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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Aug 1954, p. 2

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j Why wl :azy over fi f'.) .y DIls witn it. and miy docfor's fees hava y, I arn devotled to ýhidren, and unt il thisý is devoted te their fa- ha, is so cro§2s witb ýus ny narveýs are going my.1 doctor is alarmed. -aes my hu,ýsband, .tee.) 't spend money o ýn epf for the 'ehuîdren; ýr has given mre avery- had this year. If I to work, Pi'msure m-y vould ha different; butl >ý,qand lie tak-es every of if. di hetter, I1ango f0o and work with my-i re-, but 1'd hafe teo chldrcn, and may ýgs me flot te. Yef o 7 Onr lierea and le con- aceused of a-xt-rava- niykeep "us imrr regui arly k th-.ey need xri P1y7 nemle. te visit us, heaalth J cen- .nd for fIat m ly lrother, .~EANOB" on't do flic iîce sxopflar ceremo- apal in ce. The I Smith, te the O forefdýte 1hîs chargesof tra' à vaganca is fA keep a weekly *budJget anld shaow hlm if1s ftg- *tires every Safurday. They *will convirice hilm better thanà * any argumnent how weliyu really are mnanaging. * Remind hlmr thatiftig *were going m-ore smoofhly a *homice, there worculd ha fewer *docý-tôr's bis to ïiiLte hivm. *Arrange for bim f0 ù,goalontg *on your nexf visif, so the *doctor can explain how Omuch *you need appreciatin and * seren1ity. This gesture bha s *made manyv a husband mo»re *understanding and opaa *tive. *Wliy nof get 1the2 habit 0f *sending his mothier a finl * ltter regtilarly, re-port ing es- *pacially on fthe children's pro- *gress? If -will create a more *friendly feeling amyong you) *ail. Intimafp.e thaf when youLr *nerves grow calm-er- you are *looking forward f0_ a short Svsit frnmher. *Don'f thinl, of leavîng home * now. 'For one reaýso'nyou *would worr'y too mciabout * he cildrer; yourr pla ceI *feel, is with fhem aýnd yu *husband. Working togethar *toward a more pleasant 'if-, * acing yeur problems by f ak- i ng thamen over quiefly. seemais * f be the best prescriptionr. *now. If you wîvlf try outths *ideas, I thinki you wllfnd ,,yourseIf in a fcew mioxthsaa *stronger and alapirw- «Dear Anrne 1Hirst: Theoun,, wvomaàn I love Ls expect4ing ler divorce soo.n VWe sepeeclte se v rl imnes a week and ; cal ber every da. er f amily areý very rnica people, and I1 feal they apoeof rme. «Iwou6 ke to mlarry lier, but I'm in non posi- tion to CdO 5 yet. CShe has ah the necesary grunds for divorce anid a go chance of gatting if, but sh? lai soull worried about the Ouf coma. Sha, sees her girl friends offeni, and I always take lier homle. If we hliad to part, jiL would ha fe end for mne.I do everythng kn -fo0make lerhappy ",yef scom1-etim les 1Irdo fail, 'AWhat do you tîkaotus? * From y,,o ur io n g lettei 1 wic liýd toedif) ï feel *that 1ýoncl-e this girl iS fracpo *toC-an enjoy a -finefred *ship 1w71jChj1 ay ead to pmer- * nage whan you cnbofh are ed f forit. * Meenwhie memrber that *wihule she i--s bringing si hc agis hirlusbenmdshe us *cdutherseif mofist isref * y; I urge you not to force, *your attention. She mnust not *bc sea-n frequaý-ntly w,-ith eny so en50be car-eful notle e- *berrass h-er, by urging, mo(,re *dates. She seams f0 know beAr q1CL wa buand I fCeel youx *cansefely leava the nitiative *to her. Being juaz ,good friand ism yorrole nw.The better *she is frac. Se a ay of us are toncLs te ou prolemste get, a haiplul perpetiv. ellng afriand patize Wrte er af Box 1, 123 Eiteet SNe enn lRusband Gave Bus Wife The Riccups You cen ha lii love wÎfli your hvsband and yetf allergic tf0 hlm - litcrally. 