- ------ v.~l e t 1o. 8 Nio38 T., - R N00 ÏTUiJ1Dil)AYQCT 8,4~'%rsrpin$ 5 Pol ice Tirustees Ou tfit Fiéelrùfire Featin OrfpsnIq wo Men "capi>turied Wsîthîn - - IWith Prnês,4hrn Helnet &Miêd, Q1 Vlae Hours OfLocal - - The i} -o Piepmqarnwon pas YÏa mtS v n 0fHoldup eled t! actrion on Satùr4ay after- witlj an ofieia thii-eOna 114gb- ThîIa oieTitç4n-ti luc rait ta anawer a cali te Itn B. J, pVays D ,arnl-nt o Thurssay »inn-- The regulr, Polion onutm m end t vn Taggart's. ing af las-t seian diacusset! the A qqick-wt-ted Oshawa, maeter-juami twQt custepiýers, midti a revolver tirguiltl al psessiot eor). Mn e T. A delekation va piesent for Orono A fire was natet! à thie- garage- y -approaches it aillge ait either eycle patroian, with aMy Lire wl-lec _, secodr ryngahrw ing ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~cot ait t! asket!eii ifep Mer.i on coultýiý a'ro s~w xlisadïkdi ercsin(udL aggait and w tar - mas au,_- end. - nns an thie force, was lest Thurs- paper buag 0re1 q m ln Alia Ilinre adinig thie m inutes of a special b gr,7 t ç4,, for the fi m mied ate iuse of ad ùL WV hen the departi ent arorveu ta4s e i ao-- i- a i li r d t j w t e - g an t u a f-l h - n h a ! r t i- theAaMOUAI fr souing Itwason he ere Pe fre adareay outlirin trweI -a represented u mental ite capture ai tvo ,,, hitis t he Viii the baan tie mretng hei! ain Thcrsday ai rn Afix$e SotnrI reO h cn xLr Meared @i»metÏ, Ji mas fae-ed tii-at te pued bant rolibers i- aSinicoe St. stedC Va hand over tihe ýsjivey'fi- -oL'last xvee, h mas foi-n d that ti-eiarçA-i-a ssrioa hati aireajy iQougV urndèr canWrol with no deint- apoce è-«ùi eh k Suh saa aa ee~eiOm~aiV tp 'rustees h-ave intention of instaliing. becgonus i aes n g atebullg irage amneyie hran enterg Me tss tiin seven bane ater their dar- MrR ryLctai roa--n tane fîraie u IeOon Amo-Woodywardr and j Mr Walker bôtb IV la believe! lthat cildreta wvth n-hodupit-eOnobni-a m T. ii-ouipaeton aiÇnnron a f e unc nteOoo n o re mai sat i mitii bulino1v a Vmn- c ate am trs sted he gr -vlflge prienged tii-e gofei~ pthe Over $t0) cs, la! ptofi.Tcrp to res. VFor this plirpose Ventions are tw ,,h4tattmgt aamnt e atces accidentIy cauisedia fu, 'Me entirne at tie sowth i ofte, the Caniardi-an ltAnk oL Commerce. ,ver tie twa culstamner la the daiv'ý tbe caTlt! e wîtbf the Armiour- _itcfhen a d tiat the success in) or- ago, The use ai a Lire e-xtin)guisflJer hLm eeu ino,,iîn taie ii an nbgai.5hire ul et s oe t thae tue-' oi the Ld lo _ itMm. k,- lies tiie Trulastees w-i&h tiiat ererl.y or- gauli ge &oh te Tetm pd hiagi ond a put ont h-e5 haines, have tan cross tiic sôtboot lan. rotv-et Vpoice 'tgan4natiqn aýnt persan initerested na>eu iýii iigdOtaptottefre.h% acostesuhon os mvn lu. cou& was jte tiabt t -re tnd odnk contact Vient- ty latter avsions to' L thVe Cadets. A motion mas passet! -a~j ~ws going ta have ta go ta tha riglt bery are: Jai-nes Ilntchlnson, age 