Lt 'di or) prunes apricots ppIe juice aWl sfdes it Add prmnoi, It and peipperý and cidr r losely and or until teni- tepstýn brais- ermr used for Fîrst, -seasoln in flou3ýilf you in a sniall Tii. second vr cooking iný * * for a new hiten mas ed te learnl spices will lJnor Richey Eiristian Si àr are two ciated lamb iced tengue IIflJg tiiese leased with lis seasonling ROAST mon lemon ivee piekliag ~.* * * oulon 'Je' 116 t Sauté hl floil ID porK C HOFSl eu1 cilope ionrs inced pak7s1ey coffs eaeih mineed THE,BID - John L. Lewi,heiad of thie United Mine Workers, urged the memobers of the Uniied Steeiworkers ro boit the CIO cind }inted he'd welcome them n iM*ohis orgcinization. Lew,,is' cappecd to the CIO's sýec- ond largest affiliate camne 'in telegraim tt he Steelworkers' conmvention in AtIantic City, N.J. That fearJY, spring mrigas h e ode down the dtisty street o f the nmining tovn of Cleirnt, iný central Queenslnd, aithtei hieaçi of pinarimed escort, Inspec- tor ob Grill in vvas a very hazndscome figure. ïMoeupted on a spied bay tieoughbred weat- Jng 1u's blue tunîic with civer ila onthe epaulettes, wvhite Beif ord nord breeches, high bakboots, a culver sabre an-d a igh white, hehmet with a Spler badge, te mosacmoed irsetrloolked what he w'as.- th eyper-sonifi cati on of the law. n this new rich goid-fieldý Insectr rifin waS Police, Magstrt.,Goldci ommiissione-r, tands. ebn hlmode utwo treeperýS and Sergeant Julian On twe of- raw vg oldCIwmbi( hl tii.police were ain1g t Rchaptn 209 miles away. edc giyas nhe returned ti greetin,--s, ,ff in- ers. is record in thre police fmm~ ssticnguishied. He was cut 0ut tn be some1c day the hewpi of teQuýensla-nd police. H. m uight have appeared les car.îefre. if he liai seen the. scowi- îng face ef hié junior, Ser-geant Jia.Julian waýs upset because1 the ispector had insised on ac- cempan ileti.esert, for tiiere was dager 0f! an attack by bush- ragr.Julian had protested ha h. ad hie two troopers wetre strong eoug to reut any hus-rangingp gang. Grifffin had oerldhlm and Sergeant Jl- ian rode~ in the. rear in sullen 'o s the polic'e party ,jogged(3 ou't ef Clemont and headecl in- to( t sparsely-settled hush. The police aýde good ptogress and a, few evenings laer they rece heý crossing over the. acezeRiveî er. e.tere wa's ashiir-p brush between lincpec- tor Grffna- Sergeant Julian aýs tp ýwiere they Should camnp. Emhcliwstd hic own coie was jar won 1 he argumnent, NothL 1n however, iappned that nSOht Two ,Ays Iter the. party reached Rockhamrpton and de- Iv1er'ed th-e golid te the bank. Iýt xcivdbullion and notes in ex- change aïnd 5started back. OnMe fit% cenng they campeda a agoon. They imade teadon takin1g the. iret1 mnorthful one o.-i' the troop"rers spat it eut and coiplained that tase bitter. Gril fin agreed a-d tosse thecenint te ii. bsh- Somehot words between I- setrGriffin and Sergeant Julian followýed andi as an up- shot Che esort returned to Rockh-ampton, where Juler- Signred ý from the ser vice. Gffnstarted bac-kwithl ~e dwo troopers.Nothng untowar hap ened for the. first f ew days. Then tNey reached the. Macken- zie ieccesn an-d Griff'in orderd thmltecamrp in the Grfhn ow enucdfa wvere over and that he would leave the, escont. He did so the next»morning. Vour dýaye lapterV naiz a fudt4i, bO nesaItic etnwo trcopers ut the iver crosing. 'htey Ad beean i-t through the. ~ b.. taJbn frm tho pack- pGNril enc bekhrge eaid Giffin. Ti wa hum et oui saved hie, ii nùw1y - i vre ,euyr-lt tnb arc-haeologista uotlved ka ipile cf long, blackroits that had been .areOully stredtrough ti.centurles. They t tuheii -meAJ, was one 0f the, eaperts. 'Wye fo7und a sppl strdin Kin'g Tot's tbtôo!" The Pharaohs ixQd Üliquorice 1mot with water tW produce a refreshing drin', tili popuflar in Cairo to-day, Butlîquorice -- sweetest substanrce of thie plant world - is being used to snuff out Ilires, sweeteni tobacco and butld bomes, as -wel aýs in lîquorice allsorts. Few ný,icotine loyers realize they're sniojin-g liquorkc, yet on. tîobacco cýomany alone uses 2000,00ieetlqurceayear. Sprayed on the. leaves, a liquid -liquoriëe eompound makes all. the differecence between rasp- ing ra-w tobacco ald tii. mIid flaour of the average cigar- ette. Studying tuns Near L'ast- .mrn weed (itsicas titi. ie glyyrhiz),researchists are wonclering hiow many mnore uses can b. discovered for our child- hooci frend. The a v er age person con- suimes a poundi of liquorice a year. in 3weets alone, flot to mention its use in lIaxatives, couigh m-edicine, bloqd purifiers anid tasty tonies. Low in Calories, liurclablets are lbeing seljd for f olk on a diet, uise ciscof plant iýý samother a up. throw' t power tO aie beîng Once onni, ~s are boiled~ roth billows ~ used to ut tii. foant n In a flame~ thç. 6~rp~t tijveiy emothereci thiýine. Science ie only just bgnin te learn lquoric wandr Ata May have been commonplace frene Rarîson, o IGv Sweden, found the. ride ona mnotor-cycle borowed from lher" friençi most exhilaratig-ençi carefree - until cii waned t stop. 5h. ldn't know hciiv te. SO on and on saWept Ireýne for- a furtiier 50 miles bel oi~e tiw eniginc died on heýr for lac*k of gaseline. Parking the bike,, the rider caughit tIu. next bus bc homte. Jn'tfou rmth e rhave ±p»prot io ANTI-aFREEZE Wyte chandm'ce on Iimited aniti-f.teeze pro- pro-ývide .om»pïeîe defence against f reeeupegine "", a,ïz-y corrosion, seýepage and clogging. This hoogiprotýction also gives you anf sm~rtat etradî*vidend-it heips mhain- ~- in the suminer gas mileage of~ your car epiecold-weather driving. k,, ~ze, fý ta (- k