"KLY TIMES Post Office Departinent, Ottawa Publisher. R. C.Fresr FIRE PREVENTION WEEK Next week la Pire Prevention Week., Posters will be up al m'ver to-wn, special school ie .dri1is and civic group m1eetings ùom- -bine to mk well aware of th'ýAt. But fanfare and public speeches ~wntmake Fire Prevention Week a sucess. Thiat takes"ato. Eachi year, thiere are hundreds OC thousands of people for Wo î're Pr-evention Week is a failur'e. They are the victimas of tIhis "cutys6,000ý yearly fires. A«Mny of them lose their homes or ftihi ýAbs - over 500 of them lose theirlies Human carelessness la responsible for i nost of our ires. The peoople w,ýho cause Liresar probably exposed to jusi; as mnuch fire ..rOeventio-n talk as the rest of us, but it doesn't seem te "tak zI0utches and smoking zare still the top) cause of ires and have been 'or years. An old stor'y - but thousands have evidently neyer rellby lisenedU La public places fire safety ruies are'enforced by law. But you 1a alone have the authority to enforce sýafe living in our homes. ý,Dîiy if it inspires us to do that, the year aroun1d, will Fiire Prevea- ~inWeek be a success. LOCAL NEWS 2Mr, a"d Mrs. J. C. Clemenice, 0Osh- -w~spent MýIonday with Mrs. C. L. 'eowers and A. E. Clemence. The Canadiani Girls in Training ofi _the IUnited' Churc will be seling -beome made cookies, from hbouse to JusonSaturday, october 9th. Club Sb-Boom Formned Latweek at the homie of Mary 'Ann Arm-astronig a group of somne fifty âàbiys and girls assembled wýith the of forng a club. During the discssin ïe decided on the namne 4'IbSh-Boom". Our first task was appointing boys ~adgirls to different offices, Anai B>est was chosen as secretary, Wayne Boetreasurer andi Doug Lycett, editor. We decided we did not need a redntbut instead we chose three irlrs, Mary Ana, Armstrong. Bernice Lanai and Marie Lewis as group leaders. Each group is responsible foi' ~aparty hihwlhe e4 vr terFriday, cwrimeneing October lWe hopû-e to hold our first party la thnew Lodge Hall. Âayoe' nterst inlajoiniaîg Club Shi-Boom. must be at least 14 years ,ef oge. we would appreciate off ers te , 'Iaperoee our parties or provide en- Ed, Doug Lycett. B4(ore You Buy Give 'Stew' A G;oý Private Cars Troxl( «Jry ded on lmeteors and mercurT's Priced to Clear 194 Chev. -Coach 19Î6B Cher. -Sedan 19 e4Ford -Sedan 194ý Chev.- Sedan DeIivery 19»e Mercury .Sedan4 194 Poniac -Sedan, 195e Austin -~ai ao 195(X Austin .Sedanr, 19501%Poniae -Coac$ 1950 Word - Coach/ 190~ord - Sedait 1951 Iïtudebaker ! Ceach 1951 Cýv Sdà 1952 MIfer Cac 1953 Ne ,r - lagara Coach Bramley Motor Sales Mericury Newcastle Open Lincoln - Nlefeor day and aigbt - aurigl er î£or gUi~llrness, fI rcalUb, flwes d treats sent to lrl. Speci thanks to Dr. ceze Bey. D d ey, e Kitch f, Mr, and Mrs. Blow for their kiidniess and' for Floiýi tributes and jýessages ofL sympath . Our thanks ito ail our, nieighibo ýs, HeathevR e ekah Lodg,, St. saviovr's Churiichi, ice Staff Or- onio Tele ýone Go., I. 0.F. No. 436i, Beelen B1(ii ebekah odge, Whitby and ou m ind f ends. A siacere Thank Ynu.q ElIsie Wi' son, Mary Ranidall, Irene Murray. a.. OId"at-4O,50,60*? Men! Get New Pep Quîck Get ri4 of the crazy idea that you have to b. old at 40, 50 or 60.Jit try aliffle "-pping uç*", with Ostrex Tonie Tablets toc4ay-. For weal<ness, loss of energy, lack of pep a2d tire"d-out rundown feeling due to Iack of froli whicih you may Cal "getting ld". Revital. Mzes, energizes, invioraltes and stiulates, Helps bboth sex e' feel eaxyounger. "Get- acquainited" size Only M l Aa)l druggists. SBuild Another With Insurance8 galstsnb azarda s ..but i you