,Jack Reid Wad M. 'ltemb1 er, lis w nnd son- a-p FOR RENT Oruono d uplex"15 rooma on two floors, good pa4r y andh w~ ~ater o'n tap, 'large ga*lèen, possession~ Oct- ober lSth, lient $ 5,OO). Leroy Hamniltoù »roker,, Orono SE'PT. 7, t954 BY NEIL CURTIS Born 1919, Township of Manvers, County of Durham on or about 26th day~ of August A.D. ' Quote: Forthe beniefit, of tý- iî zens of Ponty' ool in fthe Towhpo Mlanvers and the County of burhain row krown as Little Jeru leu1 'St- urday the ll1th't1954 toeJI by Public Auction, 1:30O o lock sha p, household, fur.niture, livestdk and 1"acluiiery anud Premnises and app roxii ately- 20 acres of growing Cr tsTrees. Coe One and corne ail aýl you too. FUiRNI'clURE SALE The entire fu4týiture, dish (, e§ lass~- wa,re, bedldiag etc, of . ýDonald Robb, one mile wyslt of Orpno, wvli be sold by Public Aaetion q Saturday," September 18 at I'v.m. jackR& , Auctioneer.1 Wil commence qflt "'I'1 tember 16 at 2 pu. Sales at Aroîxa in O-onto, reg Johnson, Auctioneer. FOR SALE Çort-bina-tion Writing eýsk and China Cabinet, L$25WU. C. H. Froste, Or no, a -p1 WANTED Five or six cres of pWiure field in the vicinity ?f Orone îor cutting sod. Twitch graIs prefe red. Remiov-1 i ng of sod will n t ha the iield. Contact Fred ýSau oIrs, Newton- ville. d-p We will b. pleased to k>1 up dead or crippled fà rn anlimaiý for Ranitary disposai. TeI phone dollect Cobourg 126C, or Toroi te ý'.38-36u6. PropeýrtieS SOMd, lented, Maniaged and Appraised L. M. ALLES ON. Real Esfate Broker Phoene 2506 - oecsi,~nt Two bloes nrth of traffi ~raNewcastle. IliotAND -HotWat&qer- IIeating piCALL US- FOR ESTIMATES ~I ARRY E. LYCETT Phone 84 r 12 O ORONG - ONT. Buy hfor Is!Bta, imnportant as pieis, dor't Ioverlook Chevrose! value--for (Chevre i adns uncballengdlYual the hup"aortnadvanîages of imodeni moor tavel. Violt your 1OcWi Cevrolet d(aler anun see w WibiSite one car Siat ill cxacîly fit your faly'suees -and yurfiamiily-'sbudiget. compare Chevrol eeouuinsnAskyouwsef :az"Wbai's ihpeuears rept fln Ho 1 noua ?On u ? gonservie A û stands to )=YSs'moid be lugrait s! tdemand ... and C(evrolcas 1been MIs u~m in l als-fo;r overtwl dcaes jW? have AbS up îl Pou. Vsi nour local MChevrolet deraler an iboad-Tsî Chevrohcî'ssmooîb mI dinatrespous. Test hiln Lut your owles ycs Icî yu mabou(Ce"orois fle Peaengi. Aud remeiber Uncrueaîbialcmufishudse- iug stl E fnmous Body y Flsbýr.Tbaî's yu umue o ouly ofd lasulnï4 g4god looks u f rae omoiýsaey n qunaî, zalso. S(Chevroltai your localdealers îoday A ________G ENE RAL MO0TORSP VA LUE self! Road-test. ..street-test..'- C-4354Q ONTARIO ofie ur .: 2.00 t, 40 p..; 6,90 te Lê00fi p i Sundays and Wedne.udu4ys I .j appointiuent ouly PHONE 47rl - E. C. SYER, Mi. PHYSICIA'N and SUYRGEON, Maîin. treet Soth Office urs: 2.011 go 4.00 Pj.: 6-30 to 8.00 pm. Sunidays and Holiday. by Âppontment PHONE 74 r 19 OKONi# DR. R. J. TAGGART YHTERINARLY SUYRGEON Plark Street OPPOSITE SKATING RNX PHONE 94 r 16 Lawrence C. blason, Barrister and Soliei tO WMANVILLE. ONI phQoe: Office 688 HgomeS JACK REII Orono's iAcenseý Auctioneer and Vali Specialize inra 'ar-m Furniture Sales Consuit mie for ter anddae TED JACKS( Auctioneer and Va.L, C ondue tas Auciiai Saieg Of and a't rcasonabl. rate Perry, Otre or s4s 1ulis R. Morton, at Oronou, for daIý LIFE INitSURAr Protectioxn ani savingýa Pl F. E. LYCFiTT Dial 3216 -P.. 4 Port Hepe,Otai Monuments, Griaveînu Ewavia~GoItllaf OEON~ N N N ~- 's N -~ s N LA. ltOf N T. N sua N * N .-~ N N ) 'NN N i 's uato~k allAi 'N N N t ~l N N N LIâtOrY ~ N ail ~ISU~ ~lerk A. N N Le. N s' NÇE~ Polict~ lawqf~4 ~ s' rage l*.~ N N N N N N ~Z#r1< 's N N ~LTK N N N N 522 N55 N Lrker~ N ring STAFFORZD BROS phione Wilitby 55? 318 Dundas St. E., Wldtby FINE QU-ALITY MONUMENTS ANID MARKERS Let us erect a handsoDrne, dg- nified monument ever the mot ing place of your ioved ee It's. aot expensive. And .eeing t'lis Iat t1ibute wilU gîv S.- J. NORTON Mlain Street, orone Phone 61,--3 Ceusaýit us on ail thiings ap- )ert4ýn.ing te Cie beauatificatile df your homze. PapeIrhanging and Interior If you- wish your DEAD 4-ARM- STOCK re-moved the f'astpasi way, thon caîl us clet-B~mniI 2679. We aise buy LIVE .iORSES. ~ARGW~L FR FAM TYR'-,E, OINT, 's s 'N N 's N 's N N ~ F -~ N N N I N N - N N N AM11-1