JThe Orono Red Cros bias di's- £U* X ICE7uIuu>5 08 ti a year's suIjply of capsules toeey sel oli n tlie Township. wl omneort Thursday, Sep- - k The suiner swimmili g ntruction A eai<rono. Reg joSlenson a t thé leal park was di use xi AuctMlne L Dionald 1uk O a g it is thé initentioni of the Association tcontact Mrs. Denald Staples l Juîce With 3 Pckgs jhsIisobeel pri to the fun~d raising cajipin 0Of Piectsweet Prod4cts EId .To Orono iPark -Board 15 oz. Parajnount Fancy Nin'i'BtÎt pe Ansattnde or... 5 Red Sl7wIeye Sa 1moonn V2 Nihn iXteresWeM Jpsns avaac o Park B oro Monday evenling atiYMcntp~ ore~8 .. .. 7 te fiieA atnet.Y u cntprt t.ylrefa Kleeuex Reg. or ftLb 2 for 39 t1 1 - teAprtgas it such hazards. . .t.ut '~~IIU~~~~ Mr. R. R. Waddell subraitted thei ,garaant op~ ........ 79 Nugget (AU Shades) fillancial report of the Park which asInunci lwyy Nugget (AilShades15- howed a, surplus of $3,989.Qu Ionse.nrie 5aWy y8 Sh~Pls...........15 Duidng the geral discussion itl . -was voiced that the sstem ~of ~charg- CALL ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ing twenty-five cents for car parkcing i -c ie g hi mo nt c me t prvdsatisfactory and the cost of f. PORTER I twenty per cent of the gross. Iwas stated that.nothing bad been _______________ donc during the yea~r towaitds a Meni- orlal to the late Miss M. Hall who OrEetc ha-d bequest a sum of noney Oix> the 0110 ~Park. It' wasa the opiion of the meet- Phone 93 r 1 lng that this should be completed. t was pointed out that nio sutt4e Memorialh h Hbeen advanced. Mr. 0.- CONTIRACT0RIS FOR Gerry suggested that a stone vvater ift's Premiium 8 o. lç. fountain bW c9xstructed and< a..plaquea FARVLand IIOJSIE in mierniry of Mis-Hall be pIaced on Am b~~oard to take action. Fe U~A meeting on Monday, Fehiary I w '1 6 "4 5 c 7th hasbeen s4ated ,en the Board APPLIANCE SALES wishes to nmeet wvith Mr. C. Winter If' ellnl2-lb.s S ue g, -lirouontr. o t]ion of E "tricl quimeW. practice bail diamiond in south -West ~~ t~ corner of the park These mnatters flaeo tJU ~ were left ovexr to be deait with by the Directors. U A F0 *akfast ausage, kinles~It was delicidpd to invest $2,500. inLSKADOT ,akfast Sausge, Skinles$bonds rather than have it ina'the bank EAROT RE K A T S U A E c where it 4I'ew littie îniterest. Eeti n ctln Wedjng A ~w ~emorwas eleét-2d to thel Wel4d sh Lean Butt board for a two year term lin the pcr- - pcilinf ;M -JL- ~~~son of Mr-.1Dane Foiffd. Mr. Lva11 UMNM N ZN 'ORK RQÀ&ST m45e Lowery, a iretiring director, did *not ASE NMEADL stand for election. The board now sh Picaje Style Shouilder eornp.r5s 0s f Messrs A. E. West, R. AlWrGaate 08K aIOr tdAST 35RWaddell I.M. Mercer, W. H, hne Oron 1ring 5 ring Tender, Shiced EF LIVER 2c jI if t's Premiant, Store Sliced V b 'atirlV týti 1%0à m»r IVAW '15s pr- mptyo tocal uol