Ai TDERS 4IG ALLED 'OR "RD- HIG-H SCIIOOL ADDITION MS e,ýaïIcd for, The nw aditi)i vUl e!of1Miss )US8 SHOWIER 'Would you like to take a part in.L73 the Orono Fair Play? It'o ever~ so eaisy --nothing to 1t." 1 F'or yi sJxwer in honour Weil, as it is eight w'eeks awy Apnul 1 nish (bride-to-be) you find thiat you are answering, "i'd oeb . Win. irwin Iasove to", though you hav;e nèveracted t the home of Mlr-,,,in a. play in 'yolxr life, SJoanne received At the first rehearsai you are' Orono ftus anid expressed tickled pink with yourself --- yCrn've I{arvest the guests w'ere got the part 'ahsolutely icked, but Oct0l19 uby Miss Caroý- afteýr a week or two, the 1producer, Rev. Dr. iwn, assLsted by who thiii»-s tijat ye' ar~e the worst tor of t Miss Car'olinle bunèch Ôf actors that she has ever Canada. rdon. Winter, ýer- set eyes ou, says that it is about -ti*iea you kne-%A your w< rds and what about leaving the books ýat, hom..-e., Cubsv ~',SATS next time. sýeptembe ýHESANSZ Weil, from that time on. you need. ClV4chbi tliree hiands -- two to use xirmially NewV CI and ,one to hold the play i front of age be4e vti from he1I our nose, niornig, lioon and night. Gulbs ti rd-arin at Cod The hardest put Vof all is 'when vu quiested t tedý---Or this sea- finld out that no one at homne 'vants odpheasant to 9)o through ypur part. THE r Medpoults and They see you pacing the foor, eyes 9V) ld breedersj screwed up, trying tp xecall the next. t'xo 'Forestry Dis- Ihne and$ they dn't budge. Then yca.1~ 7 ceHroieara your husba d "y, 1oure not PIs - tre r ahs Clas ml, water Irono for fl Ia4y Oor. hn E. C. SYER, W C.Evatis,toker, jo.Piol the' 84-r4.7, PHSIIAN an~d l'a.- AMain StreetS inFOR SALE Offce e.Hur One Fih y o2.00 t Q4.00 P.M.; 6-.30 Re ?~ n3 -n odAppointiel 'We condition, This stove ha oit burner ~ 1 lie insallanf4~d ides twio(2) 45 gai- ________ 1,i ool barrels ý,ith 2,Yaps. Used only e - y a s PHONB 47rl1 One Year old Ilybrid Tlens. Good E. R. 1;ainey, Qon, :hoieio 1 Restauirant E «4im ç,t - Coittr' g. 22' with 20" red arborite top. Wall adwreDoeC.bao isplay c,1sc2 with g1ax4 sheves, Wood B fISaaf t 4 heebung' fr4,,toc ginwïl 1m'VI ITee. oatdthere. The gynasîium, fovrm- ¶ng t-Lie 1owVr portioni of the ýL, will be 11O04 ft. long. 4ý spectator's gallery will or 7ook the floor of the gym--nasiLuimi ~hc w~il bc 85 feet by 45 feet 'and1 foitler aJltypes of inidoor sports ~Sb ùý -i'- roons - nd Jockers will bc Pro- L Te~s'he porsibility of havýinig ai shoig rangi asllo i-Psd adtecost will bce onsidered as the arclitects conisider the possibility o in-cludiiig this iii thiefir 7½ns, The uew beating -system ý wil b hosdbetween the 5resent sectigon of the original school~ and the ',c"V'~ gymn.ýasim. Three tyvpes of hieating ~wll be eniptoyed in the cmlee ~c~lbuildinig - radiwnt, hot wtr and steamn. Thre roomns cooitained in the (ýnew addi t-on will be a geneval shop roomy, d~icltjrl room with 'greenhotise, hoeeconiomics, rooin, s(ew-iiig iroomy, rxuaic roomi, art roomn, library, two Ëtandard class-roomrs, principal's of-, fice and wvashronjsý. The newv cafp-. teIa ill seat, 114 and there wvill b. a itchen adjoining it. EouipmPent for tuhe shop roms is n'ot includea in the nrchiÀtect's aitimnate, and it will bel *pu-rlihased latex by the l*igh Seoli Board. - NEWCASTLE XIOLSTEINS. Entrles of~ James T. Brown and SenNeýwcastle ini the Holsteîn cas,~ n exceptionajly strou.g Aged Cow in Milk class tý.at wvas lieaded by the Grand ami Roéservé, Granad Cham'plin, the rowii entryj, Alice Nettie Dutehý land, stood third. This animal lias bheer issfe as excellent the higli- Srating attainable for conformiation Brown enVries also. stood thlird. and iîfth in the Senior bull caîf clasq, and sixth in the Senior, Yeagrling -efer class. Beýrtram and D. C. Hoskin, Cob- iiv o 1! Iý1,rý SiLf tIy re- Lindsay, Di'î1c last year, fur- ter Substantiel pantings were mnade again this summier by Officers Toi- mie, Hrris and lIcOulloch. A large share of these birds ,vas allocated toi -thé