for FarmSafty eBea god hus DtW t 1~U < r. RapAexader, -NewîTi l"ntre ZeaIland physia and cxthe t_Ï0neft Nv- ie~yari tuep Puze becausc- of d ,onstrh- "V texserIouly t'ive realism." ru the hilo rîiga Ti o what h is"s of ~o i, Wact rtsTo m 0 henost'rewiaWl)e pýi*yer jri Lhe 1,~ Keept g~e~~r omadolow: rnerat7 Tc k~~y L~a~î~e hard on a~ ciouixçn tiv Te K8P i~si od~die from accidents Natîünal~~ Hoc!Ie Lege i ayr-Pair, Keep ail guardsý ai-& >pects is tal Élw in Ira (AI) Rollis, c o i diss lves oafety 4e if i I > e. S O r ês ns me d x g ___ rean tei Ilpes" ____ic '1Pisnareranec ___motors bfr naking a th o l - üýq lc a k, h oe ta 0 y-inse ern Je~ velop ihe ioly jeao I1h~k ~wJ~MO~~ t~an ~jiustments. q~t ~î - in çsted Iast ii1953-54 anid were tuirting, wep tr&d'to to il, Tisi Ispa-fo4ýmed thsfa evra Lcles mari tept1e, es ie ee rteH -eects a laX&l Sfgrourdý Always bWch Loo fori reptiles TIn~ Rlirsis rrarkable becausp, witb a tail-en tearr, fsillandamdb d Wmie o~th H~~t~y, no± ' -~ ?1oç~a~d af~rdirawvbar anid dïo not veýr- qcvt4aar in the majore thaue desgnad. as. rtdosesPeet~ your gun. 4 ~ ior~1agq~ e~n~1g ~itdoe cin. I~sad t ~p~a.3. Kno.w and obey ali traffib te tropy -ýi -on]ly onc bee As k th Hak -On one occaso a, wýas ias Iv rc~ hcdis a dangerous sport. laiiith ae the oespsibyasne tha fieieèted by a e slipý-91 periodiçaly. a t re! wihout- Rolis iiiirt have igh~It ouit ()fth 1 and Di'. Alexan4 i tgtý_lI tgOý 4. Be 'Fit'eslghted.? Don't onk CoilecenÙrate. rwo. latO -ord the bar or a#c 'Wlie R oli t ropty, -one ýynkial obeir re- t he coudl show.ed. unù!Rt,ýkable tibie mater': aJ, m<'aarked tji h~e &-n ort of war fo escapirgsgs hnigadbekn up Di/JV V 31goLpe ,c But tvv o- )thers ca leJ-dý)n Alexa.n40r shook 1$s ite and tA Oifrf I r~ a- linsrvh « ýa8 il hd29 goalsr~ .Ortbjiei n3A4ng ~ iJ~ tIIE RIflI 1 II iou,ýjws- jver 7 per gamý ncý dgb tmaio rernie except a eoup et ______________ what --ierr; j0 ot i ln was doirie. -.ll 's of Pn*ooa oNil' Th eakabouit e$tcaping with hi- jIfe îs iot eniRirely STYL IN "SHORTS" 5APabeiann in d- IS4P lin >st. The 1 3 goal sored on Roln i altofgas fshios fr mé n, nin ate mattcrr" ài eixas~ e s ~ e. B ~ k n~~~ ~ rm "a pw~ ovr iai ~T ~ U~-k -RE A ILç sevtv osyta, ii the course ofthie ,eason, h(e- was, showtJ Cst PG S PUI'ing, shQow.- the denH>nstr'îtons in~ the~ hope cockere9 . Wid , Of~ hik r 1> r ~ a 2O~ ho~ tlrend~< e to troutrs ai iacket of fotrcing . scentists to r*ý-og ory nr 1ýoý for~ ea j 955~~, ars a;eee goalrRe aJ-*u shrtdý Paport niý n td te ajc - _:: __ __: Beids eig gea foaer Rff-a iý;Srm(tliirg e a ticular stl Pitrd aW , frce" lie claibis to possessý phlsohr.Atr irIn- Ihvesen lhyyOasi yo an ot iD ý,ou 'oiaIeyris or 4reyo , H WlWh L ex Ih rig~vrga e -- the trtiidy he told'~ P.