dinner table of the mneal, a guest to id deposit hieý wse6 ishes?! much better ok.-ing rather se' good dish A,ý thouglitful viill alw'aysý r be-r gluesfs. ýr a divorcee d attendantý çlding? dhig mut hb Lbl, nd -she îe atendat for anuofc rettes at her, 1 '40 rceco-)niieic as ble around the irthisl a low-heel- e shue, equippedl leaf ler sýole-s and S. A broad lQw e paiiful axikie se. and the leath- niecessary pratec- .ipplpig corskiddirg e1gg whitei Sift t< rauts. Add aftcr tacl )n unt tured toe When an innocent- lok c an toppled from a kit- chen sheif onto ant unprotected foot, If you havýEe ever stubboed a bare toe a)gainstý a bedpost, you know how painful thiat ià Wearing flimsy pasoe arýound the house le Iiery fatigu- ing,' according to the ex-perts; end feuetycontributes îto mxaking womnen "accident- prone" LE TÂLKNS y, M i nfîl weil bine, ail flire s. 9-xielipie plut t- (For; crisp erusf, ,V i k , mliecl hidi pie, augar, IIrmIy leall. Gerieli with iwhippe c er ~ppd wtliSîlvers O!fude PTJMIP'KIN CAKE 3 ebakling pwe Step. sait t4fsp. ekoves ¾tep, nutmeg 1¼ Vtsp. elennamon i . ranuleted sugar Z gg, beaten -.ec3canined punipkin ik c, mllk =-ZM vaniua i-xiflg nef eiy witli milk. Poujr bter lit o two grcased anid floured 8. inchilayer pane. Bake i mod.- crate (35Fe) aven, about 33 mixi- uftes. Top, witi an-y favorite, FUMIIT'4 NUT WAFFL1ES 2 (c. siftf d cake Ileur 4 tsp. baklig powder itep. SaIt 54 ,tp. cinnamon V4 tsp. nutnicg 3 cggs, ,ep,.tatett I1%c(', niIlk 1/ .melted shorteixing cz e anied' punipkÎle . c. h0pped pecans Si! f dry ingredIerIts f ôgether.i Beýat egg yoiks. combine wlfh, mjik, sirennpumipkin. Acd f0 dry Ingredients. Beat: egg, unftil tiff. Flid(3intu utr Pour onto hot wafflc lr'On. Sprinkle baffer witli 3fbe spoons inuts~. Maks four ý9 9 mnci wuffics. is .MiIk-Buickets Were Gold Plated world wold mrya gy 10ooking guy like m!"le '11.1- And he cýried likeý a bab.ýy a!- fer actrese Lilian Russel had turned donnie ere mr naj&ge -anda Pmiillion dJollars Be'd .ilr-ecudy given lier a go1id- plated b icycI l efuded witli ýpreý- clous 0stoes Diuýmoxid Jin, Br-dy ïneyer did imarry, thug, no doubf, maxiy girls woý(uid have cons.ýidered hie millions apecmesto o is20pouPýnd bulk. Be was gencrus, fm;dd veryfhig Mx a big iwey. Threw lavielipar- fies tfhaf lasted Seventeen hours,; onwe utec ,chickcne htjtinsel-f u e single Sýitthig; owned 5,000 p o c k t hnder-f;tn wouLîd t rai lo wn Broucl*ay weariig 2,548 diamnida, .EVcn býis cuwe xvvre milked lint a god- piated bu(,etse lI hie iiveiy, âanecd9tel book, UFiV Minte io-,graphies" pale Carnegie give secores o! cv,ýam- pies of fe cthci e so! setys of Floreuz Zelgfleld, o! Zieg- fcdFollies fumne, fliaf i knew baiflgirls î.hqin ny ap li history. Even ticelininge af hie showýgiris' drsses hd ta be o! tie fieeteik, orliecaie nuw()aan-could feel realfly ti latugainst ber ekin'. i M.oney was nu aobject. Be post'po-ned the of o-Shiow' Bt"for thiree montid , .t gef the rigit cowboy h îatS. Anid ciaced anotier $150000produc- tion uffetalicfiret niglif be- cause lecosdee e nwri Benyrwrocle esbut hIad a man'aia for eending