.s. M. Coates. ,handknit-Mra. S. .e Hnooey. -nond kn-it--Mre» Cotton - mr.m m. S. Moore, lannelette--Mru. l, handJknit -- kMrî Sweater, handknit B5read lbal 15c Hambus vero'x Spaý &A Li.ptonfls, l5c. 16 oz, Tea Bags 'The f ollow- me of the ages we cani 20 oz. Juiice 2îor33 4 v1%d Allens Au 20 oz. Juice '2or27 rerleaf Solid White, Fancyv una Fish Mil-Ko Powder lb. 49e lb. -39c lb. 37c lb. 59C 10e.ý OFF Deal Nescafe . . . . . ...2 oz. 25c.ý OFF Deal (Famrily size) Nescafe.. ... Welch's 16 Grape Juice .. 16 oz. 7 oz. 37c i lb. Juiice 31c Hlawes Floor Gloss PARM FRESH Fruits and Vegetables California Red CUrapes241b23 Pepper Squash .5c Sweet Potatoes 2Âb 5 Potatoes 101hb 39C Wtealthy AP.PIOS ag 3 Child's Cardigan --x',S- Mvoore, Mrs. D. Thompson, Child's Sun Dre&s, cotton, to 6 years-Mrs. M. Coates, mrS.. D, Thompson. Chld's Play Suit, overqll&a and Jacket, 2 to (3 yrs.-Mrs. W. Moorey. Child's Dress, smocked, 2 t.c 4 years-Mrs. M. WHlhiams, 1wiSeî Prust, Mrs. W. Moorey. Child's Dress, smocked, 6 !to 8 years--Conniie H-ooey. Infant's Dress, dainty, shfDrt.. cotton-Mrs. M. WilliamS, -mrw. D. Thompson. Infant's Jacket and Bonnet, knit--Mrs. E. Youngmnan,If. S. Moore. Infant 's J acket and Bonnet,. crcet'ed-Mrs-. E. youngin.0ii. vMs W. Moorey. FANCY WORK Cushion, silk--Mrs. S. Mo>osre, Mvrs. E. Rainey, Dora Morris. Knitinrg Bag, telt, apiud Mrs. G. H. Dean. Display of three hand made' articles suitable for Christmang- gifts. Limited cost $1,50 each-- Mrs. M. Coates, Ms,. S. )Moore Mrs. G. H. Dean, Connie Hoýoey. Petite Point, 1 piece-Mrs. S, Moore, Needlework picture, framîedà -Mrs. S. Prust, Mrs. E. Young- man, Mrs. D. Thomipson-. Pot Holders, 3 varieties, one aî each kind--Mrs. E. Youngman, Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. P. Leach. Article in Leather Handicraft -Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. G. H. Dean. ( Contntiud ont page 7) Co-pertie Commonwealth Federatio No.mination Meeting Fr1 ay, Sept. Il7tb at 8:04 TowusIp Ra1tf, Orono To select a Candidate for the Provincial Elect'n PUBLIC INVITED TO ITEAR Donald C. McDonaIl--' C.C.F. Provincial Leader With a program for Ontario that fits your needs GOD SAIVE THE QUEEN Duirham Riding CCF Association Nicholis, Sec,.-Treas. E. Dent, Pregident (1hift?~ncofi' ttlrii ---S-hcýuld prompt you to Cali upon us 111 time of-P sorrow. We stress simiple beautiful services that prove consoling to the bereaved. HARTLEY R. BARLOW FUNERAL hOME , ? 'I Store ,S WfIIHOMJ?\OB,]LIGATIONS )ON 'COTTER Orono, Onit. I rsUiI nUU ýrs by local sts. by groupa eld, Peter- e Lakefield prize on its lai ra eve 33C 15 oz. ZL c Kraft's Vani #,a Cýaramels Fry's Breakfast Coco& Lux Liquid, lage Detergent Autoobut Lite, Aec"it and Siknoe4 FMate GlaM, lÀbility. Pire, flglary, Hospt&Euatlen, Uvetac, U.Wkr, WIsd, Polio, Rail, ridotlty Bods, se. )NBE IR16 LOANS Leroy REAL EE'S a.