ofoli 'lie undersigned has received in-. utiofls fromi the estateofteae ~per Carscadden,' Lots 1,1,1 ANKS 13, concession 6 Clarke Town- trik ur fiien'o18 miles east and 5 n-iles iiorth 'ves for flowers '~ v ~Oshawa, at KTenda1, to seli hy during thfe sick- klin. LBusine-ss as us a on Tuesday, Aublic auction on SatuiÛday, October ýorge W. Taylbr, October 19th. 16, commnencing at 10 a.m. sharp:. 701 her. A\ise6 to Rev-Thnngyufryucopeti. head of beef cattie, 8 horses, breed.. isoling. words and MGI' Bakery, Orono, Ont. ing ewes, swine, poultry, 200» tons of hay -vain, corn machinery, wood, ias. E. Týaylor and Th(-- regular mionthly -meeting off etc. a-P the Womeni's Institute will bc leld 'n1 This sale offers ant outstanding- "1 th~e Coundil Chamber on Friday, Oct- h erd o'. beef cattle, the cows wll CAL NEWS ober 1-5, at - 2:15. _Mrs. Selby Grant,1 weig-h fron 11.00 Ibs. to 1500 lbs. Jack Leishm ani fDstitPe -dn il be the speakeri eachi and are cearryinlg a lot of cosn- spent the holid 1ay It is impýlotantL that the rnembers dition, There is two comnplete uines Mr. and Mrs. Milton be present at this meeting,. - of farm mrnachiinery, all in~ excellenti 11con dition. Come"'erlyand avoid di.4alý-1 tlhe Brownie Homne Leskard Churchi Anniversary on poMMent. Everything must be sold and Tea this S-'attiýaY Sun~day, October 24th. Guest preacher to settle estate, Church Sunday School wvif be Rev. Earle L. Udeil, B.A., of Ternis Cash. Jacýk Reld Auctionr. i 'lc.Canton. Service at 7:30. a-p Lawrence HarrJs, Cierkc, Asthe desert camel-rider once said, "There's always a bump 0head'," even fll folks Who ilife is ac er-g-on have thoir ups und downs,. S taeariliess of Who. you are, long ife's road yQOfI find Uliforeseenl problems, emergencies or opportunfities , tmes *heé tucd away jeserves are a mighty handy thinu 'sO have. 'To bild svch cash reserves - easily end safely - more thon a m!illion Candian each yen; lnvest lu Canada $aings Ioonde, mfunada Savlngs onds are avaitable noew - for cvsh, or in weekly or mnonthly instalments - ac yur baink, Investment deoler cg, rough your componys payroillSaings Plon. ar:~~ meitl ahbetfliacvluplsanoinrs?, The N4inh Seres pay '34% per yearf- are (haay lime ut any bc;*c ut fuit fae u e plu 3 re mid ilevestipet deers Wâfor c p sinlentsuR. MPut or deadayf his o ttndn!Wvsîet,ý