Tbe 1folowin1gdscçpio ,o tIie last batik e fougxlt by 1une cf tube rng's ail-timie "4Greats", wwiften by an eye-vitness and aïppearinigi The Police Gaýztte, tshýuuld be of initerest pot onlty :W the old-timers, but Wtosome ut the moderm genlerticlof !"og disýtance" boxing fants. Bob Fitzsimmnions, thoen a vete- rawas hamrmerod by Philadel- phia Jack 'Brien at Mpcbanic's JPavilloni, San Francisco,' Calif., on Dc 20, 1905, antil he col- M.psed. Fitzsim-rmonis did not f ai] kof0the floor whle the fighting asLi progress. He reeled fueb- o bý is corner at the end of Ietirleenthrouin('. Ylo had reeleod, ta bcbesr,st , veryonoj expocied bhe would ,cÊrne up for the faurteentb l'und, whfen suddenly a da.zed, 10)k came into Bob's face, andi lie sud fromn his chair unti] bis knees touchod the rimat. Hi-îS éhost hÉeavod, and bIis chin was .eovered wit! the flood that wýjeAled froin his lips. H1e was ffted~ back into bis chair, and Y30b tried ti pull bimnself to- gether, It was futile. Again ho Blipped fromn the seat. Reforee Grainey rujsh-ed . Iver ta Bob's corner, and the formrer champion whlspered in his ear. "Eddie, Imalgono." -A bracor of whiskey arousedl flntemporarily and ho shook liands with O'Brien in a sports- nianlike manner, but ho then di'opped back into bis chair -,,rd bjuried blis fance in bis hands. JiltzsirMmons trado a pathetic ulIghf in the ring., Old friends were about hlm, friencds who had g3een hlm in bis primo and gloried îlîy his ability. "If was a lleft to the stomach, thaf distressed Fit zsimmirons,." to, capacity iat a1n eryhour and hundieds lbadta be turnod away from thie upstairs, ticket office. Eddie Granèy, tbe referee, goet a hand when ho appeared for bis duties dressed in a brand oew tuxedo. He c al11ed the fighters ta the conter of th(- ring ,and discu,ssed he rules with tbem, Ti-e candidates for the world's light-b-.eavy-weight chan)- p.ionsipi posed for a fiaslîght phoogrph.Fitz, who Xwas Cvi- dently in good humnor, ubaffed the Philadeiphian, and thec lat-~ ter returnod 'the como-plimnent. At 9:25l tbe figbt began. The Ftgihtf-Round By Round Round i(! - Both moen feinted a n cl d(aned araund. O'Brien landed a ef t on the thiroat and then -cllncbed. O'Blrien reacbed the face* lightby witb left and clinched aan Jack rammted a straight bef't ta the mattW and instant later received ance on the ribs. A lincb. Fitz tried ta corner O'Brien, and Jackdu- ed uinder a riglit-hander. Bob. missed with bath blauds repeat-. edly. O'B3rien gat lu wlth a left on the stomnach and clîuc.nhed. Thon came the only roal blow that Fitz2 landed in the round, a righit ta the ribs. Round 2 -Bath mon felnted and 'Brýien got through with a left on th,,e face. Ho tried aai ,and_ Fitz cauntered with a left on the jaw, Jack landed bis left on thte nase and Bob ducked another ef t, Fitz feiufod wt bis left and'thon landed a right uppercut ta the jaw that braught the crowd ta its foot. Jack tho-n broug-ht for-th a fer- ri-Oc right that landed on, Fitz's temple, but Jack, came bc witb a left on Bob's rlght oye. Fitz was short witb a, left, and as o hobnt down O'Briçcn eoi,ff Ltc tii conL lefts wbicbi 1. Fitz scored t ta thoe neck, re was littie 3rion seomned 'itz. Hoe slash- thievtrns -Round 6 - O'B3rieýn was cauti- ous. Hoe skippod around the rinig and Fit tried in ainta reach hirm. Jack pokec iri a left and clinched. Thon ho rawayagain and FItz missed sevoral timnes wïtb bis rig,,ht, O'Bfrien stoo i again and poked, Fltz trîled repeatedly witb- an overhand right, but kept[ m'iissiug. 