-- or iniey Street', exi police tracked te htus-e now to ha de- g ang ut Russian Uan- ýd by a man whoseý Iiity earnad bilm-,the ýf "Ptrthe Painter." te detentiers hati set, ,vo fodman ar Lie- through biýs hbad ctiiet c iurtier c trd 'ether wsthe be, the gn~ tama ,wasIlonf -Peter FPia-t- trn,~' knw s cion j Ut> for iut the arrest 11f1 hini., Tsarist is nime 'stary of knijow n Justin permis shots came thcugbt (e! plaice te ln- theý hbesiegeti ouse ýj rîonfre eus, but al a ujggaýsted ha ,bail wàty bcogh1 build4ing, Ani- Peter bail "c-ap- ccaman's uniferin wtCIon! By thîs PORITABI iciec0 cf Cherry Poinit, are re- life every timre they posa T'he wrecked, Icit-model, y project designed by the crin.î Air Station. Burning Jcld 9W mcd m- The plaïin tact seeýïms te b4 that Peter pi akawVwAsÇ-neyer un the heuIse. it iS possible that.ý hae bIïcatiacly ascptiaroad After liearlier sbootling e! poliemen, ati spcalyafttr no! . "thjE .ganjg Vwounded ICi iJ-Jtha affray was found, fit a ro Peter the Pamitr bil renlied, hac was a mlarked nin1. S' i r Wiliaim Naît -Bwe- Cemmiisionler o! thfle Ciýty cf - Lon-idon ipolice, §aid tfi!teC-e n ye-ars later that Pater ascapati to France. Mr, J. P. Eddy, K.C., who madie &a spacial study o! the case, s4tta i that 1RusJ- ia documentsshwadha want te Rus sîia. Further uoenIfu1s ien0 reultet fom i he faot thalt therewas a Rusiancaileti Jaýcob Paters who lat er on ltook part un the RevluictManypeople$ukmp- ail ta the conclusion Ihat lIbis was ,Pater tha ePaînter, anti every tlima Paters-,figuired ,ïin the naews ha-w uas clldPeter tha «Paintar by EngLs isb napperis. Tbey vtara twuo disti-nct men. l the Painte, PeiarPakwwb wxas-- apiaran)tly aacet fr taking part in a pflot against Stalin iun l937, h ane a ModiermEtiquette and close it wlth "Uerdialy A. No. rha b'eg.inig anci en ineta attrselishow the sýamïe degre !trnlt' ýMy dear Si" s yeuu most fr mal salutat ianti w>ldb utRespcttuiy yours.", Q. hil eesayfor at im ut ha bituaI> carnies a pipe in biýs nionti te ramduvet e pipe A. Most cranyha she-ult remýnove theppe Q. Hw many saiad pepper A.A paiýr at ever-y othier plate is th wms canat place- Q. h t ,ncsayfor th8 brid's arets o illanan graved wedding inývittieon tO the bi¼oms aetMest cetanl tey know thatt the-y areinta. A. The biero' aet hollrecaive a formnaiiv ttntha -;same -,as aly other gues(,T negleot te mnail t1ham aime h a brach cf good man- Q. h jit il right 'for a person te hlsist aýpen giving a tip ila a rastamut which Observe the "nu tlpping" rufle? A. No, l is net ol pcs sar,-y te give thie tip; but îitix inconsiteiet tethemage ment for ename inbie lpon breaking tha rules. Q. Situis!ice cream, servad in a sharbert gliass, bec atten wtiith the speOoon r ork? A.Wjýithel aspoon. le,,.c craiLa aaten wih0h1b et enl1Y Vwhan il is servet wthpi 'ala rmode. Qý. 1l, ît correýct for a man te utitt te"M o n Mbis bus!- ness yards?, Rv.'or 4"Dr." arueprisibe aries, andti ten leave. Q. Ir, it ebllgatorf to send a weding ),.gift wilflp Ont il 11- vitad only te the eeremkony, and not its the, reception? QIfoneadeCides to ýpay ain uaexpecdeualon a friand and! lnds uponi arrlvlng, that the friand aiready lias a guesf, what shouls! une do? A.nthemaîn only for a tew minutes, exchange a few pleas- Q. Ilt happens thjat I doný't cýare at ail for alcahelie baever- afg,. May . 1 . .preperly ..refuse drinks aI parties, or ducs titis offend imy hast? A, Thera is ne zieason whya ppolte, "Ne, tbank you," shaulti oýff anti your bost, if yeu 1malta s Ure that yeur mnannler of re- ifuSal tices'- t proecýlaim dsp ûrvaïl. A peýrfect heat or lies teýss ,alwasfbas lnon-alcehoie bav,ýerage's frtoewe ee thon,, "I earJims suclingte b. a uYaa4h, hamas doing pretty weon until mownt te thoas "What's îhaeîngin the.boa- pital?"an the trees otltalIan illsthe tr.affle sosa in d -erybodyý ter stiLjoninlt un theUntei Sates allti en.ba to dp its shoeing iar dark, se 10ne.teintrtrewithtrf. ti dnormal lite, Yet atth very Deiht au the tourts a- sothaie ulcent city cfVete allowed ltself te ha ,oeULplic, for ntha by an I tallan fl directaer, who tblnks -netbing cf putting a dose» ý sturatg ut cif business for a taingtso locking Ithre tanoaec trvli fsin a rail-waystio "The Stranger's Handj' re.