~ sport "Villed d'Ete, prchaaes aQ àf dual, P , a v.e. t t, d~er e4 teý writetrný e w i' tea like Chcao Weer y-iie jackete'of blck-t ç ton ,Yith aWt std ir)xoa ruiîeta 'ha, lt eaýth19f e . wge TtosnI-'fww ïs~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a iyéî' co tfnWe o'ewil nitýesic . or f,ýd jaiy bo~ IEae e.Sgs er~- *ra4ate gtR! wok yo keep viarni ad ijooe, Sorne gÔLa1es pcised %titching on cardigan C-oi- of the ,aille Pew rhi Novi- wn, C-1-ç ýÀIireao uDQwlh~ relr -i' r -- ee~ r. e &,ti thees sit becus theere col 0 a n al gae atjte kiud Unvriy U..A "fln ii ote cea ~~l ~ ~ .~. and ~II ir, àleeve u <V in CYt house' oui- gaç tDueU1est~t ~w.- batc»lI, ht. 2Por lnaxioun e9& Prc- wren-aI ti h te n1ýé ; P M y b e e fte lI w ýat n lo -k b e tte r w it i k) w e a k s e a iys > J a c k e t b a r, h ia d e n p o k- u nh d e r th e n ian e ýe x b ra -n s oie jýo " 1O slpt-t-iaot- bre ed s w L eM & P f71o , Hi U'DH a ~t1t~ ~ fl0.If~ e~ y good at <al.- hes cnd sýine.ks have c»ily sie eltin"h Thapy- wbee±edauto.baketi5HI ie chi O zà1~i fi trifid, 1jr , lf h s l 1> m e ane p1kes per etir, b- x n a y , Tis a o w- be rgatisJed "ný ue e b"lr ns %~f LI i> ds. Sepd --, cofkedele.lCa .72 idea- st -is goi; t0 "tto Wi sierr New wanted tryc îaylle In 19 0,TiEDL E C ICK )HA CY~ IERiE LTD., n-a Tonmt (Cowoy Anesn aH~U fowo h 92dr h iatdt rUUTARi PaietHT A iltY NwYr mrcn.delicate braiid o£ humour. Fie Ptrifi0t Forest natote'ey ab. borrowed a pair of Fatty Ar-,- ~ ~ L ~e~t v.Tr~ You e0mmfenf un G ýixcenl V ,î ewk buckle7s trousers, a cane, and -Across the Arizona ptateau, tW ~ei aese Darod Breapej Wtl'vhte AýN ci'"BR oeýierY neo b>' EIm*r e .rt c/0 CroI.eitf tî(3'2d 43" Y*q 1-, Ytowm ,, an ov-er!ized pair ot shoes, axc alniost a mile higli, !lie Little :-breeteday Aý . .Sitlh<9 foe, Theiar R aoiea i. enforten adopted the roie[ ot a see-dy dan- Colorado tlows i-orthwe7(St tû e , j" rte, 1,dat/ for luteraettzre. -j~tree tQny 5~ tstret, Olit dy. Tb w.4's an iiinedjiate suc- the big Colo-rado in the G~rand Tuirke>, atnol car «rn.O1 ' ,,.ess. Canyon. Thé broa4 valiey~o hs~-SO mi-n. W ei Hoi' î-xl)ainedc Th bowler, river is caled -tne Pairited Pçserb- 1 SIT1IL IMOAPWOiTES ~ Ri.Ya e eoilon. wt -, boa $mo-lir ie sfriving for dia- ~~~~~~~~becalise the rocks are >red, gr~en ri'$ E Dtçxteeit i ee floaci 1niao.a to ialsî .atvîl£ ecoom drkee Tliey' bo it airan1eed treatnient nlity. The moustache, ie vanity,ý. yeilôw aox 203,TdpsIza ~ ~ ,ioi- je.ea~I t~ya.athr bn~t rt W TIk The tlghtly buftoned cabt and es that change wîith every pass foi, br-teo iatte 9edn n Cr~ td., xSS W.I~ -. - the stick and his. whoie ~~~~ne~' lirig cioud. In -the Painited Desý_ert ¶o Wa-en Wue. h en Mty 8.9 TIA o1p wif - are a gestur4 towards galianitry! lies -the -famnous Pebritied For~est rrit "Éit tl'o gir e Olct Far' Yced2 Teeol l ,(Oitiele ~ I~!..a I P L i and dasb and Hfot'~ e -is try- with bthe trunks ef ancient btrees - 'trew tro Tre'TrhS t3orooto,. 