0 fully. 111 ri four orf -active P& A Avery i- Was thee ri bers alid i h,,ive stal b ig. MrIlS. S 1as pras e ing on lI e, she lhad 's or2m-nizat t terton sang t- !Vrlyn Qlv ýuai t piano solo. -The next ,y -Decem-iber. i sri~aIi~ carriedj~ 'muni s wýill be held ýv cam LLto Op 1 lyn',s talk wasl 1beýnef'it to ail' tliose who hadl ng, such an i- the son of MWr. rimltee of oit comi Lmsby~ ings. nin,a Port Hope, Lro thjer. uothier of ' -t Brice,P of the groo