can guard against complets loas. Insurance la always yeurU best bet ~ CALL N .F. PORTE R Orono Electrie Phone 93 r 1 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and HOUSE WIRING Free FEstimates AJ>PLIANCE SALES Prompt and G ,uaranteed Repaira t. al makes of Electrical Equipmen and Appliances te auMotors. Water Heatens R,'o, Stvetihu& 9#4, IN A SERtES . YOUR HYDRO AT WORK FOR YOU ANI6 YO-URS In our constantly shirinineg wodjý field of electronics assumes imerq importance dae.y. One of the marvels is "r -,dar", and here Ontario Hyd o plays a vital HyçIro gener4tes rmuch of the for the '"radàr» at Qur' airports defence stati ns .. . an alert gd of your safty ' and sentinel,,oi Dopninion's s curity.* Radar is a 4ot-her wa i-,în M today's adva ýced eleptonice e ment, made psbe ugh ele( ity, contribt orway 01 another exnnle cf.. writing CO with it will be, Thaniksgiving SE pr'eacher will be ti A. Camieronl, Iast The Presbyterian be ï- [nly/for 4rvest D.W. Canad'a. a-p COMING EVENT St. Saior' nual Harv ýt Thianksgiving Serv Ce, October 3,9 9.30 110ly C mmunitiioni 7 p.rm. Evei gSerlvic PrahrRev. Warrlen Turnier, Rector of St. John , Bowl anville, David Bruce to lru Marie jo Iston ait Goderichl on %pember2,194 C A R FTA S 1 wvish to th4nk /ever onie for their kindness durine- my s ay in hospital. Elzaet 11der;snila-ci AUCTION SALE The undersi-ned has received- structions from the estate of the ,ate Harper Cdýrscadiden,. Lots 10. ,1, 12 and 13;, cC4ýcession 6 Clirke ,"own-' ship, 18 mil es east and 5 milès orth of Oshaw,ýýa,l at Kendal, tof sel) by public auc4Ion un Saturda, Otober 16,com in at 10 a,. . sharp: 70 head of beçf cattie, 8 hrses, breed- mng ewes, ývine, poultr ý, 200 tons of hay g~, corn m-achiaEgry, wood, etc. This saIý of f ers nroutstanding herd of blief cate the cowýs will weigh fro 1 2>,-,. to I1500 Ibs. each and a e carrying a lot of 'ýcon- dition.~ The e is vo complete lines of farai m chay ail in excellenti Condition. C mkne nry and avol.d disap-1i pointaient. Èý4thing must ho soldv Vto settle estate.1 Terais Ca Lawrence Il Jack Reid Auctione, lis, cIprIç. The household éffects cfIS. H«.11266 ,r1 Simmnoas WMlI 'hoheld at the-am 1 County Sale Arena on Fr1' y even- «OR kng, October Ilst t p.m. hls sale, will inelude ýuch itel- Mozark upright piari, spotless ondition, ST piece dining rouai suitVlike new; 4' ST ca piece w,,alnut- bedroom uite; 4~ piece 2679. ý Chrome kitc nr suit ,I walnut dianerMA wagon; chesterfiel /sewing machine; Floor and T4lejdaips, dishes, glass -____ ware etc. Ternis Cash, Jack ReidAutoer Thanks iving Turkey T S ut. On and a qu tr i i ilesnr of New-l iORONO TJNSIIOPI NOW is the time to discuss'your HE'wATfINC, IR. E. LOGANj Phone 18-r-1' I Durliaï CemiunityilAutisi Afte o ýsale, wil cern ence on Trsday, Sep. temnber 6l at 2 l.m. Salsa Arena i Oon. gJohusor,a IN< CAMERON i LESKARD, ONT. I Electric and. Acetylen, Welding 1 Cylinder Bloécks anid Readg Welded Specialhzng in ALUMINUM AND ZINC BASE ,METAL Ail Wor1, Guaraitpee4 pho~ne Orono 1 Tig~ JOHN REGAN, *A J Barrister, Notary Publicj I33 Temperance 54Bewaa p l Poo32q2 REAL ESTATE FOR SAILE Sundaysansd Wede PONE 47rl E. C. SYER, PUYSICIAN and Main Street o11e. mots 20te4.00 p.x. 6,3(1 Sundays and Ho] Appeintmel PHONE 74 r 19 DR. R. J. TA( VBT'ERINARY s Park Strei OPPOSITE SK.&TI PHONE 94 r l6 LEGÂL Lawrence C. Ma Rarrister and * OfficAUB IL JACK Orono's1 LIFE INbç Pension Plana;1 Protection and Children and Ad surance Plana. F. E. MY The RIJTXR Dial 8216 .- P.o.D Port *P* *iO&a%- flonuments, Gravenîa PEnàraving, Gohfljea =o~oc t SClaut z!. I~far- their their - Aci ý 1 1 11