1la nCana-da ,Yen p-rel- ably wýouida't gaf a divorce On thèse grounds, but at least four b aveaLbeen grant cd in flic United States.,"Rule(,'flic judgcs: ifa liusband brouglif blis wife ouf la anl allergie rashi, liaf c-onsfi- tut cd cruelty. A prety blond called Louzrsa Law gained lier divorceei docf orts lied stafed fhla if sha conftinuad te live wifl lier hus- band Neheallagy would lia ag- gravaf cd. TIc exact -wey in vwhicli she suffened ,wasn'f reponted, but -in flic case 0f-Mrs. Grace Groa, 0fo Des Moines, Iowa, ftle trouble lac flic flrst place was a rashi. She uasuccessfully pet ifionied for a divorce on this ground, but, f w years lafen manag-ed f0 per-siuadec' flic courts f0 reverse thisdci sion. On flils occasion she ex- pia' cd every Uima she saaw ber 'usbaiid, she stanfte hic-ý cup violently. Twenty-yeen oldl PhylJis Pev's complaint was thiaf living wifLi( lier liusband brouglit lier ouf Laý arashi. Away from ,hlm, shewa pcrfacfly weil, îndeed, qiy usi mîssed i vnning a beaufy con- test AI gof nervous upsatsÇ,, conistant hedchsa nd sq-IIsk-in eruptions," sha informied fli judge. A spe- ciealisf in allergies supponted lier case "11cr licafithwýou.ld habce- plefeiy broken down if she wvas forced f0te eainwie habus- band?" le said A divorce Was ga tedte, te Jo.ýyce Holdridge. -Joycejquitve genuinaly thouglif a great deai of liet husband, N\olan, but lin even sIc w vas near him a caesh spnead ovar hlerar-ms and bçy To baligin wiha eLes Angeles, judý,ga mtaintinred fLiafthe bus- bands wasni'f gui1Lfy of Cnuc-Ify. Tlicdacision was tecNýsad f monflis aeran A few vyeaars ago inLm doa Young wife visif cd espca ls be-cause she was se Vworried about flic state of le skin. h specialisf pessc-d ler on te e psyhienis, It er fandinlg îouf fliafflic rashb baca2mewos whnsile wes itli ler isad Thare was neo divorce, Ifa discovercd ifla ief flic wfe leda guiitcompiex because shlied once been unfaifWll.Sbe was advis"ed teCconfaýss, lichusa fongeve lier and tflicarsh disep- "e wýÈ)an.ds czmen bealergieteO cd a deerce eebeUcu-se bis wf' hein ade bis asthmaworse. Centeiayg an u lacallergy seems 1a more raonb ground for, divorce flien sieacf flic nea- sons pnoduced in Brifisli courts necenfly. A Peckiaa wif e auccus ing liher lubedOf cru-elty, f ail- cd te convince the judge. The alèed cruelfy? Thnt lie ad fold han wvhnf clohes f0 wenr te chapel But a BrCIo mank wýon bihs case lieceuse bis w7"i f C puncuredbisbicyclje tires. Eve Gl au;h a1 Weather studaits -wli okecp crulrecords of wale ln omnena in ,al part's of fI-eC)onld ccent -repenttlfieiackradio- active ni ad fp alIlnin elcm t The news wns laferwcnfirmed by ;I;li nstifute Cf Naclear Physics Se toteiclong and nuthenie- afad is;t cof strange soeswas, added radocierin, S ")ot sand, ashes have figuired la if reek sliowens in flic pasf,buquce plninmenia bave surpriscd pao- pie etî v'anieus timies. From-ithis nminute onr, you;',! wanand love fLIcesienderizing sheafli drass withi the box jacket, Miake t in c-otton linani, or tain,~ It's easy to sewý - propDortion-red to fit and flatter the short futllar figura. No alteration problemns. Pattern 4773: Haîf Sîzes 14ý,, 16,18/,20½,, 22,½, 24i½. Size 16!