27, f r against te waou. 4October, 8th. After this date th(ç grantîngrteprary use o0 e Ar rc itliOi re oi Mhe rondi and stop> tise pull aco1 ai42Murr neG a T1 -inM-esafwsh-Vt a Trs -es ar to lid nurother special mioiiries for hoth the Cadets anti tho 'I- s w nos' oL traiiic irieu pessîblý ndt Leanlard Robeot Lauzon, 28 ai 24 at ti- uemo Mr A. L. H-oaeyn-n meein t mllt ims ii-d pae a cats This \va paisset! for these 4QuicItvg t a t (i o no. Undjer ýîeprset cCaulcyv Str-eet Toronto, Hutchin gr Miss Mary Smrilans tie interested parties. 1V aIse- se-oms two orisaiiztions onily hecausý Vhey - stei Vhe ra-t VUi le miciened ui isnismri-!a-d Lte i oe tnMs ln ln ele ea i-ino place ti meot and! wrre in tie A reoto<hrdya r FLur lanes mihi tie e-ast lane fori eut! Miss Carlyti Jones, baokkeeper.t lioytInt ons repre-santatîre froin re011 on Thurste aiterna4nkseui u da the înterested groupa miiil ba cailllte pac-d i rannhg n-cky icuaet l.Vi vlag lirog nrttba-icar-ifc4 otryce artmheac ac agt-wa arby ieti-ve ass lir e as t ostro in g- th e ~ tra v llin -o th a i nw J b in g t a e nte r D e-n -i ai , ai 3 R u s s ett a v e nu e , sa it! fo u et! niéi e t a n - t a t b i l ~ c bc- present. Mr. Woodyart! statot! taV tie pur-j Tiae c-rap d on i ani- aie Chistmas O rono. wvi ale te le-Lt lana ant! le wnos patroliing nanti on' Sîmcoe on the ini ai Ivison Tamblyn, 1 Theo Trustees iirst deait viti tue pose ai the- Arinounici mas noV trc-R p.Ti-s asa-ovrfndt st- Pi aaut -un opatnt cross eiaBm arletxia et-crbt ee»sae rm 58Ei localrecrp i Pir De-nrten ant Mrcss-. 0. pm. wh le i-iilnorti oi the holdup scenle. The nattera miti t e cita and! a numbor , oim nt Centre but a coi-- false. Tiiose ai-itering Ornx at tiie ao4h i-g Soti. "T tati beon aloi-ted about stet Peti-b ogi- n ier lu the- -ai itt r-ber.s. A mootion mas passetdm»tiiojc. i si! hy ae ie udi ow-ereaIse 1t nt!miikepTitindLllmViepr-Vienahryoai!paeln asMcDr me.au -isdance ' ot--tr potin oet l tse s t ieo are on we e-a rn est on Ve sent highw nse leV and ow t he Tii-se niaid «"a-t sid be-c ams cn ~ e eb n' nete-wboaoughs age' h a , ,,,ck onh M utuell nso A it!c Sci -m m itib o -tem unt-,e a ipig Vi e cnt y. a u s-ity l-urce an!a m io mas fatf-i lae.n eto f ~ aae.Ya tZtm cht'ble!bscba eeri Ms ay Sm r nt elV te-e# cussîpa~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ onloe on Vite-g purhas aipse ahv ud acvtaopo Ln nimsbi'ee i bs la anano Mei-fl -aMret ! wiuthe-eptalnr- mile coi-Vito e om ta tii Is tanna e-rstnêo nhbiskhd "Thi-eyion shsw h hrt mrcibiab Vie mr, e Vas Jans b oe1' - i dtapg si tii -e-ys dit! nhe ta ~~~for ~ ~ ~ ~ àr ePho.I a atdrt -a- Ve ueoffrte r m 3y ti--Cdt Ter o mb L rti mant as o th tly rniet o maiîe Ve-m-n Tietw oiar ak4 rn i M syan re&reiî t-thijes rai-nluet Club moi-i-Id ent ta cra- eriu ,uI a-ta goae an Vo Oshaioa for nh( le-ore aal qocatter toin Mannroe ,eussioî,~~~~~~~~~a ra d fo.ve Owe tette noVhas OFo Iltama, one mane cc r mien at til tiroe Vn oys breTttee>is h D p rm nta e. ot t w f H lm i-e~~~~ ~~ .fy g. abjct fée i e n!ms e i a v Wotyr u t is- -eotd .