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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Dec 1954, p. 3

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s ' -b1v, A pNeuË Ç-L , 7$T-ÇZIM Yiy siA cz aummes lws r wJfitmiz W W ~reir-d fli t the. Grey cIup DMIia »reI Woritr PKICE etG A ' ably never ivoud see ag'ain ueh' grippini On ~t~r'ar ber, thil'iiw, 1sts ig ld o a. fie ii SL'~ R. corani yat Lwatro He, '5uAas T rords for n2jll r-odnuroi TORONT 9 l a d wesmd "probaly," lider the' ulln grey v , 4~~~~irh5 ai Uoe na_____________ ,;GryCuip aýý1954 tere d tre' -~r aê~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cinxuh o mliar aserhas we'1 noevr agae nee equal-*~t (ili but "t am pyý M&AK1E 9ob< il sos o te i abi esý c taýn aaé gx'eatest ili e-day spor'ts a s -n Z 1 1,tt in. ýý L> ioi eei R onar,,C op vItal eleinent f all eprtsda a c irn tat FrP iD ', . 1 : . ,,;î(,,tde forng who on psdgadâMn 10oyN c l- lte siiatch vietor, fi0 th fe favou.ýr e. on c Aalî, -----------a~ __ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ vb iiiee trub1you drma -m ' @,ep. iOn. murage, Arl o=itnm l& r a NUimena td\ 1 i t Vil d eob ny li iax Ïailhi af Sr th (liei elnuits.l MOaIr Urcks Cir-é; .i 3 -« M a% K. wrüxiomi thue wst, Edmonton's 1,ilanta Eskirnxs, arase5~.FBGU sade0 EB'Y thor riht eryhe fron en t(0 enr of the, fieldlS A: iest,'TApr' Ti z ~ud'~~1hg s ---* iruhet sm p audie! acros1. (e~- o taer 0ld-~ a"- 5oc 'Dr' meo06.LsAicIr 8 alo AIMUà lu~e amd eut a 25-14 margini~nst to 2520, suer flar irwd or oms da« ~ ni, eAl. 3pn LrAUMM5 ise ballÏ ha, oaired (yver the crosf, bar, - amO osil a nîa-50 le B ttis tth3al s draina. was inir I1 a 1e-,s îinx c ts o alnet - p IChri-t ,nndt (-ýc toel .Adrlver The get iý w-yet ,Joeme, as' the miiiie U ie 'S&swifftly RNO ru H AEVI pailr Ccu aNoudt" aroid 'the ruai &k eêt tje end of VaUP7t N.,u.TeP , i~n& ÂcniyLt adoirkt.Wlo r ua pwr.1Oove bac1k7!o the E kimc i -yard lue,.ES NTEaî'wu , 'i Emma rai. Hîiusijgerl~dr tan sason fin-touchdowim for the Als tuent u s-_____________ h ~ Rli Fire diveil nt lhhit anid 1lun.j Tiink*5, Decddy -Robert~ Bec tal d-shows te Pmeid«Wts Medal cf W&ADA SPOi n ero rn.Gn O~ct . RYDs. Ea su 19r tnrew th a si eeeking tm inmke a jaecral is u ctQc oeyCutd wre't"i o ofw . ai fu la- CA1174n ami Unla Ne.0 4u t omne pru ag. aindm6 The pass. if thiat's w~hat was intended, "flipped o ,ýt intoe rnp y K'-'- Nci"c- -c1ýy C u & avre o b41frsvn h da,1,-ýoîi,1î uii;, lrii ah it-hee wa.-#no Aloette niear, The lose bjýjl 'oin S ' fe of iioberica. his f;vepaO yer pi'aughNnr Last sumrnepj Beadw Gon". i s%. and Si- sr 3 latrs pq y a 1 ilý $103 org asneng~ weserners: ' '. ' »1d pule'd the drw ïn ri from 'a pond cmld brouht her bcck - " eoit,'C O On",-' JWie Parkeq a~ smed-allrhem the deaep suth, Swooed tO consciço-sness by applyhig aetïifilo respfration, PATIN tu or cm lm cub wuE. ~R~~~ mi p w ile o! the ) HU.~e had 'brokIen "rthe A1oàiràte ineý 'liliar' o- i 'm , orli" l o SE~ Aa H> - CN4SSVE 90 ards say., belSle 'aiy of te Ee èrsi- chapions ftilly -,cq-o u o h o d" -o. alMü CoufM- sas1N MCnd000s y>pat pleH what ha hpperjF. a rî,iof4<, strpes jered upA the aat- The che Wwiti in the =~se 1at har i1r 1rnun s, Arbn off att' hinq .