½ dress, takas 3l' ars45 inchifabric; jacket, 2yrs This pattern aasy to use, si- pIe to sew, is testacf dfor fit. Haqs complet ýe illustrated instructions. Senda HRY-IE CENTS (350) in coins (sfa.mps cannot ha ajccept cd) for this 'pattarni. Print plainly IZPAM, ,DESS s TyLE NUMBE r. Send order tec Box 1J, 123 Eigh- teantl Sf., New Torontào, Ont, Pairtnrsayvs heelias lA lis suMmmr vcain!Us"vacat'ion' consisfc;td of a trip Laýs Wedncs- da 0visit friends at a beau- fiflul spot near Shaiburne, and on Set iurday haîf a day's visit f0 lis brofher's place in nortbi Toronto. Now lie ,zsays ha laý neady te w,,ork againi. T.I Shburne tnp was planý- nied on t1he spur of' the mnomenit as othier wfriends wh cmeto visit saydovernighf on con- dition thaf wc. take a trip wvith thewî the nexf dayI. We liad just finished drwi i our last field 0of bey se I guess Partner was in the mood f0 cclba ThI-e -7was a fine drizzle of Ira.qln mi-ost of (fhe next da 'ouit wa found It mu,,cl eesier on fthc eyes than riglering snsin ould bave beani. Anyoeawbo bas been in theOrgeie-e- humne district will know if, wes Movely co:(-untry w e passed flirougli-- hils, sfreams and wooded va«lîcys. ideal gnazing co-unfry -for c»ettle and sbneap, H-owever, we did sea quife a bit of cultivatald land and Partner_ said ha wouldnTwanf f0drive a tract or on 'fhemý thar hlis'! Ouer destination was a su-mmeiir hlomle besîde a privTately ownied lake. If wevs a beautiful spot. The bi, Englisli-sfyle, counfx'y homie ied bêeen .builf b,.alf-way doiwn, a higli bank ov7erlooking'1 flie leke. Bchind the bouse there Va-s a reta.ining wl of solid stonie about twalvc feet higl i I front of whicl i fiowens and sbrubs graw ln greaf pDrofusioni Acrosflie l a a finie stand1 0f evc,,rrcns. Thne furnishings of flic bouse vwerc simple, but in eýxcellenit teste. Thaire wan'1 room flihaf was cluttered up wiîtl unnecessary kniick-knecks, Tbe sorft oflieuse,elbghi wsci O big and ýrembling, thaf could bc faken cara, of quite easily anidlime lef t over to a n- joy the scena-iry, fic fishing, flic boafing and babfing - jusi sýo long ias oaa co-uid stand flic blackflies. One, of our fiands liad ani eya lms closed t'y a bteicweak before. If Wa.s a bad lace to laaafter juIsf aý couple oA bours' visit fw Com-ingi homre we tooh a di"- ferent route fromn Orange ville, comning throughfl Erin, Te.rr-a Cotta, G len Williams 'a n d Geo-rgectowný - f amiliar terri- tory to us but ail newv ground to our friends. They expressed great surprise FAt the oveîy Country we passed thrvough. They thought they kewHalt- ton CoDuaity and ye2t had ne idea it was so well w\ooded with jjSo many littie creeks and streams. 1 feIt a thrill of pride, as, 1 ai- wa-ys do when retu-rning tor( our own county, because tomne it seemns that Hlalton is one of the lovliest couinties in Ontario Few people who trav,,el our bus), highways realise how m-fuch un- spoled beauty is still to be ifounrd Paway Off the beaten .track. We arrived home in pl enty of timie to milk the cowvs a-iee tlhe hens. Then, came Satuirda-y Joýyamd Bob were liera in -the morninig so after dinner we set out for North Toronto to visit Partn-er's brother in his niew homne. 1 was particularly anxious to go so that Bob could show nie the easiest w,,,ay of getting tèe We went by Malton and then aliong NMo, 401 to Avenue FUoad. Dt was the first tima wa.v had srean that part of(-,otr colossal highway systemn. Highiway 401 saems litarally a rioad _on stilts. Last time we were over in that di- rection WVilson Avenue wvas at the grading stage. Now thec whola area -- 401 andJ 27 - seems to be a nt ork0 over- passas, u ndclerpa ýýses, clovar- leavas and, service roads. We looked at 401 and wiltad, realis- in, it is the same ighway that wilevantujaly corne throujgh, our