'eAr AnneHirst: If you ant- ,wered miy questian bef are, I misseéd ,if ..Wby- do aid dieu rnake fools of thfemselves-? 2Twov dean fierds cf mine bave heeri nacried 42 years The wife is a, lovely wamian - goood-JGoo- inge, imtuli,5rel, dgrified, a n dl aa pie-i persan all around. TIer b-us- band, though sweet (and smnart in every,,,ther way) is appa- eritly growing chil-dîsh, Instcead ît being atItentive and appreci- aieof lhls wfhe clîs hber bis 4old ivoma' - and much ta ber embarrassxaenf he agies, elhart les and eveh whist les af girls voung enough 1fobe bis granddaughters! 'Aatrally, tblugb-,b-t1 believe he actually imagines tb-ey returri bis eftbusiasm- "Thisfine Christian wonani und«estnds ber usband's prok- lem,. She loves hlm d e arny, knwig bat unider ail his- faalishness b-e reaily laves ber. But she. asks me e write you, hioping you can advise bier baw ta get himin.ine ta protect hlm tfiorm Iraking such a s-pec- tacle re--hriseJ'f à Friend', * Many an aging man feels thfbe years cieeping upen hl *anid seeks ouf yeung girls in thfbe fuile b-rpe be can farstIlI ½e,4»i& 44898w Twopars prfetThe mare, yoiwear this fwe-pic(er -.-Ule nware yotu loveift! -Accenti "s on~ fb- riippeýd-i w aist - see bf-ow utafCSvcrg Winu-ot jdriff -mijjnmissthbe iriches arauridi Coufrast çcollar', b(-jçsw add crhip Paffaru iý4898: Misses' SizeýS 10, -.,14, 16,.18, 20, Size ý16 f akes $~yards 45-biuch fabric; ¼ yar $54nece±ifonrasf. Thspattern easy 'ta) use, sim- pi eSewQ, l teýsfed for Fit. Uns tam.-plefe i1~~fdinstructions. Senid TUTyIECENTS (M(4) ln coins (sfarns cannof b aecepsd) for this paffem rriEit SIZE, NAIUEc APDRÉ$S, Seidrder ta Box j,1,123 on, These girls are arnused by h i antis. The-y smile - --but * tey alo lugh behind bis *back. One day a girl wi *Laugh ini bis fac,ýe and cîlhlm ~Gr.andpa, or the boy, with ber * il ed i hlm of. Thiat will be thLbe end, anid the old gent e- *mariilcrawl%7 back home i *sh-ame 'and remeûrse. SMeanîme, bs cwifecri anly * ber wih hlm affer ail,, * he cano ock h1lmu up. Arid *if she worries aboeut wbat * their fýriends think, she xwili * empl~rthey h fave seen th is h' appen befoe. Tby respect Sand lvehe, nd sh as *their unspokeri symrpathy,, "IfanytfIll'r, dershave '~her ieas Ihope,-,they will *sendfb-enta m ~'~rAnne Hirst: 1 have been going ýýwith a wondterful mri for over a year. We plan on gettng rnaried.but bath his people and mine are agaîns tif He 's 18 Iamn18 adwe are" ba)th we want qI don!f want ta h UrtÉMy people no r , nd 1CI cdfo bear teo hurt hi;m.Peaeaie me \V Whyý uddn'tyýu t-eli nie why f bath ,J faiis o)pposýe ciour ýMJbe abl ta bemoe epfl S Perbas te i tink ,c our a r faoyoung tn be sure daigotbdýr boy, f o, ta *piove ta them (and yourself) lhaf you realy Pr-MfrhIm ta Ëa11othas, * Marriage s mr fatm *ily affair thant many young people udrtnTo tart * riht. t shuldhave the * whlebertedblessing eta'3il *four parents. Young pol 1 have a bard fb-ne, parf'icuilrl'y these dysduing Ouhe first; *few yeCars o1f marriage, adif * theyfhave floufted theirfam * iles wihesthey wfl imiss * 4h morlqupo)rt which imrar- * na n ee ds se badly, Te * hndiapis getrthaýn you *reaize. if your aged husband cg»esat y0lung pg rad otiisyou b~y his nies, emotyusl wtthhe taýct thataibis cunduet will flot 'beprmnntHe wî1t get bs e upne and irom) the girls tlnsle I te f cnen rt oAne, Hirstfor sympaty and wCse counseL, Address her at BoîX I 123 ligliteenth Mt, New Tar~- ITî Mi 1AY B E YOCUR LIVER Iflfo *5ltwoeh livixng qt ayb. yourliver .A fu, ed