'j j Neow To Judge Fighls On TIêevision 744anyf ans Who tuio leil y tmonday -iglit ghcouetr kver the Du -mont niet'wor-k have, veked me whether acclrate judg- hig ol a figtt on teýlevisionr is psil.As a. reporter who has 04, pportun)itý;"of watchinlg the( tots ini the îlesh and at the sarni lle iu n a telovision mon- itor unlder the r ing, 'm in 'a pos'ition to Shed somre ,light on the qucertion. The anwo s that lt s posl, if çý-ou know what te looik for and have the bacit- grounêd facts mon which to basýe eomipptent jud >gement. The lolollwiung vips ;0ill ahe.p you to10view aand jiU(geoea ight eln a pr Wt afficiai at the wiugsidîe, wrteeý ChrisShok, ffot"edspoetacaste-ïýr,'nThe Plc lu the firsn -place, zask 0 ýfyur uelf w t you 'Oid dmuand. fi lt offIcIeïl -- absolute Ii- partlallty. We ail hveour f av- oirite ftghters, but s;trong par- mnt.ii A boxer's appearani<i, bie former ocutinad w'he liec omOýs f rom rma.)ytend, te lni- fluecnc'e us. Roland La Starza, for eape used to ho a but- cherý, and uuidoubt-edly he bas many loyal fans amng mat- cuttrs. porscaserslike miy. self have ha39d to train tom 21lves. to bke ixi'paetial. And filiht theiir comnpleeaýtten1tion, You m ýhouIddo thý ,Je samo. In the second place itfs es- stalto tunderstald fthedifr *ece btween the twê üring s~stes. 'incete first of Che yeaqr imost states hâv.e adopted t he National Boxing Asca tioni's '"lO-poinit-must" syStemn, buït New York continues to ad- here , to i tso taoiM týa)in heeto its own1 system. A g:ond px-oro 0f te bouts >you see Ô TV oignao rom n qevwYorke, soi it's well f0 knêw-howIt New york officiais swore th(- oine f each rocund or tallýy i evenl. ,In aition, Oee o ou polints are C-rodited] to the wn uer of each round. If a boxer wijns by, -4 rshade ho gets oône, TO) BRfiTISH PORTS: First Claîs from $200 Tro CO%!;from $140 At Thrift-sena.,r Rares ROUN;D TRIP FOR ASLITUA $280 pointî, if by acleal r margin twc points, by a wide margîn t 'hre poinlts, If ithe rE o U rnd is 'omY- pletely orie-sided ,arilthere k'nocdownhe gets four -points. But -- and this is- tricky -thle points counit oully if the fgtr arc, ltied on rçunirds at the end; of thd but Ir. the NBA 1pitmut eyste . lt'he wininer 0f a rounde r-eceives tonl poinlts on the cards- kept by the- judges and referee. Bt t he loser D)SO receives poin-tsý - ipeniugou hOw gooda sb-w Jhe puts up -- up 1to a ma- ximum of lnine pointïs.For ex.. amnple, ifue ilghter has a e ciÀsive. edge i, a rouid fhe gets ton intbut his foe -might bù ounlyýcredited wt eight, or less. ionceivably, a fighter badly outclassed in a particular Icounjd woul rec ie nopoirtts at ail. Uf the roundis considered ae fah lghter gets Atve pO-,ý Total p unt t theý end ut'. determrinethe' iii t~r, i~lestherc-sa , ocot ,-Setrig lsn'tjust a nlatter 0of b1~wl~xed.Judges look for len itting, >ring gouieralship, effctie agrssieues atmde- lenuie Okill It takes quite a bit of explri- *nce tou judge the effectveneSal of a punch. Some of the best punch-es do noût appear û>special- ;y telllng. Oni the o)the-r