own f arm - unle-ýss the De- partmaent of Hîghways chniges ils planis, which wolntupset us a bit. We forasee ani ove- pass aextending fnromn the rail- waTýjy ftra Ck at the ba<ck of our farm t0 the coala or the highway thiat runs In front of' if, By the fimne the-y gat through grading thara won't'be muchel f arm left And just fo thUkifis the mnotor-age t1hat ha s broughit ïing And ithere i15 Malton apprximtel twaty-iveyeairs ago w were driving ,a J lng country roads - and I, do miean icountry - and we sawthafirst --f the plow,,ed fields levelled 'by a g1ader forj- future runlways. 1Now vthare are huge hanga,3 planles coming a n- d goin g; grounded sabre-jets ready tc îtake off af a mmn noticie. Inutilplants, imneparkc- i-ng areas andl housing projects, We were glad to get aýwgy from fa-il and lookýed f orwar41 to geffîng back f0 our ûwný peacefuLl surroundings, ecfl In our absence if ,had beeni any- thing buit! Thie ihole fr was lfterally frw with tree limba-) and fthe oaf flielà knckýj_1ed fiat A huge 11mb off the chestnout trea a the back1 of th(-oue An elm ± ree SpilÙitn baîf neaPr thz, barn, Ote sd of a dozy mraple frea ftoucbihg the grouind, ~although, curiously enoughi had nof borken .away fromr tha roof. ÎThe telephone out of com- msinbut bydro sriehad lrdybeen rastored. By get- fing in toucli with our neigli- bours welearnt that altbis was the resuit oC ateifcla- îzed hall andi windstorm la..-st- ing abjout fiffeeni minutaes. For- funatelJy .I had closed ail the wdosin the house bef'ore_ we left home so tLhere was no other damanýge. But wÀe cer'tainly 9gota surprise a3s there waDs-no evi- dence of a storm iunitîl we were less than half-a-m-ile from home. For POlar Bas BIow Your H'Orn Whaf wouid ,,ru cdo if, uam cdl you met a peler bear n ïjn niarrow,, rocky lcdge high Up où a n muntainisida? Capf. MiIkkal- sea, the Dene who colonzed Scorcsbysund sefflemenit on Grccni-lantd's easf Coast, w'as with a compnion wien this lappeaý As flic bean began te o vne mcneacingly, Mikke1 aengrbe a littIefti-n trumiipef, used fer attracfing atfention, aad blaw blasf igît la the bear's ce Thc noise se astoundcd flic bcaýst fliaf if sfoppad, set back on it!ý haunclies and conS 'rad fliesit u at, in, TIc cýlafna sfepped blewingagnad fliemcabazckc eway, wli,eron flic beer caa affer tlicmr, se egan h bie2w and again 1flic bear lnltad. Aff ai a while nee noficed that flic frumpatiag was beginaijing te !ose ifs afeclt;hficbeaes pauses werc becoing nmucli sborter, Mlen ihing~s wara looking des- eaee nshof rang ouf close et ha ndci.and fi beer drop-pede dcad. Anofler of flic party, at- tracted liy flic tnumrpafiig, le comne in time. The story is toid by -Peterad Vi Digby in a vivid accounit oi aycar's plankon resercif o Scorasby base: "Beyoýd tire Pack-Ic " Secbow f ast Babymaa f.riandswifli alfliese farm n 1ll cicsPets!ý Before long, le'll know aacli by ljnme. Use scraps foay, Elt fi nimais -- fun f make! Zoo parade, quilt! Patterý(aP,654 pieces, for, quilf,32x4,4 inclias. Send T'WENTY-FIVE CNT incoins ,(sfa-,mps icannlot lia ac- ceptecd) -for this pattýera .lte Be 1, 1.23 Eigliteenfli St., Neýcw TOC- Onto, Ont. Print 'plainly FT TERUN NUMBER, you r NAME0 and ADDRiESS. Don't miss our L-aura Whcl-eler 1954 NelcafCafalog! 79 cm- broîdeny, crochet, clrfase and embroidery patterns te seldT for - Plus 4 :ompletFe patte.ras,; pninfed in boo. Send 25 cen-ts, for yourc copy fo0day! Ideas ferl giffs bazaar se-llers, feshions.ý

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