1He fou ta bis knees at the ropes wbilp swingingý. Round 7 - cYBrien daniced arouud -with Fitz affer hlm.i Jack putO in anc strailht loft and duck- ed repeatecily as Fitz swuLurg witb bath bauds. OBrien jumped in witb four straigh Lbeftsinsc cession. Fitz caugbt hlm with a rigbt on the bod-y and a bof t on the sîde o! the. bead, and there were roars fror-, Bob's ahrns Round, 8 - O'Brinused a straight bof t untif Fitz sent a r-ight te the stomacb, Thon Jack was cautious, They swuug their rigbfs at the same instant. O'Brien landed first and Fitz wont dowu,,. Ho staggcired \wben lhogot Lup. O'Brien struck several bDo dy b]owvs and Fitz overroaýched wbilo swinging bis rîght, Appar2entlyý Fitzsimmons w-as in a bad way, Round 9-O'Brier, landed a boft on Bob's right oye. He ducked and clincbod whien Fitz trî-ied witb bis right. O'Brien -Jabbed hlm.y in the face w,ýith a ef t and ducked a leff which was startod at -the samne timoe. Bob rapped jack mid- ships -witb bisciigbtbut thero was no force in the blow. OBensface worte a confident look a5 ho skipped arouud the Cornisbmiau, Jack smacked Bob witb a right to the bodly, and thon nailod hlm wîth a straigbt left and two bard rigbts te the Baund' 10-Bob blocked arit and they clinchod. O'Brion duck- NO mattei advance fùroe Nihl .mpeblr buy. Bourcy -- Carol Jean Abney, a pretty acrobat, makes, it Jook easy ta reach baick and grab a footful of her hiair as she appct- Èenitly hcrngs from ci beaich baP. Twe'tans Bcmn The clans are gatbering again!ý Tar:tans, briglitad plentifuil, are turn-ing mrany a shop windewm, fabric counter and ready-ta Wear dopartmont inito a"e" Gaelic mod. For tartans are ta f al w;bt robins are ta spring. Yeari aff or year, tbey signal tire approach- ing soason withs a pràview o! Its rich autumuiral cobors Ini the tartan, the Colts hav e Cex- pressed. their lave of coou vor since ancient times. Even the primitive Cebtic tribes on the continent Àf l Eurrip wer otet EXPEer FNc, e- o~kee ewe q le . ...N... . . 8c e. R . 1 GENEAL eore.Write for fulpriu ilars. box 28, Enadn.Ont. Yarlety ot q ee hrsire nini a N iGeorge Wnite. Foull w(fth Straw Sbrddee fo any malte o beh Grin Tbrowers for combines, and l' nstel lation1 on theee 3.Dive bete.hý 'g eize. Frmai H ractor wvlthl Oader. Wacrlcoê Coun'tv. $650 BY icoetOn roprt 4 produ ctýive0 aer-ee bick tl1e hy'lro ba th. beaut;i filla.ndcapeepingpo, OEE F RIEUMATIC PAINS OR, NEURITIs SHOULO TRY DIXONIS REME. MUNROIS DRUG ST90RE 335 ELGIN, 0OTTAW%4,A $l.25 EXPRESS PREpAID on, w-ulap telle notbler. Talte suneri "FEMNEX"to belo allevia-te pai die trOssa and xervolseneonaeeoelated lt moent1ll eroe 8500$ostp'ald leplain wrapper VOST'S CHEMICALS 83QUERE NST. ýEAST TOOTO TIhe Stewarcts are, represoýnted with the white, red, gre nad yellow -)f their dress tart&l1an- well as Ste-wart d --a t t e, Th clan acquired ifs name whben the son of an! Ang1i-Normnan haoin Box 155. Layemit, B te ýseboD'lol wlh a ewBle. Xrec 2031e of Klng Jamee and evee dard Vrin vtal. Toa ýJpn ï& Sone. )1 1 Welli, -teu nSt Âmericale reateet Sytem iutrtdcatalogue Fýee ARE II DRýEllSING S1,d1"li U52 Bloor StW.,foront,. 