Townships of Darl4ngton~, Clarke and Hope, buit several htindred eder wel a1e4in the Town- ph- o rigt¶k I, was expected that a number of these old breeders would become casualties of the njotor car 01-moin machine; h6wever it is '1owý evijqnt from t.he m-any re- ports received that a worthwhjle pro- Portion of jthem survived and Wer'e suesful in hatching smiall broods of chicks. These young llbir-ds are nlow showýing 11p on 'local grain fields. Pheasants are quite regular in their feedinig habits; early moirning will find them leavjiag L'theii- xoostiigi places for- adjaceent grain fiedsF, dry llltis1iland Or pncultivated patches, wherR they 'may breakfast oiwee s eeds, native beriies and inisect life;1 th1ey feed agnin towardvýs evening and are'often found in quite ope-i fields. During the 'wiîter ,moniths haat seek thlrc oovepi i n arsli lands, wil- low heds or biush lots with good uni- dex-g-rowth. 'This natural cover is of utmost importance to pheasant sur- vival. F'ood habit surveys have esta- bIýshed weed seeds as the rinost imi- portant food item, although large quantities of grasshoppers, insects, ategrain and fruiits are also, con- Generally. the pheasant is consi4- ered to' ho a bird of agricultural farm lands and patixtîL2ary gra~in farrning districts. Ye scattered hardy fîocks are found 'in wild uncultivaVd and relatively infertile parts of the Pro- vince. Itis considexed to be a bird of ten>pqeràeýzons but wil ad Pt it- selft Varin&-aand almnost u4lumited extremes of conditions. However it laije.ýt - pheasanati population½s are fourad on fert&ie soils and where they have access to the crops of cutivated land. 1M4cli is nw being done by Lands aeifi oests bioligists Vo in- prGve iïii xtend pheasant ranlge and habitat. 011 yen wOuld give qanytiig fo Sgood de-se of fe-asies, but nc9,1 hiand of fate is against yoli- At Iast the hour is corne. YOIt got the inost accute attack Df, digestion that you have ever had i yourlife. GOOD 'G1RACIOUS, curtain is up and there you are acft The "rest of' the cast are on, g] periaa'!Ps like you are that àt ý soon be over and pr-obably -vw that this is goinlg to be the lajst jï thing that they will evçrî get tanig Nwdon't let aIl this Put you beCa1use thie first w syo ilsý wh'Ien the ecurtain II r WHEN IS THE NEXT fNE, ING TO B-'E! %;vn Thea Chil Hu hïiIe uossrn fi.ighay leAucfioli carol Gilbank, six year old daugh- Ver ~ ~ ~ ý ofM1-1 Ms . L. Gilbank, 11.1. No, 2, Oronio, was badly shaken a Lp and buse Wh-n si-e stepped in l fr'ont of a car M'hile on her ,vay~ toi. SChoc4 on Molnday nmoring Of this I week. an Carol, ntùtending the Orono Public r Schqo for her first terni had beenF brough, to town by ber Inother. 'm mieclýiatelyv after' getting out: of their W: pick-up truck shje crossed the high.-- way at the Dickson icorrrand was hit by an oncomning vellicle, It lu as- K sumed that Carol did noV look for onl. boý coniig traffic, TIhe dri-ver of the car. Se w-as Mr. Roht. MWorgan. KE 'Carol was rushed to BownpinuWille Ru HIospital where she was a patient ýrn_ de, Vil Tuesday when she ireturnied homfe. soi Carol, wre undexstand suffered rno W broken bones but suffei-s fronm brulses B. anid the experience of' the accident. asw Ire FXRMERS iu:COME O WN F IiETIÙERS - , The pen arket at the Durhain County Sale Arena got tinderway on MendaY (evening oaf 'this week. Through this media prodixers are able Vo sell their produce direct to the consumer. Potatoes, tsnmatoes, fruit etc, were offered on MoL,-nday and it is expected that hsventure %J11 expand as tirse goes on.oOnetruck taad o was sodb(,fresl flrw this ek We, Arena i Auctionleer. x37ack f seld. up dead Coourg TED) nd Mvrs. iyE ient in the sud( orence Cobbleài Mrs. Wil CobI Valsh. 'EANE-At bis oro Rd., Toi-on! epteèmber '>5, issen; ldr a1 rt] ear br&trof A in) of tead BUY ing A] Glycol) Mixes permanetnt type cts to 34 'beloW gal. fini Oroio pastoralI John iKitchen )--1 JACK R Orouo's Lici Auctioneer anti i-d specialize in3F', Phone 5 r ýNE - 94, le