+ 1ingii desperately. BuL Parker is 'fleet o, bead.' ' waîs aeýotber adopted' chitcd, a ilClr~,Coo i 91, i~ nl, ntd i o- a r ioet. ~ ~ , sH3a 4ulg'tart lie was netI s'eriousl, threatened oJust in tune"' remarked the gil, who said Emlmanluel uns~~i ~ SL s i an scr O i asb pdoe h ieat h ( iw h. i .pursen. 'Mmre toy rnamke tI'ir thrashed be ause lie vvooli fot PLtNIY oie Rbr- .lodrA"ro aa y ui4bgievab< Wd the count, and the. cone 'art k gave, h- nI-e y Mh efcînr i.Ti hl aibe iiiii it' would ýave been an insuit dated tLi IotCIadwe es ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ae Ç hoot1nri titoy ù ee yfnnth frlnr '.Ty tcil had os, andi~iii mi0 1l~5 Mme",ud Um r! iu s <Q 1918.î Canada' e th~e' Republie if wue had en-. not reval an yhing m re, but fflUIP haW .,i an-'r Ia a : - . Ea ca h s fali n a ~ i o9rfl ~n~a ~ ~ ptr ql tere d the harbour 'without 'fy. the story in el le'M 1~ tta I t '. - s ot d - ocrQ .' 4 ~ 1as i~~+ W rtb~r hand , bhantds oi il KtU-ilti g the Loue Star lag~.and it Norton robbed ad lkillied a iraIv- M nnu ny 2.f00- P at trd, Srod -- flrn i, t 4+ teu htemai ehae because it wouillia'be be-ate]a i. .,ndty. itm - vo'uld have' c )st us .a h, ded eleaid tha-,t Thtaul wit' ' a Ploi r lptn --PI - ' 'y,' -dhIatr . . nessed the murdier. ~ eittomiAsFerth ~oIie»i' ~ 'When you go' on shore," lie 'Nortori waired teboy Ohatk 4G1i'LEs-~ a. or"ra- PTEOOE O as Lw ~ ~ P C'hrie Fam 43o Ymolvr,,< added, «be very' carefa mot fo questiônedl, "le mes tsa y ar,-tek Sta Eain.dis. 33iVe n 'Av. rarftt 5 buuF J-Wf %iyn u h htnosrn had caied at Mai r New> r 00 15 'dg L' se ~That anuunts 'te as.' the farm, Emmanuri ~semddf's'y bn.'nai .- ~ NOPI rlro, Di TI l .E S LMTE1)'~u~u jcitAnd (dor't refuseditoe "ie,-- - rein an fll r t4s bk o- ju jake 'nýwer Negbor te------ thlat 'while ANADINE<ALY TIEAF m=",K 272 n". Som m<7 ' if 'YO f(ee hot, They cailj it he was lboii.g 1lhrashed, Enois ia' - CA AU I MMEIEL STLEA C LaOr t CKr 1 lacli of aes1act -only' ta' d i uni k ýy-J, EXPERT n m h Tardcs_________ ars for that if y hit -,ý,oj ept] à aig Af 'Pa I,ý woirl flo Jirave 1n woid idfaiosbici orst banPES we'l 'neer see you agaîn." said: "FI' so cid?~ When hie ded. , ,, Ar F.- oily ptite. i r r% aj na.-P 2 o i. tiVO O -- - - ms-m ' ' Elections ara a farce, the voo ;J ' e-t a, on wt, .-is c - cloiinrrrin ' ffact s i - Kr, Carried'j ny ji mo R'0sctl bengne 'restricted 'teowr o - a pi O l P(rt0-tn, ilaC IpPiri's.-s O C.O.t>.~ ~, " ko 1rn, li, iai 4dfu i0.- i .,3 property wort-I !P2,500 -- that'ï D I Jý 1les an 0L Core0n la. visited g 4so 1 ,'ortyutesp1tc ned the 8,n, 1,~hp 0~ Liber n$-lAe rWing' yarte-' ~Washingtoil. - Mr. YiIit2eùt 6-l225-OS ,0-<is i0snlraI ir p g coke t ie 'ear1y last où-eIjIry. Veoti$l a1' us a mtan ne, peasiiy' di' n ,1e«." Fre 0 ' bo i4n wti omera A Io Sm ao nd'p'4vta ile srt'au nrso and ançe' fo But-ff hasky caras 'spasice rr.' ~ -~~Wd, ~ k rodi, ,'iý c.01e ' Jt tùo 1:) ers. ar-narke~d i dac o u e wsslul h Unti ýs0tY h at spq, nl uportaxa; cadci reently" wie n heo' peried "aJ Ul foo o o* rf r82fb U A, ' war' PO it'Àgi