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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Aug 1954, p. 10

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time Overcofi h. gels o.p,n he flghts."ý minci Or rules ring, Thef off with a tOi. ing a long otherkidce the. dark-haii face fiat on struggled ta and bath kî üther uintil th When the round, the the ither gç judges' cardÉ raised the kir I have ano never be ih that place a D ing that leac w hent le malter haW w change the 5offLiiai's adIenlered the ecoyfdl bout stwartéd gh-, dark kid throw- rig-ht 'hand. The ossed bis righlt and r-ed ell. sprawled -the canvas> He his feet beforeï- nine s batlered on.i an- tebell. bel] en-ded the final ark-hairedl kid had Iroggy. Bel re the ,wer-e cletd d's hand. ivited te refere. at gainý. lgaewich gegards th system 0ýf idsral C'apiltallsm azs adiseýaQse growth, born 0cf rna's rebelIori îîagainst Chiristian pini fesaIsocial 1f e, and bearbxig witblin ltself the seeds of Socin" aarhyan chaüs.", inco-cmpleie Ertîditîon It emay corne as Qa svrprise tO teetof aISatUrdlay Night a weillas ta maqpny othera that th'ese woyds did rnot emarn*te from Môsowthat they were not taken front any Mai-3rxist rtigbut that they a ereiar of tIi flca Saeenso SoilJustice issaed by the C ath ôie Acbsos ati d .Bisihops of Australla Im 1947 aDd 1948. p, is unîfortunate that the otherwlse so erudite editor of Saturday Night apparerit!, lyd not include la bis readings st. Auguistine's aiCty aOf God" eor- Thromas d'A qu; inas' S 1u M ni a5 wlthout whlc-h his educatiùn cannôt be cmnsidered cOMPlete or ho himself qu;alified ta pass jucigmeniton the ideas of nienl ilke th-e Premier of Ssace w1an. SO ME POINTIERS FOR BACKWVARD CITZENS Thýe cï izens of Perth Onitariao, (population 5,000) heve form- td anoas ociaition for the inldustrial development of their tocýwnr, rertainly one, of the most bealttiful in Canada, and as a staort roising a fund of $75,0,00 to buy two ancd a haîf acres of inidusýtrijl land and a fcictory which stands on il. Tfie erth Courierý has strongly supported the project but commn-entsý editorially in G recent issue that ",no space at ci! ho-s been drevo ted ta> suggestions for the recider whose ambýiion is te do flothirig for his commnun)ity' The paper then proceedi ,to liat 13 porniers onr.w Planning, "desîined especially for the backwiarc ciizen", cot 1. Don't puy taxes. Let the other fellow pay his. Vote againist taixe. Then fuýsabecause thie treets aire niot kept Up. 2, Neyer, attend any of the meetings calIed for the good of the ftrin- Wait uni yov gel outside ;and then cuss tho-se who moicde the sgetin.FInd faui with everythinig thcit Yv0f 3. Gel a I the town iIId give you, and don't give ainything in return., Write. unsigried letters ta the editor demandîng more ,or ta money. 4. Talkc.orain but iori't do anything for your town uniles you get Paid for it. And by cil m-eans refuse ta serve unles you crechimn 5. Neyer ccept an office, l's easier tro $riticize thun dothns Accuse anybocdy who serves in an clected office of being a, publicîty-seceker. 6.ý Don't do any more thion you have ta., When othierFs williingIy and nefsi give their time to- moke a better town,. howl beca se that town is ruvn by a~ clique. 7. Don't bock your f ire or police de-partments. 1 if the-.firernen wývorý k ta briýng the insuraince. rates down, tl everybody that îs whatp they aire supposed ta do. Don't thank them or the policemien for endangering tfieir lives that you might haýve a, safer town in which ta live, Demannd special tr-eatment; rais. cofin if an-ybod)cy expecta you ta obey trcffic anrd parkinog S. Look at Eývery proposition in a sýelfish way. if you arent the one tIhat ge4ts most gaI od out of it, vote againist ýi. MNeyýer consider who;t it Mil do for the town ais a whole. 