ca.bIleS, nddurin rhesas wou'id even eend telegramefA fie ne- tors acrose cfolgs rese Bule Burkeliougifu a V tuwe sopfaucd ie ienxi tire stock. She foîd hm sic hudn'f been Aieleaf taik hi by 'plone bcause iune wAis Nut Col coke, sy70~ Turn ii-ta a greased an-d Waxýed paper-I-ed -Pan, 9 ¼ v >ý5½ ineches. Bake i ode3ýate oý.ven (75 degrees F.)i hour and 1M rmpts. Le--t stand 5 mntethen ,re-move firom pan. When cool, caver top with sevex-minute fro)slfing, uelng reýserved egg whbite. Gairnisl wlti Brazil nut curie. Brazi luNit curi Cover whole Bvazil nute wlhth cold wafcr, Bring ebJowly ta aý boÎu. SIimmer 2 to 3 minutes; drain. S]ice paper-thin vvifh eg table peeelr or parig knife, intale -'~fha spec"Ial ritog ror her private lise, Yet 'he hated ir-aking Clci- sions. "Bfe (used f0 keep ,a box of iqrcedrops on bis dcs, « I ecat them bIecause ticyre il black," lie said. "I don't bave te nîIake Up My rmmi-d wnich colour I like best Wifliam lRandolph Hearst, the pu bislierýý, had an Iicoine 0 $15%000O a day, yef hés favourite rerat v hen li New York wete go wndio-gazilieg. Re oftý-nihad as many as SiXty guets staying ot) bis vatCai loan sateW , butholic ked naothing better tiaii etealing aw;ay by himecif fo play paý- tience. lie bovcd ail andïiis,. kepf privafe zoo ithat would hIave- madle any Mirus look iilçe a si4deShoW, Dand once sent bhis yacht for a doçtr àst midnight and paid a m ileffal tee of $250 toj have a pet gTe-pgsbrôk- un leg cet I., '%as one of the mee1r-Ot freuk- j*l exampies of good luck tiat set -Ely Culbertson, rriost famrous b)ridtgeplaýycr lx ii the, world, on, his f cet. He was li Paris in 1931 wlheD he drifted into a gam"bling cuanid bet onre <of hie' lat fourý pounids oni a gamfe tif chemi-de-er. is ~card was be- ing ruwn ,0aen a Frenclimani accidntlly stepped on hie foot undt, hç deimunded an apology. Trhe Frexicixaxi farcd Up, chalicnged hlm te a diuel end . sJicte y didn't have eSwords or pistols -- they rilxshed ouf o!ý the lub anrd eprang ut t cd 1other with lai ing lIste. Wlien they wer fnafly parteci, atter a black eye or two and a, blecd- 1ing nose,> Cuibertsoxi returxed' to tie table and fouid that he'd brcken the buxik! His stake had] not only won.. ~the first time, but -hi lie was fightiing, his w,,innings lied kept, On mountbng itil they reaclied aý total of $6ý000. It was soon -J terwIAarels thaf he faughit himself bridge, though isa resbyteriaxi father liad brought hilm up f0 believe fliaf eards wèrc a de- vice o! the dcvii, and ta day lie irakes somne $250,000a year ouit o! the gane. Crauiso had ani equally fortu- ifous launching ficiae5.c HPis carly teacher told hiim: "You liaven'f anS voitce Mat al.ft soun1s like thc- wrdind x h shutters." But týhe youithfui En- rico persevered, gothins chance to sixig in opera, and %vos su nervous aut reheasaltI hat bis voice c2raccdc, he burect inito tears and fleci ftram'the theatre. Next he, got a job as under- study and his big chance ca>me wle fie the idin.g teùior Vwas Sud denly fakecn iii. But Ca'ý?ruso wus sevralstretsawvay, half-tipsy- h; a wine shop. Hie us'hcd ta the teatre and staggeredon, W the stag, bt the auien*,ýce alm-ost dirowned his vuice wýiti cýat-call'E. e -wN's fireýl. 