ito 15 .h Mr. e i-s home g operated )IaS and Gail visitors \vith ris. n ~nd i~ami1y iibbins visited Barrie hoiaswith -Mr. fteb leynldsduring the M.adMrs. Hrod1 and Deni vsited wjthl ILs. Thos. FaLls On Sauiri evS.J. Pikease 1 Ts. l Torn anil lMes,. A brckac o igawe' at Res1 takewith rel oati' (w>Grey n.,Ï Pair. 'Wool, 3 ply, 1j oz re-enfor ced withi .~27c.. Metal Lunchl Boxes,, assorted colors 45,-. Large Feltol Rugs, De Lux Brand, 54 inches. x 729 ihe.Assorted patterýns....... ........ $2.65 Windlbrealkers, Chîldriei's satin, water repellent, lined, knitted ceuffs, collar and waist band. Assor- tedl colors. S-izes 3 to 6X. Each............ $2.98 "ary ler, Lted' and I 1 Us sermlon. Magnetic JHilin New Brunswck can make you dloubt your own sen-ses. It willamaze you and niake you wvon- der if there's somei-th;ing wrong with, YouLr sighit, your senIse' of balance or y ou r b rain.1 4uicd lu Home and Office PENS Aso- Waterman PNSETS, eupleýte pricled at ----------- $5 E'clipse P'en and Pencil Seýt, de-IlUxe $1,95 iauke our~ store your headqiiarters for al youir sthool supplies Try us for fast ser-vice dn-t TEXT BOOKS. Please Note .Ait sehlool suppies aiesi down"-Itli you t-..nk you are gongl hibitedwmil be a 1817 Pirme-Arrow, UP". one of the largest car 0eer ;%xe f ht --rkid sre asee and. incr You eediiotfee disourG - 1 ded an aisie down the nil(dde fromi Ocaninot arrive at a solution tOi the front seat toa.w7asne his puzzle because, accordîg to the tomve around. It cost $14,500 eni lem- Brunswick governnment bureau the Canadiamaket tha, yea-:r, 'f in-formlation, thousands of people , h ros Semr ae h lave scrrtched their heads over this STratfo-Ont., i1926, ade lue Mbeomenon, and no on has -corne up Spaeis i n te., The 1.e26, lind ~~~ith~~~~ a ai-acoyepanto. Odsmobile, made lii 1902 has the f7amous curved dashboard that gave (Continued from page 5)i i.'The 190>9 cadillac toy txat haIs glearning copper-headedwae Included arnong the car.s to be ex- jackets set in the sides cf the hoo&