9. Doni't do anîrythingý, for the youIh of the town. Criticizý,e them aspotenioldeinets Kepyour feet aon,îhem. En Cboroge them 1ta maye away when týhey grow upý 10,If you hae 'oo)d town eaerdon't follow themr Tae jealIous attitýude and talk down everyý,thing tfhey do. L1. Don't oikrk on any cnmteTel them, "'t fo busy/' 12, Dnn'f say çiytinggod ab out your town, Be thne first ta point up ifs shortcomYings. , Pretend thot if trouble cre yoeu r way it Nifl b. residentsc of sm other to"wn wowl ~istyou wvhile you reiii, bring in the fire deatmn;f y home is burningj, comrfort you if yolas. a dear on., stand bocck of you in disastIer, 42. Ad don't suppof-t your localý retaiil stores undinutes CCi llte p!rcesý and services in stores 'in other o sar bottmer. Claim indusrurs the town. , but 'if ycounda donaioîn, osk your localsoe adi] dustrie for i, Expet them t bak yrou but don't bock îen aO rllGA1' o slaloxun ot G52N~AL tore Wrie ~o j(j pavlen "ae O r ý., ne r ife O t Grain Trowers er comire, a nsel Ratio on Ireehes, Drve bete. or Atveemnt , O Tortio. 331rloeustx am pats epsl rired GlobrfBPPùr DDSHEMAI CUPAIS O NERINT MT. EA OUSTO. Altoc" atten 1th.enistake j15 e taconsider 1h.twio prevalitOe COtaiC sYs- tem 1a Capitalismai ad Con- niunism as onlY alternatives i10 order our present d.ay daily 1f e. 11f the editor f Satrd'a-Y Night w.,vLd go lO thýe trouble ofl lookîng throUgh the s econd part ùf the second part of th. Simhe wouLld j!find1 other possibililies. B'e i)-ight be shocked by 1h.e discovery that business for po fit as an, end in lîseîf, solely t rnake money andl accumulate, wealth wtout qny vrtiuSi ap.1d necessary end as thie sup- port a! a famuy or the public gooci is against atreand bas no ustification lin hma -)ff airs. 1 He wi1ll also fin110 a.bluprinIt forï a Ccoperaive aga- weallh, s 'Acjl)inas says that iradie for lth e icessities of 1f. dos ot belong m, the anlds Of private individuals, but a- ther ta thse in charge ofI fthe dûmestic andc social graupS, t6 he ousekeepers (coaperatives) anjd te gavernients (public en- terprise), ini other - woi'ds to th se responsible fr the, neces- silies of 1ife. .em s c11 Tis cim eism, constructive o etutv and sugestions, wiSe o ther, Wise- it will enIdeavOlIr tc Bn- swýer' anjy questiois.. Addre-ss mai te Bob von Pis, Wbitby, 0Ont. ste ~ Si teE.,t W gineernaDafeenae agrad- mand. Train eIt borne in epare lime fQý tsewei-ald secue jobs. ,OW FAt fMn, Iea elder, ne ebIgallm prlmary 5chsOol f raîlu, e bo, 151, StatIon ""Trno PRESERE Cotr beaîf ofliit faýColnating wepkl Free d etalîs!. Write Sevc.Buireau.i.i - Bx51>-9" Trn DA HAIRDRESSER JOIBCANAA'SLEAJING SC*2OOL Great OpportltyLearil llairdressins AelasGreatIeeL systelo Writeor Gi US P»tor St. W.. Torote. Branches 44 z est.,Haitn T12Rideau S, t.. Ola PERSONAL iiue.The isedico Ageney. o 2 TerminaiA, Terenýt. Oulr MirNTiNGIDld you mkuenfer $200, ye cm get lite booliet, "CauttiOn! ÏInveati- gaeBef orsinetig'nuineide boisý aI Cnadanmines. aud a ýist Oet 1> 5lnngCmpauea.P.Piant.BoxM 4. Adeald SteetP.O_ ToreuIto. OtrO FATEITS ?aontb AN, OrFeR peeyivuo-îie n vetinsad fol i romri&iflsntfo Tise 1taniaY Ce..,lgeeedPtn I TEACHEiRs tANTED) CHAER foW-PSS Ne 1-.&B. S eler tIr ds I 10 6.Oua-ceoe lu ecOl er 20 Wqil1> ýSize 2½ x Y,31/s Phot-s iii be,,uftul sý,Picitone for Oniy $1,00, made frac oy rphoorclph, neotivf Or snapshO1>. Mcdl ,'.01with photo- gro-cph. OriginaR .oure nhre wýitl your copies. WALLET POO EBOX 470 FOSTORIA, 0 1 IT MAY DE YOUR LIVER, we.thUiing 1$ mmay b. yur iveri iledy10keeýp youï digeei-%,e treeticii shepsi If yonr liver bile leC oo do g frely yeur foi imay uiot diget,. . gJlorb u ýYour stomch. yoe feel ontptda il Ibe fws snd speykie g oeut ef Rtf e. Tiràâe werh y ou 'oeeL4 m,lP.deeCarte's Littil ,ivpr P is.Thsefeoue vreetabie pflle heip tiutethe flow t&iver bile. soon y eusý f ee tt bappy deyO are fhere againi Dwe't sese ntay smik. Aiaekeep Carter's 1.11*2e lerPile on biand 07, aI o -ur r Byeu hasve troublie veiLh pates -t lcyBiest'ss1 -in1, 00 esnesitly te yjr pis. te.ilrliure sud re fla leese pltel , wy epewdec ror patcati do.1 Ben on J' ube late, yeu 2 gl edrosetite sIx menth10 t ear o enor rYOu c AZA ANYINO! GýSlnspily lI a(1tclp PLasti-Linsi' ,ou ubeaupuperor luwer Bile sund it 'F'mesi e -u sud you ise Rm naie e ',VLDROO1 LTD., FORT 11"R 1..Depi. 1

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