1 extra pkg. at the same pice 3%ýefor 19c iloz. hottle 0 1,!y, 48 oz. pkg. 31cam No. i, grade, 1I L. 59c& Cats 1Low, il (Spaghetti ..2 4GA Royal Gu at Coffee ......l.LP' 1 G Royal -uest B :.... 24 oz. )rono Fire Department Takes Part In Exercises The steghof' a major portion (chinie in te Xecsecwsby ne the fire figh-ting u irnni h eans i, n te glitter of theInao-- ýkshore idistriet was tested on Fr- d e- iand îJlargereairnt , y vnn uhe -et]p'lit as- Chief Beard of Cbug n lo libled in Bowrnfanvýille frona eight c-riao fDraaadNrh nicipalities. la il ine machines li ('dniâ iiia x 'le01hand ranging in praces eacjýises would be hieldii the fuur $75,000 or u ejlLdc.from t v(2 u omniiso tet b aw al. M ni c paltie-s repre sýen te'd co te r s co t111 ii ij j reI Cobourg, Port H-Iop, Newa,1le,î anio, Bown.anvilie, OshIawa-, Whit-I Firemnen returned to t'he Boývwm- and Ajax. The Orono Fire Enjginje ville Fire H1alli for, lunch hhwa Leed vith th e exercises înaaned by supplied byý the Town,,J of BowvnanI- chie, eginer nd three fire- vil le. 1'lhe s;chem)e was k inconjuniction h Civil Defence. wlIere close Co-OE IE ws thfe fixe dihere one pu IBy such n" e to purnp nces. Fridav's ýkg $1.15 rcii disposed of it frem ts nozzie. m iain objective \vas to synchon- the pumpers to identical pressure I Volume. Most of the pumpers -y in this respect te their capiaci- sbut through such scheanes it is ed to be able, as it was or, Fn- 7to acquaint the various depart- nts with the workings of such a Sugaripe tello Prunes .... Reg 1 lb. pkg. 25cb6ý was Hainiltons 2,for 25mÊyýc AN 0OPE N L ETTE R FROM îS U NINYÎ, BROOK HOSPITAL TO THE FOLK- BACK HOME IN KENDAL 1 thoujgh-t the folkýs pjight likçe toe kaow ývhow I amn getting along herý in Sunnyhrook lHospital.I, wýaS ad. mitted on Septermbelr Zlst audon Tlaursday morning 1 watched the sa. corne over the far horizon and -n.- joyed a- beautiful sightl. Fontf frorn the South~ window in the mu»2- east indow we see Scarborough an4j, rocom. Leasîcle is visible, Our wamck is on the 7t1r floor and we get won- derful views. The nurses aret»aoat friendly, kind and helpful. 1iwm arning through a period of X-rays at the present time and just loafing, real-- ing and have also made a puppet, which will be sent te the KQnda-L Church Bazaar. There is ambie telephone whîch can be naoved to the- bedside of patients who have to atay- in bed. No, effort. is spared toa aloe- the patients comiortable and ha-ppy- and when in. bed and in need oftY,&- pairs it is a grand place te be On Sunday morning we watched ýk Chtirch Service front Ottawa on T'V.. Mrs.. Wm. Boyd, Miss Mary Ta.y- 1er, Mr. and Mrs. Hallam and Misa Brereton have visited me. Sincerely yours, Esther Stoker, 7 B E. Room 7012-4, Suninybreok os KerineI Corn 2for 33c2'I4i Oflfoeoe - - -~ SALE g1I49 Roast: lb 550) tlb 5 FARM FRESH Fruits and Vegeta ýLst for Cann.ing, - Ontario Growvn office. The f ollow- are some of the ni Coverages we can Automobile, Life, Accident and Sickness, Plate Glass, Liabfity, Fire, Burglary, Hospitalizatlon, Livestock, Bailer, Windt,Poi Rail, Fidelity Bonds, etce. FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS Leroy Hamilton REAL ESTATE BROKER Juicy Suinkist Oranges'-.- Siz-e Sunday Fer, fifteen yellrs ,the first $unýdayý in October blas bee» observed by tha. majtlorýity of Protestant Ghuriches a World Wide Communion Suynday, Ir- respective of den)om ination on thia. day thijre wiJl be a Fdewship off Prayer and Comimunion which wîll embrace the wrdThis significýan day will begin ith îbthe churcheso3rf the Fiîji sad and Jin New Zealand,ý adour Lorcd's Saýisa-enta! Table that day will be more than twenty- five thousanrl iles long and with a considerable share off the 137MO00&)f Protestants on ear-th a ffirigteir unity through it. The United Chur'ch on the Orwoe pastoral Charge, on1 Sunday willin in this Felltowship. Firm- %4L~EAA1%0TV Nlez wIte»L Fancey Ne-w Crop 1 . Ceilo Bag MclntoshApple39 *Lot LAMB ~IInttià~ lg f Otft Prii . shc1(u1d pIrmpt yo)u to cal uCpon us in time of sorrow. LWe 'stress simple beautiful services that prove consoling to the bereaved. for lage size 2o 19C Firsi Arrivai - Florida Grapefuit 5for New ruýnswick Table Potatoos 10 I1635c Store Hours Ciosed ail day Moinday, Open ail1 day Wednesday Friday and Saturday 8:30 a.m, to 9:00 p.m, Tuesday, Wýednesday Tliursday 8:30 a.m. to 5:.-p.m - ARTLEY He DARLOWoea FUNERAL HOME Ornno <'~ ~COTY 2 rNHam-, eaîil' S Instant Puddings Marsh Grown Choice C'elery ORONO PIIONE lRl6