1 mvust seil ten more xnew cars nexti Iain a1ý your imerc.y. You tfel mle how youl will deaI. Sit anne offer refuSed. ~Zeoeyou buily Give "STEW" a try NDYOUR BANK ROLL A BRFEAKI Brailey Motor Sales UJd, 3iECUR -LINCOLN - -METEOR 2871 -nday and nighit (except Suaday) C',N O USED CARU PRICES ~IJ ~ES"SEWS"BLOOD PRESSURE SÀEYOUR BIJCKS ON CARS ANI) TRUCKS 1944; ChLýv, two toile. good tires, nd m 'iotor......49O) -1K50 Ol)dsmnobile Deluxe Sedanl, Hy-l -4mmaic, White wa1Iý,, Custom radioa insharp condition. Corne in and try it SEE "ST1ýW" 'InlWey Kotor Sales Ltd. 'i DUCIRY - LINCOLN1ý - mI~EOR1 40--pen day and night (except Sunday> JOHN REGAN,8.4O j R arrister, Notary Public 33Teprace F Bwmaill %e ý4 Teperace S. Bomani P'hone 3292 W atch for partieUIars ;ý,5 o programme. îî BIIRTE CHlAPMýAN-YIlr. ands Chapman are happy to aYnj birth of t.heir 0on, Ken et! l in Bowianville Men al1 huisband und father,H Lintow xhopais d a S Ever emmbre by t Magaet aighter Florence ini-law Douglals« IN MEMORIAM LINTON-In loving me-no~ dear son and brother, Howa: who paýssed away o7ne year 5th, 1953 At early, morn ,½vhen al w God gave his ýegreat corrý And silently yoüi paýsed £ 1Into a hetter qpnd. 7 God called you ~ihu Our farewell Wans n" Buit what a g1ori#ousS1 When we say Iký." Sndly issed by mother CARD OF' TITAI l wish to expr.éj m)y t Witze1, Dr. K. S1eyon aý bard"\l Superintendent an~ Pemoirial Hospital, Bownl atil friend& wbo2/sent e. IIu5ervted -Chevrolet 4-Door Sedan "Two-Ton, Prove it %your BOWNANVILLE, t.~, -~