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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Aug 1954, p. 7

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actoî ilmap ~39-r-6,1 Ueneà T Yý1Ytooeidet for a Chaniber of Commerce, Boardj oýr PBsinlessmen's Association. FALSE STANDARDS~ The average industrial worke-r i Canada mnakes about $60. e week. The average industrial wvorker in Japan made, at iast report, about $12. How would CanadÀin workers react to a suggestion that their wage level shouldje brought dloser te the Japanese one? They would retet very strongly, and they would be right. Ca- dian wa-.ges cannot be equaled with Japanese wages, or with Brmitish wages or wiîth Peruvian wages. But neither can they be equaled with Amneriean wages. It is Just as rediculous to say that the sanie job ïfhouîd pay the saine wage iru Brantford and Baltimore,aso say that the ,amne job should pay the same wage in Toronto and Tokyo. The United States 15 a different country from Canada, oper- ating on a different economy, and working out its wage leveLs frowl n different set of factors. Most important of then isl the production facor.TheAmricn popl, ast year, produced about $2,40 worth of goods and services per capita. The corresponding figure for Canada was about $1,600û. How, under these circumistances, can Canada be paid the samne wages as Amnericans, or enjoy the saine standar~d of living? They cannot. Yet the agitation continues amnong Canadân trade unionists for wage parity with the U.S., and in Canadas steel industry may shortly tak-e the forni of a strike. After Algorm4 Steel Corporation emnployees at Sanît Ste. Marie had approved such action,' Mr. C. Hl. Millard, national director of the United Steel1 Worlkers, told theni: 1 feel that the action taken gives the execufve a mandate to go far as possible in closimg the gai) between, steel rates in Canada apd the ra.tes p.aid in the United,. States. b~ The "gap" Mr. MiillaTd speaks of is 1,31:, ents an hour-the diffLerenice betwýýeen the American steel bore se rate of $1.57 and the Canadian steel wovrker's one of $1.43 '/. There is another g-ap whichi Mr. M-villard neyer sp)eakaofth substantial gap between theý amount of steel pvoduced per year and per week b the two workers. The American, for a variety of reasons, produces miore than the Cana- diani; thus, he can be- as should be-paîd more highly. Wage levels in every couaitry nmust be detefmi-ned by the con- * ditions-aad only by thecodtnsestn in that country. Among the conditions we have iu Canada tý-oday are risiug unemployment, ialinig experts, and a generally lowver level of business. These things, h've comne about very largely because we have parsued false stand- ards of work andlfeMeia stanidar.ds, which are a very'weil for Americans, but which ýwe quite literally have not earned. We eaui çIi ure theni by getting back to realistie standrds, based on OUT on economic situation ou this contiiient and in this world. That situation does not require us to have e ther wage or pricoý piarity with the United States. On the contrary, it requires us toý comipete against the Amnericans, to undersell theni everywhere and lu. every way possib~le. If Canadian uions-so-calle -are making that impossible, if they are pricing our goods so high tat Amerloans ,vir the business, thea perhat>ts it is time to stand back and as], how G, arla- fiar these unions ireally are. /7/ §3~If4~ i nov. NOTICE zî!I members of the Horticultural Iýociety a~re asked to have their Tuber- -s Bergonias ready ta b. picked uxp Orono Fair display by Thursd*y, 'nber th. NDAY, AUTGUST 29, 1954 lices 'Will be resumed at Orono, ,ry and Leskard the first Sunday AdI Septemiber - September the 5th. ENGAGEMENT Mrs. John J. Cornish anveuncee the engagement of her dmughter, Joannie Marie to Xenneth Chle~1s Iutton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert TX. Hut- ton, Courtice. The niarriage will take place iii Orono United Church on Septeniber 25th at 3,00 o'elýcJc. BIRTII CANNING-Jimmnie and Edith (ne.l Trull). are 'happy to announec the birth of their son, Johu Normar, at Oshawa General Hospital, on August Jst. A brother for Susan Mary. a-p BIRTH BAIRSTOW-Jack and Doreen flaîr-, stow are proud to announel the brj of a daughter, Sheila MNarie,-on Wied-1 nesday, August 25, at Bowmiaavillel Memiorial Hgspital. A sister fori sharon. a-p1 Me Mw* s-raueUr. Law-. rence Harris, Orüno, by Septe-mber 10th, 1954, - FOR SALE Ductalloy and red tip shares for Ford, Ferguson, Fleury, Otýaco, Oli- ver 102, International age, new and used wagons. Phone Carl Todd, 115-20, Clarke. *OIWJNO TINSH#P_ NL OW ris the time to discU8s Jo 1Ur lPROIUMS *R. E. LOGAN Phone 18-r-16 CARD 0F THANKS It is a pleasure for m-e te thanlk the kind people of Orono and vîrcinity, ft the W.MS. W..,W.C.T.