parke go oui e tif hef' whe~ youe*ed mili e turbed t e,'aLitl [4ve 1 lcToeeflmoýde" t fi le piI'wt*hel fûd' e KI that hPfflday are he agafd* Oe, sWynk. Ahrenoîme ksepwtcD% Lt Melay bs âteWarninqk1 lTt look Out flot trying,ý to uâe dA. 0ae s Q. Ow - an0, Iimprove flle favor et prunes? A. Tbe flavon will be greatly, ïimpreveci iby adigasa nmaunt of cinnmn and lernan. Q. How eaui rerrcve afur- nimue brise A. B usig a ieceof blot- ting pape-r saaked in wr a tfer, placing if over the bruise, and applîifig .awarjrn iranutl ail moeisture is ganore. re(peaýt if new«essr. Q., wea Iea I eýan ft-e sewing machine? A. Try uin 11g -a!smal ain brusb ]wifb a'qlonghanle f dea fbevaiu part's ofte sewing machine If wil reacbi iriiio alf b-e crevices a nd corners. Q.11W eau IMre ee sw in f 'a Iegor rm affer n bad fail? A. Wvrap if Yn owels wrcung ouf et bof water in wbich ep- soin saits bas been icï-Ssolved. De tHis frabwdufan bour. TV S ppers-Iffc euLt Ouf, stitcb-uh whip utp a pair eftote-toasters inI an evenl- i'ng! Use quilted scraps - binid it-colorful caftan, iewo Patterri660: pafferu ieces for Sizes Sm all edium,ý Large, Ex- tra Large included lupaferi Senjd TWENTY-FIVE ES in oins (sf amps caunot beý ac cepted) for tbis pafferu te BOX 1,12 Egheeufh SfU New Tc- rtnf), Ont. Pririt plainly,, FAT- ,musNNUMBER your NAME and ADDRESS. Dau't miss aur LauraeWbee- er "eeudecraftCat;alegi An ,ex- ciïng vaiety 0f 'crochet, era- broideýry, anud iran-ou cola)r tas fer paf terris fa send fôr. Plusý fouir cupljefe patterris printedý lu b loek. Send 25 Cents !or your copy foAS! Gi;ff and bazaar bestý Note ftc fthe up-vnd-camîrug: ~emmbrthse biger a mnans" hl get, fbL-ëeeier ,if t. fil hiu Spriin, fa ushier in son. If is a bemace cfih fbeyea, rayfor wi fao, On a worl»d oLufsiý dreary', e; farts ai hor the fewv leav iook seared only fb- rows fJ'ai free. Surr one fb-eove catsc tbe weai ed. li he fig and er fiv dead vuious w ere Wise. w-) wecaýà, s n good Ir arioth- icking up iwas ohi- (nd boards, of th-e 'ha- >rd ta the- 1 of these sornehow, tiethan C- of rats, as fweit-y Anotner t1mnig tnat requires Aý littie forethounht is wae shop- ping, Is your eupboard i.forir- serve supplies weW,-stockýed? if a ig snowstorm carne up aria blocked. the sier -d ow long coulld you ride along wvitfioutd- ing any shopping? At one tbrn0 farm-ý wives vwent in for 'bulk~ b)uying,-' now thie tendency is fto buy from wee1k to week -- one packet of this, twoý caris of thiat, M0 Ibn. of sugar, 7 Ibsn of fleur and sa on. Then cornes a sm andj we are out of sul-liesý in nu tirne. Sa a certain amaount u bu1-bu~~gis sttii a good idea,-. ugris cheaper by thile [hUt dred; canned goeds wil keep in- dlefln,-itely.; yeast packets a're cdat- ed and ma y ;save t-e daýy if '!he baker c annot tmake ibisrons Uoni't get aamd ok.but these thoughtshv corne te me as 1 heard a rurnour that thIisý- m-ay be the caldst wntei we have had for sorne firie. from the Faer East aIOt 'lien 91 jures a ance. ted early op i inta fb-e bouse.F remý-oved 4frcri <s te-, 5funywnd ter.Y dy ba Wie Io-k oe .try an aur1 nax suLre]y we move those Consfb-e first Postal M.(h ~ L'ostpaid Âmbew Lihse Cornatîon aIley t~hypr* ~- Musk E.stern J.iream Narcienua G.rd.,nia 5~ud*hvoo4 i~eliepep* Sweat Pea !anurn Violet S. J, ALIMAN 23 Grenville St, Toronto 5 Ontarjo, Catuada UUIIvenuon, iv, wasn rai we went and tiry wli s0 ef couLrse we forgc A great soul moderation e 1E IFîýCA 3,8 5C., A, D 4 ZIhe TJ4ouse of ýeci9ra-m Jk vk hivoftmorwpractice moderatiùrn today LNU.HtPT