~w tere C'ES SI ON>-Lous Arstrog, ne of the preot ja ýzz er o-r'e-s ofhis day,, dôoes ca real-life mrop,)ii-g of bis brot 7niitte he chracteristic posce portraye(,d in the paintinv abovîe himn, Louis vwilI portr,-y Kng Oliver, the f Irst "ja.zz kinp,"' onci foýrihcmîng TV sýh ow a littie is stili ta fail ~choose .1l prety $oon lWe'I Live "For 'Free"' Onc uon tme inaT5ar Cutya cSmart and dynamic you'ng iman feRil inlove wtha clever and glamenrous girl, She Teturiiad his Afctoand thçy -ere mrarried on the strcengtb et aý selling job w1hich pr.omîsed hï-up ta" $200 zafek. They 'wen talive mn0a House w-ý.hicb was helast eIe eft eI a Bunch adetsdas '-cd as low - as vôv~pedestal hras beýen mech- aeand she turns rounýd slwyin bluLsh-white tl-OOd- lihigaËtter dairk. M0illions have stared aztth magnificent Venus de Mlo, the mont celebated pkece crd<cul- ture i tewol, lthat gre-at storehous)ve (f s tri aues h Louvre, Paris. utnobouiy ki;rDws who sb. w rwliat sbe was gfazring a", ,0 grvl hnher unknown SClpter mý etaiz her No4- body knews-.or probably wver wu!ima .nô -her oge. eue was inmd sutr the 'ql CLS$IFIED Pis1 ot. the bec'ani e ing Wôi pla-Yed-, aýnd eve m-enrt. A don an-, imîton. Ont, cita eariy lu sapent 'miii nexi year, s is. tisera -ýA J'ore But tory se-ein ever, lie ïN as Clever. r-ed ta thie There t'bel VITTY-boro porrt 1-7-month-old Vva ày leainswata a after lseirig itdw ~1,- rIcatiC gkis ', ~f Maïor<çdM & of six feet, and doc- tther visiin wilI ed ta near normal k' storm Winclawa ýt he ywOl save "up t" ano3ther 2.5;if they ?nsaled erta-' i Pump ïin ftheir he-atfng systemr, up ta" a fifth mor;iad if they thirew ouit the Furnace they hlad afltogethelr and baugh-ýl-t anlOtlwr sing a 10-101Y diferent type oîfuel they lwould save, this lime, "up o t" 30per ~#urtermor, theyoung couple lereïhat il they changed to "iFusion" frôom the n"Icre 1's- sin 2asoline they, hac! been usIngtey coulcT drive thier car for "Uop to" 15 per ccelit Jss: And ift!bey sl their old Crate end bught aj,, Guided 'Mis- sile they would sveActually 35pcr cent at, the corner 'Punip. Se te Siriart young husnd adtise Clever wife did REalhese things-. Th"enefcrth thfey 1heat- edterHome tcosily foi, notis- rryd1-iht merrily for Hait Bu,eremmeti a ,,-.,y Far couyntry wh-ere the Decîma Pointis pinlFo 71 getlier. A shea wauld bave 10 lôse them-. "Aet ol Grace" Because thse CompoisnAe Brtsi ank nsfege is secret, like those of ethteýrcouritris, hior der tp It)lp ciék forgeriJes, the Ynethotds used1 by, the Bank it'o Eniglanid experts is nfot pei-i lu Ini Qther d, Mrs. Lloyd coul'd ntvnif slhewa tt --fight theç, case and ecmploy a rivali 1Iaboatory expert to g-t. h er back her 4~vd 26e 'An Officialielt1tebnkla pointed çjCut "tie pyen Ïs mlade O a act cd graýe, rot a il asagreat occasion when, tiq-e President c4 the Lebanon, Rec-public, Kamyel Chamouni, re- cently arrîved here îon a ýState The red carpets rame opt, flags waved, antrd bands Played7 nations seemned ta be e them th tieclbain taged ta WeCm he distinguished vis- TWley fut hnbrWt in"g lthcre sarrundeùd b' ml-I They wrapped hý)er troin -aný a'id sack, t 0c)k i t iacr1ss1te field"' in the6ir dne-at n t~rs oer ~eVena de MitvQ's Drive ith C I POS, OSCAL ~EMA SALVE eut nI dry entente ekin troubles Post'e nol disappoini mu. anS buruing sciants ui~ea anS foot ecteme b tise atainiese o~or- Ileas e? lina' et stthoru ~ARTIFCIAL LIMB col medsSt, We, ooto ntro itne etiewiit igii TISE BIBLE Is God'sWord tla an È Fitteenmintesdally wihi*" ýd 0, uca '~~~'u -5 h ad eis 05 Se ;,i foti û. itertue rot wety aci ati for lt or $258. Akns61 W 2uI"Àt for10 AJAv, 127'bell, air&,Tin at hom-e" these weli-paid scre los.LowTa 1 o e Fie, o oilain P m Shol f retigDe W ~RE8ERVB Color beaut n tv er4 tndeA L nteSyS)TrmndG 7, ofts *1-ANAL'SLTANtS ty tlrea;; 0o t i e, ýrcafri resalua 'ICýat lgiid Aesin oS rS A$UNKS.YI UKUU ~iiJac, 535 Sigle, Qttawa $125 Express Peepoîui One womaa teils anottsan, ¶$~~Àrs ~suoerior ~M~8êE~" ta <halo- ~l8evla~te' pain dis- trees and Jiervous tension eaa.7clated wlth mouiLla oetiod~. 85.00 Pestpald b plain wraisper POST'S CU~T~TOALS 659 QUERE ST. HAST T4lltUtJ1~O ~ATENTS S'ETHERSTONHAUGU & aomoan~ Patent Attorusys Tstablîahed 1800. 40 University A e Toronto. Patents ail efinoirlea. AN OFFIIR ta everi inventor-Lie( 0f 111- ventions Sud fui] information sent Ires. The Itazn~ay Vo.. ltegistered Patent At- torDe a 872 Batik Street Ottawa Il MAY BE YOUR LIVER If life's not woetb living h naay be your liver! Lis s leeti 18 sskoe ap te two pinte ei S'roe bile a day te lisp 70e, digestive tract m ie~ shape! If yeur live, bile is coi flewrng iresiy your food mey mat digeai., . gas bloata your etom8ch . . . you f sel eonatipated a ail the fun aod eparlie go ont of iif& TheVe wheo 700 need nId <enlie C~rter e Litele Liyer Pilla. 1'boee Ososous veget5bie pille heip stimulate tise flow ai lever bile. Soon yoetr digestion alerta funetioning prnperiy and yoe les! tisaI happy dsys are Lare agalul Dou'i eser sla~ suuk. Alseope keep Carters Lritia Liver F4ls on haod lU aI vonr dsuggist. ~'-~ s"-a'i'- tta'a i5~,', k a' a' "- a"- i.~a'- - and forsr G r Ie in ý AD VERT 1 SI G