-ATeddy beoar with an lchoholý.- ic fl ad erodJune Iisher at the Autumn Antiques Falir i an.Made in '1840, the bear has been pouring rernof "éeae for c)vr a hundred yas rt tm anyway out unere ýstil wou id have beeni plenty 'nad it, not been for thae quirreis. he strippe-d every trea in lu ta o lot. IIýf act it wastre es before the acarn avs a mIore thall anough týo stsfïhe- Another fiaend aof ine as hall a mutd turtie for pt o tbe last three ye rs. lilvsi a glas-, tank with a mudof fiat astones the top ot wicïl above the watar. Alilsumrmer th-,e turtie eni oye isie Sfood1,sw - ng around in the water and slitharing over the stones. Now hae has topped etnhas oclimnb ed on to-p of the biggest, flattes t stona, andt, tiera ha will tay uj ' 1n- il spring, hie lifta in a state of suspended animation, To our pulaet pan we avýe je brid pLlIets - P11ylyoutbi and1 New Hamvpehire crossed.Ty ar-e aying 7waeLl.iianot epn wve hava our hansý - camaýi bread. 1 supposaewash-ould sai themc but à cit seé apity beaus tey are stili laying waLl and h:avýc't even thought of mnoulting. But of course thay lay a dr-bla eýgg and so Iliany peopla have anl idea a whitae gg is thaenl kind fit to eat. QuJte a idculous no- tion, of course. f is whv1at is n sida the she%,not theshhu t~ selff that coUnts;. But wa find1 the e a differnce betIw'een tha chahs of hans and pulets. The latter are1always uta good thicJkriestsm nootb a ndciwall- forrried. As hans get É near ti mouinrg, the occasinal egg le rough shafled, porous, R basa tbik 'wait and oftn cracksý wvhan boiled. But thera le t way to, fix that drop a ;good tLea- I~~~, ,pof fsit lt the boiliing -watar and, unleea egg is very badly cracked, the wite Wih not bail out. You cao use your culis that way for deviled egg. Weili owouldn'l you rno it? The foregoingwawrte atrathe hast day of cý-ol, wact eek. Stirumr seamed !to have vnisadir good The-,n cam-e SuInday b ot and humnid. briglit. WhIat le aur Cnda imrIate com)riinýg O toItmyae puzzle the irdis to kccp thair weather-wiae wisdom. Miaybe die sw"'alow.s ara o011y bifn -poraryi bin.But flot the Jfiles- tb ey are wthus -'-t Webave' got sua'-Ia awful lot btwbat wve haIva stijck ertanabrother We can etanfltha h,ýusa fiy doesn't bita-. You dn'u ba hae hal W iits truc.The bousefiy A V'test the sort ai anaomy tu onkebotig pwssible. It' s scui rmtabryr if you h'ava b',iingicsth r yr)outb-ink thaitutibe deciýded to mairry them irEt thing teyhave tu do1 strip). Tben thi rinds paint thl m il over wm7ithtmrc hihturus thiem- brightyelw T'hen the ýbridaegroom b. ýmai- ried to a ang ra and the- "Dear i:Aime Hirst; AMy -tep- mother tOoolcare of me sinca ii was ftîrea, and r1eaïlethe ol mother 1 rem--ember.' When ýI was in service overseas sia sent me averythinýg 1I wanted. Yocu cao ci ee wby I lova ber cdearly Thraa onb bat are Iwas dischbaeged, 1I marriad; thaitwa two year-s aga. My father and ,tepiiiather 'have bean 1nda fui Wo my xwe ..but she bac Wno sean tbem for -over a year, rand refusas to owihmet vist tbam, "Sue says sic oast lka m etc othr orberf amily ,;be causa tbey are flot m'y people She will ot hltme inlue er rinme wbeo I sand ta giftt my stepmother reaude my wifeý wonderfulprseots, yt he the.ycoma bare sie ,go-,s ou-t tbe barta cee ber parants, for .she says I 1owar it tbem anrd I agree "le the're aytio cati do or say that, will bring miy wif e ta berersauceuafre lt-àstoo late?