Oro-no Pe-èoliice Tru' Polîcy For Rural: The Village rustees inet in a spec- 'ai session onThrsl evening, o)f last vveek~we a fire protection ngleemlet wa,-,s se.,t up for resicnts ,f the Township whio vish to lakes use Aof it.Aso discussed was ronds ~and ~riaehoxveverla litis m llatler no defiie SIts were taken. It was agreed bhy thle Truistees -that -hey would giue fre protection to propeWt.es outside the villge under the terus of the fire agreement as set op n Trrsa'evenhtig. ],.',-as ponte- et thAt an ,W0111dhave to be set uip as the fr equtlipmenit should trav-el olly a cer- týain istneoLits-*de tLhe villalge. Thie Trunste-es set the folowing bond-aiýesý Noriith to te 8th concession road (eitl-,mr sîde) of t!xe rond; south t the 4th concession; eat to lot . 21 on onesIont concession 8 api, on the west to the Clarke-Darlngton Lhound(-1 arie S. Conisider-ab1ý discunssýion evolved ar-ound thp ehrgL'or sucli a service- hefinalouc e set the fees at al rhreof$5O and a chlarge of ,10Û00 for each cail. It was stated by E. R. Woodývard that any Insurance Cmaywould pay the $100.00, R.1 C.Forrester ho)wever stated that this amp-arently was not the case wthail f he pax I he~ thaV as adc wht. th~i bu~ if ~4 rest thi~ wo~ Leenit be i1] -o be fevieiý $1.50 for ti d Çross Caiim pai f ons-, -