0nai a, I à lng te inept bh wo.irld bra>veiy, changed bpto opal and a9a GiSLg4n ao~ J4TtM Nd pqti fhaf Uoý-e lkneow it so ve I1 Whipri- the Paintd Desert iiow J- r-,rOdnoe . *n.î t--e, e artte aof9n~ - andi pt hi-Zna,01R a r$ Y , lay iha, delta off a large river like -~~b oL Ce tni~.S One mormn~ i~ l~ lI~r~ c~ Lloyd, ~ the Missisipi. Fleodt' trom t se-giine sb..prt O l e 8onng ~ rd * fou j 05 q lJ t a li M adc $ aS en ett . t h~e ;t- L S ~ u p an d s carrio -doW t a etc i n, ri ip i-et0;, o p n -tt s >,ohtq~ und oaerr CI' rPion werrn the on)u n1 1 h msr x U «ý,qY Pdiaj.i azne Max Lùid e fo ndt& blie ade rse ý fEaii straid, film the~ saGrandnse'axou cor ed an eyêo îlesil ait a tç 1c obaate.. dUeck te, f thn oo. bcl Ole receivedag *On o!x 1iid i Is. 1 ~ 0fe lwt'termand W ert uprlsed th -e d Wjaia alr~4 thé'- Pine stifl riankn Cha pET~T5 n-erCharlesteli) Be i n é.d and and. wa,-i thei long ______ andWil1~1p tÔis~l Coen, y And he p.-IV Qu bsIWdhs urial te tnk o thiet te,5 Piy' "T e P ùtgàho., ar.U Les -th paIrlel ,Oj Erien1e The ~ ~ Cl-i liceu forcen-s~t d hcis '0 - eaoiig roie n ture ped mre uir-en the N-neces, ftee-v ? iÈaeN>_ a fii a inir on ý I ced"l s j d y, wýe s One te- l th thl r4lke., as~ diu q aç h u -. p a t A the~ rain W r'tti as1 B A C 155- W e Itb then all owep o t0 mfo- ii "Pv day in th la4eh. we, werewod' grow, etVrs wash aw erythe sas a n Tahe tbolvd -f co ers thf Yt g. ~ trte e:,poe4 oncesdt e _ _ _ ~ O AVCI~iT- -- l u l On tder h3"xtlb d - -hc was TîPla5.CI But~D UA SO 11$ý --cmi .rtaa-er aa 1.) 1 -n re th - f >hose Were usd for4 >dys iec -he 'e- a groow -seve. asi a~e N - ~ S~n - - -QW % I Qen la e M tott ) 0-Fiet i -lo pew ______________________e out Lrdrwsoiest , i s-i, lu-. >Ct-s-ri Chpi lia M a ï e4f! ad r ~~ti d~ e rnr -p te bey fleefa. Sa ro, The as by - ter' jte ose th -whtroste costales.~t ars -asho e nWiý ,tith' ùci_ _ __ _ __ _ ualapa ts ompant,- ilia , 60--e Cisp lin h&(, hala *l to 1 Jacki BMe one t J im_ DrVe 1i500icrst .~~- ~ Since hade de ax de ael cern tnt- orina'¶ apic eh ci in-t- that~t lie insurc thne.. f-13 $40,-l.c Cia '), 1 P ï-,e il t y f ,I Mea ( h*-,, ,ýjpý Bfoe L n- 00 ag int oin sra1j,. he pletlynew sthy alngný cone three - ha s i~sn a th re- - - -~~4 das adt hgî ta srac-e rtc bôe- crau of -,t-r a tnmeGtioia ,%alendb c irnk,- aeý1ogý c pn fl00 Bt lîh4s one fO ag tuaier~ ~on Yte - rîth eustard~~~ss ,pe ïië th~gh hat- o~îrpt a, il, ine ashg --a on -lte '101P aldaaad pi..ýak f hi pco te -, h, , i.e r tt rb cl, ,- tine er nrt--on of e Ofr the waer -hn tc 1'tb 3etebewar Dpesh aur--l amios Brves' @-- -- , -NWWWP- 1 -- - - <