-.....-. sait! "1 dotThetm iL o-e juta n n hta Vie-i- mai- g e tanditg t ~ ~ fx woa lm let , n deae nsat to a -a-o ma- tii- ac rae mas t atinuo ihep a m1 Ti - - ---ev - tuuit 0-i---a me"R"e1 c-l-VokVt- aae4ô r -,s eêt. Tsii- s»g, tad futiri- UI-i-a ili e t a t-oi-paeu iiJlseo fr-mr T the Ceu t a f rai-»r Mrt foi>nand o't ahl miTo-o ai ta 01 -ac- =10wa -li Cm" --o ia tale dec~ Visee - y a -a gei u - O - ctap tm ey Ëhi on(0 ùgssbI h eP lesr -is -n Aer eprg :rm oete oai11te ace u mn h e hetorbusiatte If~~~~nia mai-ron Wý,evt trs& fn 1n Cu,ývol edlajcss bet taure-l Tf sai iisS tra -s>ero 1,pade Vog i o w aP - bc ban -o c rp Main- ti-a cr the g-eo, t u Vhe tSpusto -péo th!- Ni onu - ge- -itWas - '-- - ;-- it-a Trf Cl -u n s reaun4 It hn u "Hhw i-eto rase- -o a V ne optt4po 'Tara ~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~1 <fm- r-me Mi vi»- un q f a-- 'i ,-epidl tnn i ée-at-ra iVe -~ nsfn.Téo a t t fauo fn e-a: dth t l c asci iid:teotat--aemb--, - ý n-dd -i th -aii i-eti fif! i"-aa ais s-h a y se asi n d si beon an Ih t £iertheV Wualliare Jia nt- , reis mittinat- p1sè are-ý,c Vol -4- -- g- W tiin.t-aind u, tii maeniig i-îego iIchaa nt 4 iaza i-t --u-1 ?ý .-Witt Bie rae-t~~~~~~~~ c- he-1¶ntee M-ts- fcci the tellan reriretsg mmnca Cp Cij lirJ al tr- é -oi n or -t an is v>, go cison i-to dnste-t! e-ril - t -;tt TIv p as -t!' inds the r intm6ie yardin said tilt Vite :tt fila-erth arý tee tints the d 4th re W-hoi 1 treut --andesei lItva V-en of the Mudtftt- so Un - tè--;etîcýf.ý"liaï1Jro As oiat-in -m h a n oe Cn -ýr 1?.W it!fý o ý, B-y roda- 0-1t ila an--d « ano ndb sb - !igpe tia foi-44>-e fladsTe t of i be- affctoi Coýiib el 19,54.--, e- ataithe f7i-i- Ui-1g an ot w il ge n p ýi g s'c no no cu oeyc nlitdt 5r.vh - t- Mr. <Athet ar#We Mspe Voa itdY a' C ci-liéeia -'atoes ant i er boys il t or- diif~e- gwasc . l- T!ejb oy1oýpaepoid2__ýi rn f i ospelbe e" 1a nd giril- Lv-1t ÏaV j"s The Club- 1 e-e of hVe- fie - Tiuse-i f-o -r ey fi m re- - iea Tie oi siire-e medaRi-ait itsofe 19,5 i-etiM Gaarie iNer f An -if Par '-bre auet-, e-ed tag - e-> l cr - 0" rhc - -- ioslam e an4eed furh aVat-atu o i-:atTes! <M Nv a-i lIbata-i tank t'aof ysFcaLe_-ý t h iiiop ý lafn tv e-e Vsrat! Vae-acne- le is_ tacect for te h in Viaot fa id-u eatR frai-a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J l4 6ttng tr edy in- em é -- Yoievtsts ltVe 'fi~~~~ Spohoet FacY Wean B-a-cAsoc*tl( bep j, cfwr Pliliv tilt Vie an. Ti-l h-in aaes or- 'ig - a "ite t!e-cio -c - i te i -Vd et ! e ro nti f -- a iiv te n c uti lisW S I tri-gi Thpe c Pr u O rs Bot g v - ie The f r tSM 4MJ!,- Jt h c e ?o- tu a n-rit ch rn &r a i i - n f a ch u - A t hu epe t m a h n v - tnii Vs-e A » "am incit Min S ria n V ~ t i thne- Coy of tVhne villa g ei- ms a n