Store prices. O4e- liveries of Fruits and Vegetables wil e made mur frequently to ensure the utotin quaity auï1d fesn 11.}r poticy of byegn ousuperb 1 I01-me sIauh ieed eats will lie continued along with FREE DAILY DelWiery, Thu7,rsd!ay niorinlg at 10:00 a.rci sharp wve will open our doorsî fl~gé~ wil bedistributed to the first/ 100 custom etrs Thutrsdë, ri day and Saturday moins fti There will libe freeFak Ballojons 1-fir-te kiî(ddi es For compflete details of how vyau may wviin8 a new ITelevis0onElectric 1D1ryer o M'4 hvro lé CALL IN WHEN IN TOWN Once gain ay westres th e f tthatw r eln aebadfosa j loiw, low prices.L It gr eln aebiàLOcst STORE HO1JRS.-Open ryday except )Wedn-esday afternoeji, from 8:0* ka mt(; 5:,30 pzm. Friday 4evexings open unirtil 900par, Saturday evenings utili 10:00 p m1. Cr nis' rono. Aroun Toin Rol-ph, il the Port J .Mr. were M rs. Mr. Scaral ha mio Mr. Mr.% al a few thle U Aduit- DOgI Food, Ch i4mpion, Dr. Bala4 20 oz PRESERVING SUPPLIES Rubber jar11Wngs.ý............. AAl (Jso Pièkling S]rices> LiptOn's Tea .. S aladCia Ta MpeLeaf Detà'g><1......12 flubi# Oranges, 288'ls........... PalImOlive Soap.........4ca Gerïlier's Infant Fo7ods, asrel, 5 oz., flthe fair M who ai ';é l i.-t febbue amd Mr.Che] port Creditf Oro', ?Mrýs flooth, Mr, MrI s. f11 dughter, N SNEXT MONDAY TO WEDNESDA' Sosat 6:40 and 9: Fitrm the Musical Cmd iSarn là Vivyn CMonroiie anrid Janýuýe R1,uei A Tehuiclor"Speciai' at RglrPie eetlrb loeNoraliSe Sunday Schooül at 10:00 Service at 11:00 a.m. KIRRY Sunday Scih-ool t 2-". Serviceeut 3:00. F. q.; ~ Pro- ine e