ý *wifa le ,jeaIous; of tha strong *tias btwanyou and yu ' family. Perbaipe you hbave i *praisad ,tb-em sa bighly that 's di fae s Ic comas seSzc ondi 3ilstead of4 tiret bn youLir * thoug-Iits an-ïd plans. 0f courseý- Fin ti i not truic,bu a young * ifeje ûtan qikto takeý * fes.and so blahare i,) býer woaffection that r 5 brook-s no division -o f w * dia calîs lo.yalty "Your wi ifa bold eaw *thaf y o u r stapmo-ntbji-er ttieîr iowd to, hic girl andbe acca-pted but lie was flot much nearar rmar- rving hber hnbfrehdae m-iet iber. tta on hrs pe ct ive fathr -,, ,n --'-aw -, eteppd in, Aryfthri-lwt-bi ask hie daghter'spropectiv husband if lie can keap a wife,, 1but iîn the êrie tc dt prove Cl One of the in ootisupplies was wild brdn,!-ote boyha a wif efrom starvng by bein ablea to tchCwildbirds a h h a o nkW y rp tro bethe. Tenboth f a-I - lies met, at the tOp of a clit'V The prospantie bridegroom shcook bhande w ith the gil f-- tethen bis own fath-er. ThIerI lie oweed imsi.fOver triecli by rope a-ýnd toolk a bir fi -)ne of týhechi- i neste. Ui he rope lie lad mnade was ,not per- fict - wdthee wusd bha no wvedding if hea imbed back, cafely, both lailes walkad tA the- churchiadtacrmn D rive VyithCa r e * andthatapprac.Iatiair cbouid *be active and ariua e e *attitude ùle really sbackirîg; * your7 father muet rasent t, 'mto. it bnas' alreadIy engender- * d bad feelings, whhCan *but gro-w deaper as your wi-fq *pursues ber narrow-minded ~pliosophy. *As "Tour wlfje Ie; ýsjjojld '~ eeanct are kind tay0u * nd ake tham inj.er friends, ~ ta; hatis natura with a *geerous nature. YCLur w'ifea la *be:having in a cbildîeh and * ignrant anna, 4ich o.hy *refiecte upon yourself. Wa ail * need te ha proud oft tboe w, * lova; you cant be proud üf 1 Ihope dia will read thi-ý *Opinion. If Si-le uld iei *rite n why cie feels.as *h scdoes, 1I. hope dia will; te *1 -,î i ovar %with somieoneit * wbo dae ont know lier ray * h a relief, and perhaps '~can explain tasituation !fi a a way thaIlI t Nwili nat o;.fend bhan *ScâcannOt, 1I beliae, ereal- *ize> what a disturbing peament s c'ele iaia serene .and beau- *tifu family group without *wanting to correct her att.i *tude and enjOy the affectiOný *and goad w-,ill wicawait( Jeaýahosy huts the oint, wbo ?eels it a-ven kmare than il, harlme its victime. If youae jealaus', t Annet Hirst halp you toward a ricer hveliar 1f e Adr bar aBo1,123', ,îgWteenth S, A 3 times,214 cý. oc-itdpastyflour (Qr 2 C.ona spiAd ayipurpose four), 2 ý!zý tp. Magic Baking Po wder, Y top, sait, 1! e tepe.cianpnmn, 1 tep. eýaAhof' grou ndcloves:, giner alsiceiulmegind rmace; ixKinnug c. seed-esq riýîsins and 14 c clppe,,d vwalnuts. Cream '2 c, butter ov margaine and blend in .114c lgty-ake wn sgr beat in 3 wuUeIl-een eggyok and lý tep. vanýilla. Add dr(y ingedienUt o creaxed mxuealternately with ec.mik spfead batter 41 geased 9" square pan liEd lmn thebottomwith 1greatsed paper. Beat >tiff, S not dry, 3 agg witeand a few grainssat -id ll bat in i1 . lightl-packed brown ugrndspread oveýr cake; spr'inkle wt c% chopped waliuts. Bake lin rather so saisovenj3250, 11Il(to 111 hous; cover lightly pu-oc w'th brown paper Cr last hall hour Al1waýys Depen1daible 4 .g'ge yek., slxtlyrq te rn4 wi-we;iMy beafen MI4 tter q-,Mo -Z f remkr "-am heat émmd Zi ontoes outANdA anStrh si p 'pr lendwI fer froc fal>dor .1 ,thkr »WI CANADAeARCI COMPANY P.O Bo 129, M=e,1 P. lArdCmore 11 it P' 1. s~z~s ~2-2O aUses v x N N£ 141 R ST