-U. and W, for the lovely flo-wersi, carda" andj letters with their myessag-es and oest Mwishies for mlly recov-ery during mny stay in the Civic HIospital at lejtelr- borouigh and nmy conivalescence at.mnyfr .17 home here in Orono, again Týa-z-k - You. Mrs. W. J.Lcet Build Another With Inisurance You can't proteet orefa- gai1nst such bazarda . but rou Zan guard aga-inat ec1nplete loss. losurance la afraya yoag3r N.F. PORTER wot o ,Gssi Floirence Cludwickto lry 32 miîe swm across Lake Ontario fo( $1000000 purseý WATERFRONT GRANDSTAND Orono Electric' Phone 93 r 1 CONTRACTORS For FARM and BOUSE WIRING APPLIANCE SALES PromPt and Guaranteed Rep.frm te ail makes of Eiectficai Equigmeua and Appliancea inch as Motos, Water Heatev Radidw, Stèves, IrOUs. Ek i r z N Z -.4. -~ JI~ Durham Comnmunity Aucions r.- open Thursday, June ?Ath at 7:00 p.m. Sales to be held every Thursday even- ing during the summer months. Reg. Johason,, Auctioneer. FOR SALE 6 roorned Frame House, G bedrooms, ail with closets, Furnace, 'bathroom, hard and hoft water. Near stores, srhool, and Churches. Apply Box 305, Orono Tànêes Office. b-P WANTED Fivm or six acres of Pasture field in the viclnity of Orono for cutting sed. Twitch grass preferred. Remov- ing of sod "sI not harm the field. Contact Fred Saunkiers, Newton-I ville d-p We wI lbe pleased to pick up dead or crippled farm animais fobr sanitary disposai. Telephnne Collect Cobourg .1266 or Toronto Em~. 8-3636. GORDON YOUNG LIMITE» If you w1sh your DEÂD FARM STOCK removed the fastest way, then cali us colleet - BoçwmanAile 2679. We also buy LIV'E HORSES. MÂ'RGWïLL ;FUR FARM TYRONE, ONT. Hamiltons Insurance Service Every class of Insur- ance ÏÉ represented in our office. The follow- ing are sOme of the main coverages we can of fer : Autemobile, Life, Accident andi Siekuess, Plate Glass, Liability, Pire, Burgiary, Hsiaialn Livestock, Bolier, Wlnd, Polio, Hait, Fidelfty Bonds, etc. ORQNO FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS Leroy RamiItou ,iREAL ESTATE BERP lx" * I E. C. SYER. M*ik PHYSKCIAN and4 MURGUI > Man Street Souh 2$0t te .86 p.n.. 4.34te * Suisys end ftelida7a 5br Appoixme.* I DR.N 14R. J. SEUR VETERINARY SUItQUSt 1 Park Street OPPOSITE SKATING ROM PHOýNE et r 14 LEGI Lawrence C. lasea, Barrister and Solié IIOWMANVIILLF, ON. Office 434 flon.tI JACK REIE Orono&s Lioense< Auctioneer andi Vali N N IL itmt ~ N N N N N N 'N Specialize in Farm ndu Furniture Sales Consuit me for tenu, and datez Phone 5ryi8 e TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Vahiat.t Conducts Auction Sale.of au 9é and t eraaoabIe rat« Commufficat. with him nt R Perry, Onta-'lo, or es ihl& clap E. Morton~, at Oro»,. f« d&kjç LIFE INSURANC P>ension Plan,8; Edacatie>nal ffluIu Protection andi Savlnga PIeu t 'Children andi Adults; Mortgagq 1 surance Plans. F. E. LYCEIT ORO-NO, ont. . Phone. The Electr Cyli Welc Head aranteed 1 rn "KING 0F THE (0V/BOYýS " CARS "q NATIONAL HORSE SHOW AIG, 27f h f0 SEPT. Itsi IRISH GUAROS Th.rilt to thie Stirrro,, fa'mousbad OFENINO DAY -nd AN; SI4EtL Therý-S fan.. e- xcitemeot aad more mondrs than you cao imagine at this year's Iee Roy qogêrs, Dlale Evans, Trigger ad Roy's Western Troupe intea-akeATRq GRANOSTAND CIRCUS. Dontmsatihe 2f,1 har EVEfINC VARIEîY SHOW stair;,g Roy Rogers anri tp variety aCts fron ait offl the wnrld. e.. , AjýuNitS. Ce., .C. G OpeuaiM4syar . . *0, 4f is kinfd lu thse )wLI Iding Dia 3216 .- P.G.Op. i>o , ds Port HDpe, Otario .ý1Uounments, Gravemna STAFFORID BROS -Monumental lWorhe Phonle Whitby 5;52 O 318 Duadas St. E, Whithy g0 FIN6 QUALITY MONLUM1NTS ANP 1C Let us erecit a handsome, ~ t ified -monursnt ÔverVh i ng place of your loved «ei It's flot expensive. Anid aeeîn ID this hast tribute wili giv* FOR SALIIE d, Rlenteti, Appraiseti 'N 'N N N 'N 'N N s N 't ~. cOROLTION ~ t1 See t~,eetuaI robes ËHONBýlÉis, e ý- -ýCAUUM - G.-W Ag...O- . ... . ....

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