ha-nd, ehort, S-wift uppercuts, bflows; landed duY, i-figliting, arei ofteii more efecivthan they seemf. S %eif the Most cdram- ntic - appearingpnhelîkeý Kid Gavilan's; famnous bo,, do not have mruchb force behind then. Dont' be niisled by loud thudcli, Such) blowys are often eahrhittinig leather, or il- legal open-glove sl5aps. If a fighter's hbead bobs back the chn~are he has b'een ýhit oiy- slightly or tat all, anid is roll- TO FRENCH PORTS5 First Ciaso from122.5350 Touniso, Class from $155 sucti as hhittiing a mnan wlio, is down, or kneeing, mnay resuit iu completely dsulfigthe offenderP, but this is rare, You'jýre mnuch more likeSly to spot mînor101 fouis suLch s holdinlg, bchn blows,, low punches, kidnc-y and harbbit punches, spinininig and hitting ~ on the break. IWh-en seeni by the referteethey miay give the offendier a simrpleý warning, or the loss of "the rounld. lu w--atching fightis oin TV iîgs he}pfui to know sç'omYe of th-. lingo of boxing, it lieast h niame.s. of the basic pun-ches. Hlere arse som.edentin combinuation - a s.1uneor voflley of blows, It is the abil'Ity to putl toget4her conibinations that miarks the difference be- tween a ný 1ovice anid a chlampion. It mas a fasit aid clever iseries of left hooks and rîghts thatý made Joe Louis a great cham..ïl pion. The molst famous ,andl comnmon comnbnation i s "the old o'ne-two," a left and ia right. -Right cross-crsrgte opponeni's left le jd (jwitb P, Hopi - -ly piinchi ôther. than a straight blo-w A holçk is de- ]lîvercd uindler, or above, a f oe's guiard, The left hook is otten usedi to puitan oppouent on the- canvas, especially ifthe mao whvlo -throws Jit is Papast-master ofth art like Sugar Raýy Rolb- jupon, Jab -- short, zstraigh)t purich- es. The- left jab is the ; )openýing gamrbit Lu-a ighter5s oriense, Many bLouts arew(n on eff'ee' tive jabbing. A jab1bing 4attacký, wil keep ail antagonist away and off blne TO deteet a fighiter li) trouble -always timost exciting$ m-o- metÎn ;a fight - ivateh for, get, 'pu)shirig" pimncies, hantdo hield abriormally low, frequenti clinch1-ing Îif'its xot,'the fighter's u,'sual style, ineff-ective turrijies and bad balanÈjc, Remmbe, t's a diïffer-ence of )pinior that mnakes a fighit, either in or Ou'it of the ring. Ahnost al the bouts that cend i,) split de-. cisions - wheri the juidges fail to agree - areevny ated hiard-fought bhatties. Judges caIJ a bout as tbey see ýit, but the opïiion oýf an experienecedtee vision viewer, wvhile haviuig Aco effect onc the outcoome, can be, as wulfune s that of thie best professionlMjudge, WORSE ANDWORSE Typographiical ecrr auspo-il mj'auy ýa Sale Jim Greenie coml piied three usie ads from the classified columu.n of a Cn nef4.cict wekly 7paper: March 22uid: "For sale, Slighit- ly used f atm wenicb lu good Coni- dto.Very handy, Ph-orie. 366.. RA2 A Cartiht." Miarch 29th:"Creto.iu to an ufruae error, Mvr. CarrNiabs ad nl 'Int sxeek s n 'r, $OSAND IRLmfsi 4 ECITNtIN)eW GIFTtS Er'TAINVSTOR21 D EBAN,"IE WlTII ofrl ileIblng lgton to. Pend seJ cret odJ E, S i al-o y,r pý.als. Be