ný. . -1- inernbers inI ï 1 Weme netig ut Gordon Wat- Vaiet Maicei (or more)iscuits wM'ze QI aicy~Ggage at 49 OeIock, Sun4ayj îeactp0d wish to organize orirunt f ro>n there. ~$nW~ ear e c8 o7 tinet ca grup 0 m en, p1acin. 05i ie srounded.k~~ t vio. oleuewar.red not tço go out Atrw a en thf-îr ownx. it they Wishto pur- 3C L~arge Washed u oro ato' Grg. eIr 1 a 2p.t,. aOe M PHEASNTSÂreti luOtou.,Reg j0hngým lb3pckg Fancy Brazis ro I lb. ce1he pkg. a ~tWshuSrve o Carke and suvycr~ feattIj ~pheasants k.Iled,. tben eau un coket ~ 3wns0 11O14Ciunters, L',esin Clake to date 269 .Wemk bmyLV OE 1 00 i d ,98o% r 1 pheasant for .9 hiintersl. $ 20 il i, InDaringti-, ownsip 00'J vy, MAReWILL PUR FA«~ cairds w9re isued $ofthese 448 returned TlRNX Sw.t 20 oz. tff Aylmer Fancy 83 64 pheas kle d.4- ___________ 1 Huntere' s~uccs nDa4tingontc e -inb__ ___t*Px p4w date-4775 or1pesn fo L. >r 35<appwgApBaIesauàîc ffâw_ A p p l e s a u c e T in~s s rvey is ilt opet -ý as ail d4opoal. 74 p p* Co let Cob eu a 3 > All humters -V'ho still hêee sujvey GoffPON IttWNG Mrrgw> 15 oz. tins M c'heita oneva 1 ir, îfore bste __________ for 3 Cune omissin ta t n o licence wilI - b. hisuedte persons failing to returin for ______ lech Raisins ~4iAou half pouid tUn 16 oz. 4db pkg. Osv ~O.~ OldMI4ai Winter bas shown bis, face 3 c7 c antd ev~eryre for the past we- 3 5 c i 2 7il on~versation bas been oni tis topxqc The -atmoprere basý lent itself te< thouhtsof ocky, leigh&ig and - I bth poirnd package othrotdo prsfrth hlrn îhlgrn ~~lcr eo nmunting fuel bilase set hiri- - self for a long' inter. i throgh everyones D)ind, nture comes EMB U~ **A fflmMpkoe4 ip wfth 'a preview of spring ïn th!bu& Taujl1namâgI f~a7u you*r 73 bidth of the f irst opring.7lamb o eX bJest bet 0i1999C@ easü.ei *amh arrived 'n hefa _____ _____ ____ _____ ____urday, Decemnber 4th. Thfisw lanib wil - fi4d that ft will n o lic itheh t xfea&ow-as will other sping1$..bs ~the future we cairnot tell. Crtsp and fir large héads 14r tu~tifibrt o t t4iîIi - Head Lettuce 1 9c . . . d promp Yo'UteauU pon Spinach cellô pkg. i19c siProve ~auUoiing i. S a*c Green Beans IL. 19e Sweet Potatoes, 3 lbs. 23c - FtJNERAL HM Fioricta Oranges 176%s 4,z. 35ec 4~ Thin Skinned .dozen - Tangarine-25c. New Umm