~w-~ ~ at OUTF Store Cloaêd AilDayU Monday -20 -20 oz.j. j" C'leanser 13c Table u1eenl 24 oz. loaf Bre d, sliced ... 15c. Zed!a.d %White Pure Rourglass. 14 ounce P anut Butter . 49c. Aylmer 12 oz. sparagus Cuts 19C. Paramlount Sockecye Ji"2 lb Salmon .....39C. 1(i oz. pIkg. AIpple-for'd's Saive-A1l Wax Paper . . . 29c. BISCUITS Peak Freail 8 oz. pkg.- Digestive .-....25c. Peaki Fre-an 8 oz. pkIg. Shortbread ..... 25e Y TUESDAY un iiy. v Irs, Saples Pmrta' %cAetd her <4 'gUte. Y lu weekend 1 i. and m- J. W ~uMrs. Ca 1 ý k " s1xt supp,, with Mýr. ai Souch and Mes. IBarry M. J. Wight, Mrs. Don, Jeff of BOwýmanlville ais day calles. Mrs. Ray Carieton rc B~ jm'nvlleiemorial' week wMhere she hadu operation. WED. ~NO' t SUNDAY, ~ b: Sundaý ca. 29e 2forl17c Rieduce lbi- dlessMix. 2 for ~r Fancy N N N N 2I? N N N N N N N N N N s N N s- N N N N N s N N s s ~1 N N N s s N N N N N N ~UT E yý, kiniess .:eL-ib