w a hn s -c l f--doti- i- n t h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i týfici taefn cet- th PTeteut-ar ia ii-evaSrtgaSrnsat- -ai- mx - mý ta is -ore tuoré I e r e] Iie hrho Tuesye- e- Vie edP an taprte- i dj! clir u-l- - The-giawm ns. ture ou e-r venlotu d e-li r ý- ant t i- i- <- - ii f- c ec tu - h ira l i Mre ws tcnoura «tan g safe wco l -ic a aiI or ici mas rgedthtw e peatat! rniue unpidan AVIiteti Aaec buo t-a- ta s-e (i- Sp ý insa ' U I t h as nvei-it-- Vipe- - b l, tae-'t ii-lay bhe a1cil. Yo - - A Thaitt!a e-redi be-causauè i-tnihev iufi sps wg et!u sn uhe C- s of i-t i t(r ak ~thîio e a djatfo papd gol t -s oy pithet mstiue of o."I a »ufl baUtiJk e-n i se- te nil sbic efe ti paecs Viesar orlu d% ne-fla ton. hodig ,eair aiym yad- 014r peaple trnn-t bas t. Q are-a t! thitty M dalins. M. wTade y t ite sýpLt bMn m- a rbic meie----------------j' asi e-oIf to m m eeigue- -os m ofapptanem re - ol ao el fine- a t i V a- Vi onn"ing se rie A m e d (rou Ahi- n Cade- - Win an mg p t, h àann'a i-- - - - - - - cae-! -e-Trse-- coep-atonateMs Ravtlep e- ont mas Vhpig sent an Op- Ino t -vj& raheatsvt cinc siomet n tek Wunt o slaVe-t! tii- V ie , JoghVni- gufa ollsV Mif h Ehln. Ra-dn «tWei-Sld - an Vorilciuite- o t j atr I 4 , Tai ce-e 1- d se-V 2 -- it r se n t0 ahe l Tit mesag- -u -hnp - 1- rrniaî~ e-- - - e ie fenbe uu-y sig u roç,snVWve fy AI th -ornite wto attendw( Vfor;imnaa -Tiédy Red i-e-pce-t tni- ana0 lmmid t!,j kV le n Vite eO i Vort [[a MieaTn i m t s cie-ni is s»qisna ->Vliroug Thrembe 2,s pt 2B45 pii,- WIYn wýP agi-d ie -nane-i il ftint Ve0 Cen sInui a en u l mesag -ý e-i _ 'lol r- ig Sai-n xi ilitit- Bil- Bc lig gaeta vetn îi-L matio rp attreVe-iijfhg L1n s n'og cmxeb the singýiia a Vin te-s g.1-k-en piun - otho s . t-spa rt ton tie-c Agu o R Boay - le - o ep,,- rhiJtJI in Jaie Tagger m-hc5 Caaiaade Voia Mae) Aile-n'aLjoi Redpstakn i piTtasm V ed ront eta-e- aii-Vine-] uétn ego piuls Cdto day la rer>e!t ii-si? mien yrne e-nlier le tha-moiltit cic'i j calei r dsi a* bem ceuig itr h san s1 u an a , Qi-fis-or.er 15- cii--tst--- is n Ms- Rci de n e -Ve-1-.Ve-s -~Y gew Plat uts ut-ficer à ne-& Vite boy que toe ofY3~ - ye- Mn.-isi Doal Stoe inae bea tenaito Pe1-e G e- hyý Stli a CI en mas - On W-e-deesdthy nilg , c oolerd20 , fMs a Vaie l n 'eotpare Pn^r iip isfr i- anti JR i-~-t a-lte-t- 1-tae-t . eo sp-ae 1 arie fid ra the G-oa ),r a m b Lo s- No tLd e Je-llo by m ai, staingck weas 'r s- an tas de-ait mitiui eie e- ol-g calait! ho1rc tt o Mr- Al n iea s6 100Fm en lhe s talle-t lear Vm - a ne-n i l m c e in-i ali-ai t a Sric naimzto net foots tiili hls inrisageý -l i fti- X L G. M E a .t Pe-L at - e an ig staff - j ii -;~ an o v ti n -i l V m a t ss s i- , o , Vi. ir e t ! n . de ic u s lu nc -x b e ve-t t.- ~ ~ o ai-y cir hos mil cn-cedmd cae!ti- Vie- -e-,Ë la, :PQ BaFnt! Amiires l ie uue me i sylaba mii te f-ttnt b> esb- Hiei-i An gj d hi e m iV