cAlef ts Pak om'plete wl'tb battery a, oulb, F'LTIN SAUCR, a liable plastic to e Flics high ira 0w ýair. Stnrdy lni w.ith nylon -nord starte. rih cloe FIrire A60 TRI OT RI 11IGT le, Greeqz and 1wbite, Plastic Sensl, powcýrfulî5 foot beans. Fý,jlae -on i aa nae esbatteries rn 15 Rýtrantab]e rBLL POINT PRIt, oright, plasýtic harrel. gold çcovcd cap. Wrî TIHE OIFT (COTTAè1E Post, Offlee Box 74, V~Loi, que. BOWLING ALLBV. yý 0ar Yanes GoDn m(inustIai own. LageseerI'- ÏMl3 Open iSundayg). Box -20, 22Elbteni rHOTO XXMS 0A1215,Sûmtis 0 fetent. send ou 0wrjlqmascAda thla witli your Personial ,Photo oý,ýn h"mS'lie 5pie you'r favourite Ngais ni! ;,t M carlda fori. 0 nyipe nc1e'l NEW and USED SCHQOL BUSSES lemdaeDellvery Ytle MOTORS INCORPORATEP <CANADIAN DIVISION) M8 YeFk0liia AvenuieTrm 4 be, dinylite plastie j11je;0 s$2 00 Refunds urned $,9te 1,1 ol 5 ents or 2'fc 31.0. ib gro ach 71) cent, t for $125 Bboerie$,02 for 8'1A65 Cobbler Ax,"ons 1,2,5 cach, 2nfor 82.4 PleaAte enclose 10 cetS or aln.. Montreal 1 P REFAR FO ()R WINTER IDRIINC( tEC(H1A RgIT Battery -liesorer: removesý aulobentiovn, end terinl ami taü0e corrsion the geera tcor eepebptcr pr epali. Aen1wntd nEok o Il- njey' Texac3ýo evc 1.1., arha. Ontarlo. 200 AMEand .AddrsaLael, 1 0 3001 ass-orite npiainütnes,0.0 -rv',copy ",rn' ets'(rvtl PUR Wol, aro f12yossr scaed nlot stocxk oranwrite u.-sfo, se samJles 4nd prs'eýCoi 11,2n d-weavxing, &k-,tl 'cand fourli. is m people believe in law and odr Especia1tly if they can ilay dw te lw âîd giveý the crders, SE AI4AIRDRESSER JUNCA24ADAý,,'S LKADINC., SùH(IOOL Greateporuit ar eà i ea an t dgnSt. pof-,V, o~ graduatess inr st .1 . Torno 1-4 dan00.Ota0 UT Re tI a teIAUGH &J o m n2 lftnt~tis no. Rtablli -c 00 Tus U e4a o.. lmegite 5d5 tao t roe 278 BA i?21tre'ri Ettt New INAI lirolmd, 5- e t0ela cv R 2 Aveue.2t 101 ewce 'Mimi,0. NYi,, BiJY W..Ith LNcALEDIRECTIUOM 1 SenO *1.0(1 ~forilertd Ctlso bundedeof ~tinaly konNm Iýrav f r r3na n.,. te s k,e ARy.TivewReTo tc.CnidenS arme l~t nc*ocd t nbCaao Htargi A-pi bothe puhonl A. Cartri~ CUNARD TO EUROPEJ I UFALL und WINTER SAILINGS -1 VESSUfro. QUEBEC 1 F rom NEW YORK From HAL.IFAX T ASCANIA (Fro*m Moritrealf, Wedne,,tday Nov. 17)- Lirpo QUEEN NMARY - Thum ,NOV, 18 - Cebug otap SCYTHIA mSoxt, NO(-V,20-- HarSthotn PARYHIA -Fr;, NOV-,26-IeroI FRANCONIA Soit, OV, 27 1 -- GreoLiep QUEEN ELIZAEH b ~ ot NOV, 27- Cherbourg, Soiuthamrpton SAMARIA Tues. NOV. 30-- Hav-Eý, Southampton BRiTANNIC - ec. EC, 1-Coýbh, Liverpocl QIJEEN MARY - o.DEC. 4 -Cheibou-rg5 otamtn SAXONIA - Fr1, DEC. 10 soat. DEC. il1 Cobh, Liverpool QUEEN ELiZAETK - We d, DEC. 15- Cherbourg,Sutapn SCYTiIIA- Thwrs, DEC. 16 Sotý. DEC, 18 Navre, Sothani;àpton ASCANIA L r1 DEC. 17 Sunr. DEC. 19 I Cobhi, Lverpool FRANCONIA .- Tus E.2 oh ivepo SAMARIA - Tue, DE-C.28 Thuirs, DEC, 30Hive, outho:mpton QUEEN EUIzABETH - Thurs. DEC, 30- Cheribourg,. otopo MEDIA -F, DEF.C. 31 -Livrpool ~ IMUOIO Soe. your loctal agent- LIJ~J LyPOS No oeucn storve you boter We cRL;:if' Aee C U2ReI E f A L M D ï R A J ~ r ots#"moR Sy&WeIngA SrosTre eOt