'xtday, hcartbroIkCenand depeaf, e decid.ed ft o-- mit, Suicid. He had eniough to bup'y himsecf one boie of wine, axid jue;f w h,-,Oen ihe Awas drikirg it, axid pnnng bow ta kDil himsecf, a meenger dasbed in fa ic heopera. Crso"he yelled. "Causýo cOmýe! 'he pea- pie woxi't listen te flic oflier tenor. They hissed him oeýff the stage. They're ehouflng for "Forim, Caruiso fcri-ed. Why, ýhey donlt even kný-ow% "They want you just the aie"the 1ceengerpatd 'They're shoutipg ftor! ýfhaî drunkard' 1" , Wbean Caruse die4, iv,1921, lie ,wu;s a mi1lionuireý. But hie eariy pove1rty was -so vivld lxi jhie nind - days when hieý mlother wentd a u tetopay for- bis slngWAing l~os-that ri.ghfte othe cend of hi e t.he kept a note of cvery expendl- turc heimacle. Even when lie tipped a pageboy lie kept ae- ord of thec exact anîiou.it, Spaceways soon1er or laier we'11 b. visiing eipacçthat he'.s leady decided <niciebest meani ef keeping iii foucli witlliheEarth. "'Ti-e 4b- intcresting býoqk, "Tic o' Bûook ofSpa.e," is radio."e There is5 no reuson, acvc)rcîîxig, f0 t1fhc auflior, why 1tic Eutl sliotld nof ehil up visitora f t he Moodn; but if the, waxiderce veni- turc on that side o! the mô f -arfhe.stram flic Eertli, wire- lecs contaict would hbe lost, for, there is no cofnvenie-nt Bay sie layer te bounciE beck t ra.dio'wavcs. ÀTiis is nlot ;aýt Pter of ti- (1u1ette, but oÔne 'f her employ-~ 4.Does w"foderilsoCiety e- quire that a man ie nre ly tOUChL thic brim ïo! his hat when epeak- ilig to a. woman? A- This le squite cOMMOnly done, and by men o z;eeinglyi good mane-- bu't it stili hasý ihe appearance of a haif-hearted getre£ny m-axi of reaiiy good breed1ing will lift his hat, nJot Jusit touch it. Q. When passirng your plate uit the dinner table for a, sec- Ond hel»iîng of some dlsh, what shoild you do wlth YOur eilvey- 'ware? .Al Awayýs bv ti o he pl'ate. Q. Whlat is the propertiet day to make a ea,11 of condot- ence? Ai.1 Tbs al may be maàde mt a1)ny time 0f the day., q. à!t Onsidered Proper ta nue brad for sopping Up the gravy on one's dinner plate? A, y(ee, if done in the- rht w'ay- by puttin'g a 'ema1 pieece Jý read clown on the gay ajnà thev eating it wih he f rk as, thotugh it were &TY ote he1phg 011your plate. ÏK l~ rlend oýf a bo- rýCïved famIfly attends the funer-. aý'i, sIfnecessary fliat she wear blark ïclothes? Aý. No; anly subducd dinde o4 clteel suitable. Just avoi4 .nytbjug ay or f afrivolou na ture i your attire. Q.What Is Utheproeër wyt elnt a three-tiered weddlng cake? A, Usuiy, thc rjetn bOttown der 5Ss eut first. ~,If for 'SomIe reasost' - ýSo- vl;t or buisiness - a f awily has hladi ts naine legally Changcd, htow should frlends and aeýqaaitn- tances be Infornttcd cf th!s? A, The quiekeet Rid sml wavzy la temail out formai n ,noun'Cemien)te: Mr, and Mrs.8 John xith anoucO iat by pe-rmiissioýn of the court they and their ehildren have ctaken th men severa2l ehoýcolate mint. -,an(dy patties jin chocolate piv fihing tO give ,yoUr pie-ain) mltflavor. L syru