65 '~ Scee 1ow fast Baby mrakes trien.ds with ail1 these farin and cicspets! Be-fore long, he'11 know each by naine- Use scraps frgay, little ai1nials -- fu'n tc m~ake! Zoo Parade qul1iPatterji 654: emr.broidery transfers, apiu pieces for, quilt, 32y44 inches. Sencl TWENTY-FIVE CENTSý' 'ri coinis (stamps carnno.t be a(.,- cLepted> for this paittern to Box 1, 123 Eighteenith St., New Tor-~ onto, Ont. Print plainl-y FAT. TERN NUMBER, yourc NA M E and ADDBESS. Don't mriss Our Laur a Wheeler. Necdlecraft Catal]og' An excitjiflg variety of 2oc et, ebroidery, anïron-on, color tranisfer pat- ter-rs to send for. Plus 'o y comi- plete'- patterins prted in book. Eerîd 25 cents fort youi copy to- lers? A. Wash î warni\,L waterand Soap sumds, to which as ee addIed abouti one, tablespoon i)f hou-seholdam nitoagln of wae.Rneadstretch to flic desired size toù dryV, Q. 1mw can] 1 avoi;d vastie1g A Rins'e ii icream p itcher, wihcoid wtrbetore-L'pourit;g vent fthe crem fom sticking ro the, sides 0sf t'ne pitchri. Q' cIow a Imake tiete- lnj'g ù! a roIock rUeh Ihigh'. A, Hýang the cran o thegtp of th]e wno to the True happiness springs fro Mod eration -GOETHE (1749 - 1832) once, 's 1ïln ,-s benhind nm1ean That sort iof dog illaof e sa idthereý clg or ,add~a vcln other ýourse no one house or thfe Tippy givin-g i That's fine for, itor., buit vhein pepl' tca h alrý What a boon to a teae' bac-toscoolwadroe!Sew fic asJcicig ekt f lar- é-d skrt, wigcol IedbOUSe -- in ahost of Falil ab ac huesl M-, ix"mth efor aný Patterra 484M eeae i 10> l?, 14, 1.Sise 1 kr,1/ y7ards 541-irwih; weskitL, 1yad3 lach nap; bos,1%yrs35- mlihfablric. Thi'spatreayfuss- pie to sew isteec for fit. Hla Send THIRTY - IVE CENTS (3c i oins stapacanlnot be acepted, for ths patera. Priaf plaialy SIZE, NAME, ADD)RESS, STYLENUBR Serld odrte Box ,,1, 123 EîghtenthSt. N wmmOont, ODnt Sucb & Predïaicamnt uuwtit ft eIif at neesr.W also thinth- lat a person mright as well niot keep a dog at, ail as keep anc that doesn't bark, Dogs of course have a great in- stinct regarding human reactioni to their wachdg tcîc.A &,g LknoS, very wel-; L when a person is afraid of hýim--and the more fetar t he personi shows the more the dog barks. Walk u.p to a house or barn and takeab solutel-y no notice of an-y àdo.g that ruas out to mneet you and the chiances ýare he ,vil] just go about bhis business saý,tisfied that, you have no evil desqigna ,upon, the house or Ufs occupants. For mny Part the oal"y ki.ni 0f dog 1 ami afraid f la the kînd that, iums i ee otler six and t'ad 32 hceads ne tirne Andxl ýÂas etatl Wn4 an-dded drop oft.fIn sa sad !took- î t kept ouiý lay ( decîidedý t thet 5Lûw Uletn OI~4 i t -pIWlan, ut whtwere fhey and how dGoes, oneget et !the tings to sti, their wo n i destru!ctn? IP miny one k n o w the aaswcer Y shudbe glad of advice asY. hopetw have a lot of ealm bedded Dout next yea,, and il woui be awfufl if 'liey-aIln the7 sanie way. OurgrandsýOn was lhere ys teda ad hemurmst begetn to kno ,hs graa,)dma ,as ho watoSleep in My arma whuo hsmu y anid daddy wee OI pickin-g appIes. CEL E 3R, AT Chrtstma~" ~ OVERSEASI Tra.vel un to BRTAIN or EUROPE a? Tlirift-Sonson Rates!, Th',,- ye-ar, sa>y "àterr'y Christmas- Io your loviedon es backhomne- inperso.' Imagne how hrilled ihey'.1i be! Thirik what furn it wil be fojr yoif! Seeing farniliarË faces again. 'Visiting well-.rememnbereýd scenies in thte Old Country. Gala Christmas festivities awaii you on board Cunard's famous slis-prtisdances, imovies, spOrtS' or just (relax! Corne join the fun!)ý Ciinard's low, thrift-season book your psaeih.a-wa- .for the fhappiest C-hr.istmnas of yurlife. and emmr getting there is bl hfn 1, I I I o. I t Sose YeuGr LoraIAgent-NFo one Ccîn Serve Yov Boer Ce1unard Liniie Corner Bay &Wellington Streeto,TentOt once y)OU ý er-ing un- any other you y~ur shunslo g irl -1 s ùv ar )n, don,'t confident ec of such iIlng v~ ~n's - party. Il sticl~ b cellulose nil.. each jr b creale k~ t ZIhe J4ousc '~"_ F ~' Sea9 ram of tornorrow practice moderatkrn today