iý he, ' a3le ise 'v ' ."' ,iiu - package coritai nrg a do)! whc "bnral % ~ ~ ca u Ai' ynalt 'pork'r)VO S uý teiukè do p odlatd b &c ie q pote nd was tond te b, Wearing wýhait iA Gil" nm moe lea- bugl bn a ithat 'ae timpossible ais" 'ta- ~CTIl 'iou I-ta, a rc u ito puu~ mii~ -"Jm wî Thiey guia'dd" auaf ge y ng the2 sai-uaieia rî The axiwh had set in thie ' 2!lani 0w To. :cfii Sand"~e if L i l-i tý u il a pritf bae u mor than luiaf a cesnuy got rif back witli a note intrne' r"" m1k y arlp' o f ~ ha al u inteC poo 'iý J F brun au - '~L a-la 0113POsed Of ill bhave Con.- My -Du W-k fni f. ig 1m h wa lnokig Sa e u a m; o as f fa woavin . ?,k 0ois op ratuo another mu Pe i ngc lia blu ci o huad b n condanredi Ye oin 'Dn for iiiiouiir hn rus jýiJckD 4.i endr poa ofria 0a4 ýla dU cul nt c enenedot-J trSr t pan whyce Ii eUm namGdmom- antileai! r 'b" e upa" Samd u ' M DOYl&sKofici looks ;Qver< NU_____________ flo ttis f'ap - n, lire"ýtb 4 Cno e Loundt ee yene- tO Aune'da imb main . Aon o2 i1 ,coj)yrigh1, el-njj-ll Moifecr;1 voi it an in- 1 ïg f in oi appeara1Ice of the- 7n a rere'14tibra' l'ao each year for rieer jpubh1 ions MES' unrap uaTM & pi y 'ho and ha ei~ i gs n muiaïepstons. Wh-eu T1 T EVERY SMEFRER OF' uoa' ~ ~ ~ "" a:~s a w d fer, nietïau 1te appIyialg fa copyright ihe R T~uQl UItMEV EQJPNT oflf 0faxd iw'e Verbeîrc etf' u conipan'ý, 'ie-ýw re out as oop U.SA., a person is expectoti te PAUNRO'S DRUG STORE, b<~ o ang sle1tîlI in W ares ils froE 1rb cetu l h i,-ri ;i as poulie sent a-1 - a cu e'of 1--tie j5lge, ,- Oîw , fai a r4" t ' , nt be re u i ~ -~.r-~ huts r ç ta~i lr t trflîj 0 Z $15 r.2 Exrs Cc'ari ioal nasau palir" on ' -White,îe er 'nt"pioi OiiSdný - ali ,ani n e ed, lbrw ty, 4 ener 110,1.Ï 0~ sou e L i in c(,f pe -1o acký caPl 0 o ia iay ol y o. rrlf. Pi rr rod skin utt the atrate tirrourlit ore roson lbi' udtti maer wn some TheSUE CIocI< Ltd., Ste. C.6513IT WI T 'oty.a t vork' in K'01,lS fit hu n Stones Du c- areî warae Pati lr iiin thsè a s f' A'O<T'1$ 1 ~ e' '1eil ,ýou se',ý; eç'wîètafi2 ovd? coo il a detainfioit auud ÏVa ederosec can glow asbe a t>t- fu ortste eoe &'~aftiyof Hho 0flm simpl Yneu gaunin iieig k r L acss Lif n l sii tire wlir hiek 'é.t ibtiie c-a t n hi e r autim thr -J,, -r( ,S . Coîgo - on a i'inuhd motu leo Say more WouIai? Tèli> Liep "fPtt aily saei of bthy det u cec ugdes aaedry rnhnnwo i < l-'sindTiu~ vn dia -on. eîcrîc g toaste f0aomie hi ad-eau re or ntagon' jers Anedy i if Yeu tlra boy She ai taksan eens.h to s in lh roactrspt ou lsyar e po- Cook, ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ otint increas lumato a]d e1 eedozui'lo s Gli_ Haý theer' whit omtri?"ad fle wôot'hslt -ahrtai ai i a li"p ao, i auf the? Aoumi wtuhe brin b ga chuf .is ace~s s iêlis et been honuc Age ' e l i w4hpj staw, atre bc bngwtfsvrus whIrl e; a papr bii"t u lerng.lç aiga eumoferceif uaco u' ailc ore tethbes nthôwe fsg th , pelsb~. -E <a~ gien ii g-' bi 'morybihMonelo, is: f anilrec ha cstuesi0f adonis.~y' -&, -1g6, hiu" - 4- » -..r -an -la :eom ai- n er a adi e t ablse lit '"mt justs ef:: L ; 1.,VOyM theom pa st goeI

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