13rancbee .il King St ,Haitn ',2 fRiideau StI, taw, PEUSONAL H A YE YOD A iPROBILEM,ý? WRVIITE for re infoina't ion. 1.5TRIAL offter, Tety.v rpereonal reqiremnilteS. Lte lncluded. Th'e Mdi Agencey, lbn Terminal .4.,Toronto. CO ntiarie. MININ I Di,1 yu knowfor,-$2Ao' cangettl~ ootle, 'autOnt th b1is Ch and foreai laughc oral t *J.etLi , ida «.. £1t 14- iLIjw b. Lard left ta the büdy, while bis pponoutl staod close and jolfodi jim witlh leffs andi rigbts.A raighft le! t from O'Brion wbîch nded directly befween Bob's vos sont hîm :tumnbhing ta the anvas. Ho r-aîsed bis leg's lu the r~ ai-d gined. The gongýý rang 'honer Fitz was down, Rojun3d 4I -Bob rushoçi and -wun.g bis left an.d right sca fluri- usly thaf ho 10sf bis balance nd wont ta bis kn,-ees bu a cor- or. O'Brien danced clear round he rig with Fitz a cl-ose sec- nd in the race. Jaclithon s[tad is ground aud pounded in lefts ,nd rilgbfs. Bob's nase w as bedn.O'Brien put in twro ýuisbing blows, a left sud a ght that were bard onies, amd a adc ' the veferau's face bleed nare. *1* , Round 5 -à O'Brieri got'ta wor ýe rson id lier yeo r't Round 11i.-- Jack crouched as Fitz swung, but came forward againi, crouching. He Iandled a straight ef t and Fitz caug,,ht himi wîth his rigbt in the wînd, O'Brjen hung on in the clinch that followod, and seofc Fitz's blows passed ovor him. Jack again re- sorted to 3ragtelfs ta the face and thoe yowd hoatod. Roüun-d 12 -- OBinwsther e again with bis str.aight Jlfs. Ho forced the- veteran f0 the ropos. Fitz rushed O'Brien with rights, and the crowd hiooted thoeba-ctol for runinrg away. 1He then stood his grotind, pu:ý,nmeling Fitz with straigb,-t lefts that hu-rt. O'Brieni side-steppodi and brol<e away when. BOb-tried ta cornier hilm. The rod ooteOdhüm. Rouind 13 Fitz sent O'Briâ back vwith a 1,cft ilwIto the jaw anid a moment lator scored with a left f0 the face. O'Brien( blockod several lefts and thon, sent two rights te thefc.Fîitz sent a lf tu, the body and they mixed it 11P, lanjding short ef t and right blIowýs Ovor the heart. It was a bardcÀ rouncd andi one, surprising as ift may seemin Mwhi.ch Bo0b sýemredII ta ha.ve the upper hand. Whib e 1esting ý in1 bÀSIs 1Corne Fitz suddenly collapsed andi the fgiht vwa-s cedod fo0'Brien. Fit/zslimmrons fought on, for nino vearu after this defeat, but wasý nover bis old self again. Hlis last fi-bht was a n-o-dlecis-lon affair wt X. Sweenoy in 191-1, Ho diedt cf pneuonia on Oct. 22,19 17. ThIe romanýkrtîc young aale wont on ne 'Ickn-ee andsked the girl 0of his dreamns if she woud be lits, "You rmust lbermIine," he inslsted, "Ifou efuse ume, shall dÈ." She refused imj1. Sure enoughi, sixty yersater w er. Wll oci t ta ie&inguiý ont Classes wit if a tartan we conispicaus far was o! to-n sptec thaL puîrpose. ' ical colors auothtm Unlik onfly by mnale mer clan, Thus, sinice ti important fal-fashi saine waeu have ber o!f the paýtt.era. the fominîno figuî wamren in mmii-d,t textile miilireduice,, ta about one quarl usuial size ta givea fect t a a rotSsi jackets, cdresses a qi srmaler size is. aise fa, ch"ibdreu's clotbin ing-1 seamsbeos 1c-m for homo sewe facturers aliko. This now range tartans inost tf avcu dians. There is thoe 42ud Hlghlaind Relï as lie Black WFatch assembled for the 1739, wheu thie cc deep blue and ge beside the scarlet th-e recular army. btew-irts - tche V.aC one fa Lochbui;e - are feature-d Lfo0with thejir bright red dress tartan, The bluish-green and brcown af HuntingMaino is an ex- ample o! a tartan w'ýhich was a.dopted bocause f h e scarlof ground ouf the regular onoe was co(nsidered fao brigbf for this acti- vity. Those belouging f0 the Goi- don clacan choose betwoen fe regula tartban, consisting 0f dark green and blue with a narrçuw yellow stripo,, and Dress Gordlon which dbsplaYF an added ,whife Noýtb-ýig makes a waman look MI bottr tan freedrinks insidet ry, Drive With Care SUL on un, y - c 'ou dis cestur was mnorf0, cluded, to o! M\acGrf famrous 61 wvil a là t0 the 8tLb -'~ * e' lA ~VX~1T<~ de-~ rby pro-