- cently rel'easati, the ilrat British picture ever tu e ba ade on thei litaian technique,'was shet en- tirely on location>, and diractid greateat andi cartai-nly most cl cutrful director-s. Vanîce got the first taste di ocds -whan ha arrivet i wthbi uni- jt at t'he railway station> where T[ravor Howardl arrives., A train pulled i 'n disgorglnga crw ftravallers, who feuýnti tel tiheir amajzcrent th at the, brirs wee laseà againset tthem . Bera they ceuldpoat thay were told thdrs iwas tie unMique privilega etf being flmari but, aS there were ntet anouigh cf them, tbay maust wait fer fmore te-n cea iton tha naxttr4in. Seldati finially had threa trinm- loads etftravellera pennati ha- hlnd tha barrir.When ha d4d ]et tbem aot, it was only te betd them uLp andi down teatj--î11,Lorm until hae got the shet !haLwanted, Tha' 'gondoliers, hwviwr sistlnig e! four high-powýeradt- mnotor-boats ant hre tst po- lice " lucheS kept rearing flat o ut along the canais, causing 1tidal-wavas that tbireatenad te ýwrck tei fage craft A daputatien oe!man ggodoiers rowed eut anti told Safl4atiut whtthey 0thoujght ecj im WVhll1e thqe inevitablesramn maitch was waork.ing up te Ifts grand climnax, anathar ,party a! godleson shore wee th-reat- enn edrp t'aL ecnd(ni into th c -anial. Mubof the sh-ooting on, "The Stîra.nger's H'and" was demie f -roml a very elti antibattared rmoor- 1î0g VOSt on wbich Saldati ha d acabin builitwith a roo-f. Kon- tii"as the unit calleiit was mexred righit in tha mridlalet the lageon. Aý,nd il seon sprunlg a ea se thaàt, te the already treacherous recinrg anti tiltin.-g, wa-s added a fear-soielist. ,j1II giVa a gold watch t e h &frs m-an wmho falîs uný ,"saiti soldati, but re ne afnceia swimjn the c-Venlice Gadcana] enopugit fer that. Btthe rellyunogtal dýay was wlçr he afilmied the scenes on the burning ship. Three tures through cleuds ot iitation'ý smoke th--e firemnen strugiglad te thL eS(esue oeunjg RÏichard 0'ýSulliÏvan. On the feurth t4ke, thy ere telti te -use thair hoses antIrl four ter- riflo jeta of water were lat loose. Unhppîythé-,captai!n, vWholbatIl enfly let is sbip fer aýc'ouple oidays, hat Ielat his port-hala )e-ian ani the accuracy efthtei fle an' au -as deatily A'l blis papers were deceiad the caâptai» isîyai ors tom-reand changejinto a Buit sç paonyrdunt director Soldtti te littlp manà i wihthe, outsize parstlnality wheli really a frustratati acter directIJing, anti laÈyinlg smal character parts i hip wi ils the mare eccenitric e bttr aniabarn shwmn.Fr ail isYPically Latin bebaviotur, Soldi sent anyyears inth UteiStates, bath ïas studacint and latar aspro.fesseret ol Aeflrrs W&NTE Rîttar e, Miro ito, Phono. BAUV CLI"PEE lD rau 111 arre 0fcors, YlglUn qivre age on los cd. We batWu lîMgaMnd ra nd ta ayBtite aa i',GUC *ONARTO"0), Ifl,1I p et yetrd I ram lot gen draia sacki ltesm res n oianrcasesleepthanar duQalpur- 1-isPhre s Arr 4ro Wtt ac . rEboUSa, ilT ONUMPRETN STMESTONES WDetbvate nstaa oes-rio aanale. anseufitnus fry bgbet « Oarta.nweïýzmrsmbd 0,000 Im-periet gel t ions 'apr l-y Hiestlre ltheegarain, tarinmsef lstic!tas0fbeutr.Permanentl am- 4aatina arocees s lto siýre, 50c, Piasças Oc. 107 lala t, Ne t-,argarît nd.Y. rJ oV PIlEBIBL te ad'aWord aoan "TietSnmntes uî illu aidn eeca 'Vboet o charo, hala, eas"it tboug la 8ar, rEnclseanî, li t in aslertne ncaste tc reNtErLntore. Write orfitbath.u Evr ha 115. itcai Onc tjy colGE o ensIle asi alseiit inas7. Ch olts toc-Usaeonyn bed od ýtahe9lrcniets Pzo tlerfs-fo cuivert, ngl, sch annelscuristeel, baariots. lenait reoir shGoe Cra- aga 71ist himsel i eygo part, aventhrenema oebodyhi drp n f toa mllIaa theiars (ligtad) inseebies cered byt ayer o! ewspaper aDeapre cton againatcoldl th Hi tstein u cbig j;ine, tebzing he a . tewa shir t h1nging cutlde bisL-ptoux- eaearheîeaniialast borow "gTba traer's Haý Pend" in Vafteanpicea' amt ADVERTISINB 14OURiL- IVUY SUPRBR MUNRO'S DRUG STORE $if.25 Expres Prepaid Qn7A maa ýS- ti-ellentht.Tahe q aci 'EEiSINX" a tla lle it n aS 558 QUERST EST IýS O4SNO BANIE th trmN cf arrresala I~sbes an wepig hmtrubes Pn 'Baema Sale al! ac dsapouciîa rateblg, sclln. na urnYg scaan PRE $2,50 PRIt JAI 4 114 uùa St.WsTrna a pecloa1it n fahrsgt Rs Amiu , aThoCti is. Writge'direc OPOTUNIîtISro ginee-P,Ërin rfse ae l ra manit. ,Tr i at brn l ars fime 1t îbqee vrsil-ad souo os. Lw a fosr rp odr, n eigtal rlari baea rtig,-etW Box 121a, Sain"Trna LON CANA' EAIJNG SRSo sates ra t a t.iostraeu, Ctaloge Tr) iud eUe -- 0 raob 44g ,,Ri JýNg t, iaitn 71 Ride w au t.Otw