sto Prepari piscf rile-ryrcices r Ow on the wtarket.S Ie' talke avnaec the lower priçees. HerWe u awonderful vers.ion cf 1that -wvrld-famovï faste tet Hunigarian cdhic-ken paprikas: Chicken Paprîkç.î (Serves 4) One-quarter pound sitpa-rk, dcd broiler fryer ï,2 ta 3W-poud recdy-to-av,?ig)ht), cut in serving piece1s; flau,1 tablespon ,red (1-ungodrinpaprika, 1 teasp0on sai, zup Takay wine or soup stock, 1 cup saujr rcm1 cup heavy cem 3 medium onionz. Preheat %fcric 5killf or hc-avy iran sýkillei, plaice dled paýrk in skilie! and fry for 10 miutstjrni1gfrqetyMa- wvhil, dredge chieken with four. Blendseanrg bwe Q o k stç ià and ix wlth ereaýcmShrerd onions. When park cubesare glzy and s[Ighty lbrown, odd chikk.n cnd brown /ve1ll on aHl ides (about 10 ta 15 rmutes). Adlc onioins, sir Ightly; pour %l of cream mîture over chicken id c blend curefAly. Caver skilet urn heat low and =ko for 20 em rng crea mixture, zocver nd raak untl ikn pepr 4 tablespoons buttfer or macrgarine, melted; ½ ,ýta %ý obcut 15 to 20 mrinutes, SprinýkIe with poprïkca be- teaspooctiurry powder, ppia g. Seve wih brad eg' noaies.Have butcher -plit cilk n ii aif.Remv eck ancî * *1Qckbone-,. Seasort in siand aut mwifh alt and pepp r Cli bine butter and curryi. With :r pastr'y bu coat cIhicken piecesn njyteflaývGr of cUrryh e re's gc reip fr Dn both sidzes woilh butter. Sprinikle ightdly with paprika Plce ,in flat, sheailow pani i inche-s from ,fla-ne. Stctrt Curry Sroileýd Chickecn chcken cocoking skiî- side row.BraeiÏ 15 t 20 minutes, Dr (Servesý 2 to 3';unti ~deri brown and te-nder. Continlue brusing llte ind o!e-hciif ta ½po broiliing chiickeri, sait and butter mixture.- siehtlv. butl t-he are Ébakl ut tîlot b]ow Mtý * PLAIN HORSE SENSE.. cf seeoi~dery 1s w#loOm.g oÀtê~ sstlon~, wiee O~ ueut1~& A4d~e% en PUIs, Whltby, A omnWhoba etnor than1 twenty yearedrsin 'tu derrskitgeqaeens andmâ ril- iese l now looking baCk ei lie ram retireen et Ruilel, Middlcecex. 1But hr lint n( fQor the people se desed er mecrely wax guehelMx. Lily North-, n-ie adob Once, when d&smog the Dg- ure off a mreeai h hm scarîe. A cold lhai-ici,ùichec3th b-ack li er nclShe fled, o)n1y ta iealize later that the "gostl[Y" hand belonged ta waxo, k n its stand bebind hei. Nralspecial clth a-ve ta e ade tl'O ath ffge of tehe faous end ntros the ctuial suit wrnby a miur- derer He had goan l Utoa auf awner n paym n f a et Among sieof the o he niack de Mrs ,ýNorth for e by the figures df týhe Qect a agsbetween to ndfiten, MnS REÂRTS ARE IN 10 ï RIGHT PLACES